Meanwhile, on Parler

I care about the future of America. I never though Trump was a good guy. He does and says a lot of stupid ass shit. I don't believe everything anyone says. That's why I watch new from all different sources.

I do care about my freedom to own guns. That's a huge one for me. I want more freedom, not less. I don't care what anybody decides to do with their own bodies. That's also a right that I think is important for everyone to have. Jobs are definitely important to me. And I love all races as long as everyone follows the rules to become a citizen legally. I actually love the diversity of America.

I never said to attack or kill anyone just because I don't agree. What happen on Wed was horrible, and I didn't support it. Another stupid thing Trump did and said. I did really like how Trump made everyone realize that China's been taking advantage of us. Even Biden stole a couple of his ideas. "Build Back Better", and "Buy American". You can't tell me he didn't get that idea and slogan from Trump.

Again. I don't worship the guy at all. Just liked some of his policies and handling of foreign policy. Plus I didn't have to worry about anyone wanting to take my gun rights away, lol.

Just because I don't agree with the far left doesn't make me a racist trumptard, but there's no convincing anyone in here of that.
I love how the Republican Party puts the fear in you guys about guns. It’s so funny.

It’s so easy to herd sheep.
I care about the future of America. I never though Trump was a good guy. He does and says a lot of stupid ass shit. I don't believe everything anyone says. That's why I watch new from all different sources.

I do care about my freedom to own guns. That's a huge one for me. I want more freedom, not less. I don't care what anybody decides to do with their own bodies. That's also a right that I think is important for everyone to have. Jobs are definitely important to me. And I love all races as long as everyone follows the rules to become a citizen legally. I actually love the diversity of America.

I never said to attack or kill anyone just because I don't agree. What happen on Wed was horrible, and I didn't support it. Another stupid thing Trump did and said. I did really like how Trump made everyone realize that China's been taking advantage of us. Even Biden stole a couple of his ideas. "Build Back Better", and "Buy American". You can't tell me he didn't get that idea and slogan from Trump.

Again. I don't worship the guy at all. Just liked some of his policies and handling of foreign policy. Plus I didn't have to worry about anyone wanting to take my gun rights away, lol.

Just because I don't agree with the far left doesn't make me a racist trumptard, but there's no convincing anyone in here of that.
Nice reply PW. We all should be able to voice our opinions. OPINIONS tho! Because most of the shit we hear on TV is bullshit but so many people spout it as TRUTH.

IMO globalism failed. Many Americans don't want it and (IMO) made China stronger under Obama. This world is not yet ready for globalism. But I do see it as our future.
Nice reply PW. We all should be able to voice our opinions. OPINIONS tho! Because most of the shit we hear on TV is bullshit but so many people spout it as TRUTH.

IMO globalism failed. Many Americans don't want it and (IMO) made China stronger under Obama. This world is not yet ready for globalism. But I do see it as our future.
Thank you for a reasonable response. That's rare in this section.
It is funny that he is crying on a forum that he is unable to cry on another forum because they are stopping him from lying on it, stopping him from being able to say whatever he wants, when he is still doing it. Meaning he has not had his free speech infringed.

The circle jerk (il)logic is outstanding.
Is shutting down his or anyone’s account for speech not a violation of 230 protections? Is it only ok because you don’t like him? What if it was someone you agree with tomorrow, because it will be sooner or later?
Is shutting down his or anyone’s account for speech not a violation of 230 protections? Is it only ok because you don’t like him? What if it was someone you agree with tomorrow, because it will be sooner or later?
Exactly, but they don't see that. Hell a lot of these guys making comments don't even live here in the US, but whatever.
Nice reply PW. We all should be able to voice our opinions. OPINIONS tho! Because most of the shit we hear on TV is bullshit but so many people spout it as TRUTH.

IMO globalism failed. Many Americans don't want it and (IMO) made China stronger under Obama. This world is not yet ready for globalism. But I do see it as our future.
Under Obama? Heck, they closed the plant down where I worked and sent it to China in the 90's.
They are private companies exercising their rights....go find another bakery
They lost. I live up the hill from that bakery. There are far better bakeries to go to around here, so my guess is they did it on purpose to create a stir up. The couple knew damn well the business owner wouldn't want to make a cake like that. They knew his views. It was more a setup than anything and they still lost in the courts.
