My PC Case Grow Box NanoMachine


Active Member
IS there any way you could send me the plans, html? or somthing.
Im doing a closet grow right now, but want to try this out when i "cant" grow.


Well-Known Member
IS there any way you could send me the plans, html? or somthing.
Im doing a closet grow right now, but want to try this out when i "cant" grow.
Well... I don't have any plans... I did it like I think of doing it ok with the case I had.. depends on what you have... I used lots of Hot Glue Gun to glue almost everything. If you want, I could try taking some more pictures... what you wanna know exactly?


Well-Known Member

I replaced one of my bulbs by a 42Watts CFL wich I believe is 2600K and 2600lumens. I found that my plants wasn't growing as fast as it could... I'll test with this bulb now.



Well-Known Member
the 6500k cfls are the best for veg, im having great results with them.
for optimal growth however, that light needs to be within 3 inches of the top of that plant


Well-Known Member
the 6500k cfls are the best for veg, im having great results with them.
for optimal growth however, that light needs to be within 3 inches of the top of that plant
As you can see, I'm on 12/12 from seed.... I read that 2600K are better for flowering. Would you recommend 6500K anyway? Maybe I could replace the Aquarium Bulb for a 6500K and use both of them? What you think?


Well-Known Member
I've put the light within 3 inches ot the top of the plant... have you read my last reply? I,m curious to know your opinion about the 6500K and 2700K.


Active Member
haha! man that looks cool!
innovative, stealthy, just what you want!

i hope you get a good yield from that, keep us updated with pics

good luck



Well-Known Member
well since they are still vegging .... i would think a mix of the 6500 / 2600 would work best... or you can just run the 6500's until they sex


Well-Known Member
well since they are still vegging .... i would think a mix of the 6500 / 2600 would work best... or you can just run the 6500's until they sex
Ok cool, I'll go buy a 6500k tomorrow... I'm wondering if 2 X 42W CFLs are too much light and heat in there? hehe! Maybe not... I'm running around 29 celcius with the setup I have right now.


Well-Known Member
I've added a 42W 6500K. So now I'm running one 2700K 42W and one 6500K 42W. I think I have enough lighting now... haha!



Well-Known Member
I was testing my temperature with the 2 CFLs and it got up to 34 celcius(93 Farenheit). Now I turned off the 2700K and temperature is down to 27 celcius(80 farenheit).

Is 93 too high???


Well-Known Member
yes 93 is too hot, plant is looking a little stressed ... just leave the one 6500 on and see if you can get that temp down to 75-80


Well-Known Member
pretty cool. I considered building one of these awhile back, but I had no spare cases, and I didn't want to shell out the funds for used server towers, so I never did. But I like your design and just seeing it I can tell where I could also make some small improvements.

The fan might be dragging hot air from the lamps right past the plant before exhausting it. You look a little cramped for space, but you may be able to improve upon this design some if you also had a narrow drop ceiling and had the fan directly above the lights pulling all the hot air thats rising to the top.

Maybe my idea would not work as well as having two fans in the same horizontal area, one pushing to the other, as it is now, but its a suggestion. maybe for others who might attempt the build, maybe just for me. lol

Anyways, not trying to slag on your setup or look for faults. Looks nice for what you want. I wish you much luck with your grow and further development. Thanks for taking the time to share and for the clear photos. I'm sure others will incorporate some in their own setups.


Well-Known Member
That is kick ass!! i build pc's and never thought about that, i think i got enough pc junk to build me one.
Man, I think it's the best idea I ever had... haha! PC Cases are the perfect stealth thing for growing. No one will ever imagine you could do this right in front of them...


Well-Known Member
I'm a little disapointed... doesn't grow fast. I think it's because when I transplanted it I damaged some roots and now it's probably trying to get the roots good again.... I hope it will get better in the next week.


T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
tip turn your pot so the plant is in front of the cfm it will strenghten your stem and will give a jump to growth considering the small space

good luck growing looks light i great setup

i think the light green and yeloowing is also from the heat because of the small space

take out the gams and see if you can get a 5700k cfl or whatever the veg on is and put it half way on the right side

that would be perfect