Plant training week 2 of veg, advise


Well-Known Member
Strip away some of those big leaves and pull the branches down with pipe cleaners tied to holes/slits you put in the top of the pots.


Active Member
I have these plants 2 weeks into veg from seeds, but i have no clue how to train them like LST but if i bend 1 over the other side will be in the dark, so what do i do?
I'm still on my first grow, I started with 2 clones and tried doing some lst but wasn't very successful. I was super scared of hurting the plant but now being in 3 weeks of flowering I see what it would've done and how beneficial it would've been if i would've done it. When I was trying to achieve it, I would each day adjust the canopy to be even and even if they're pointing out in a different direction, they'll naturally start bending up towards the light. Also pic 3 and 4 looks like you have some type of deficiency going on with those girls in the back.


Active Member
But I've seen some amazing photos of what lst can do. Make a plant look like a highway of branches going outward. Quite impressive that the plants can do that imo :razz::razz:


Active Member
Sup, now im more into my veg n im about 2-3 weeks left before flower, n i noticed i have a droppy, dry little clawing effect on my leafs, any susgestions how to fix?
I I water 2 time daily, good runoff, 850ppm in and 950 runoff out, ph 5.8 temps r 76-80°f. Rh- 57-64%

