Meanwhile, on Parler

You guys keep stoking the fire. This isn't gonna help anything. If people can't use their voices to express themselves what do you think they'll do next. I was taught to try to resolve differences through talking, but if you take that away this is gonna be a dangerous country in no time.
Fuck them. Already dangerous because of them. Should have razed the south, made the cowards flag illegal, and executed their traitor president for treason. Man, is their an echo in this
The spawn of Lindsey Graham. Oh, we've got to heal and come together as one. Bipartisanship, let's move on and ignore this tragic attempt at overthrowing the government. Impeachment will only drive us further apart. Fellate yourself, it's your best bet.
Padawana cracker?
But...they apologized...isn't that enough? Their really sorry. "Please, don't ruin my life over this. I just got caught up in a moment." Time to flush.
^^Look at that, just look at it. Joe actually strung enough words together to say something worth responding to.

He overlooks how Parler doesn't meet the requirements that is in Google's user agreement for companies using their platform to drive their own social media site. One could argue that their user agreement had been breached a long time ago. One could argue that Google was glad for their money regardless until users of that site plotted a violent overthrow of our government. One could argue that Google might not be as upright and honest as they now say they are. But that wasn't what PW is arguing. He'd be wrong if he did but it would at least be worthy of discussion.

Instead he made the very stupid argument that "Google has too much power", which is why they should let traitors plot the overthrow of our democracy free from corporate rules.
Zuckerberg and Dorsey are co-conspirators. The propaganda wing of the turd Reich.
I care about the future of America. I never though Trump was a good guy. He does and says a lot of stupid ass shit. I don't believe everything anyone says. That's why I watch new from all different sources.

I do care about my freedom to own guns. That's a huge one for me. I want more freedom, not less. I don't care what anybody decides to do with their own bodies. That's also a right that I think is important for everyone to have. Jobs are definitely important to me. And I love all races as long as everyone follows the rules to become a citizen legally. I actually love the diversity of America.

I never said to attack or kill anyone just because I don't agree. What happen on Wed was horrible, and I didn't support it. Another stupid thing Trump did and said. I did really like how Trump made everyone realize that China's been taking advantage of us. Even Biden stole a couple of his ideas. "Build Back Better", and "Buy American". You can't tell me he didn't get that idea and slogan from Trump.

Again. I don't worship the guy at all. Just liked some of his policies and handling of foreign policy. Plus I didn't have to worry about anyone wanting to take my gun rights away, lol.

Just because I don't agree with the far left doesn't make me a racist trumptard, but there's no convincing anyone in here of that.
No one is taking guns. Fucking stupid. Money is the only thing that matters.
I care about the future of America. I never though Trump was a good guy. He does and says a lot of stupid ass shit. I don't believe everything anyone says. That's why I watch new from all different sources.

I do care about my freedom to own guns. That's a huge one for me. I want more freedom, not less. I don't care what anybody decides to do with their own bodies. That's also a right that I think is important for everyone to have. Jobs are definitely important to me. And I love all races as long as everyone follows the rules to become a citizen legally. I actually love the diversity of America.

I never said to attack or kill anyone just because I don't agree. What happen on Wed was horrible, and I didn't support it. Another stupid thing Trump did and said. I did really like how Trump made everyone realize that China's been taking advantage of us. Even Biden stole a couple of his ideas. "Build Back Better", and "Buy American". You can't tell me he didn't get that idea and slogan from Trump.

Again. I don't worship the guy at all. Just liked some of his policies and handling of foreign policy. Plus I didn't have to worry about anyone wanting to take my gun rights away, lol.

Just because I don't agree with the far left doesn't make me a racist trumptard, but there's no convincing anyone in here of that.

Hey everyone, the party that said Mexicans were all rapists and murderers doesn't like assumptions being made about them, weird huh?
If guns don't work, try appealing to their bigotry. If they are religion addicts, abortion. So easy to whip the ignorant around. Wag the dog shit.
Don't forget 'minorities city dwellers are coming to your suburb to burn your house down and rape your kids' if you need people less that full on racist to be scared enough to vote for the guy that clears out peaceful protesters.

Hey everyone, the party that said Mexicans were all rapists and murderers doesn't like assumptions being made about them, weird huh?
Right? Or how about Mexican judges not being able to fairly hear my case.
Is shutting down his or anyone’s account for speech not a violation of 230 protections? Is it only ok because you don’t like him? What if it was someone you agree with tomorrow, because it will be sooner or later?
It's ok, because the internet is not
You don't even live here. You only hear what they tell you.
Plenty of people who "live here" only listen to FOX lie. And plenty of people who "live here" are too dumb to call what they do with their brains as "thoughts."
Freedom & authoritarianism do not co-mingle. Don't fool yourself on the gun issue. Trump, just like Putin, would take away guns in a heartbeat if it would benefit Trump. Seriously, what makes anyone believe Trump would do otherwise? Who has he not thrown under the bus besides every person close to him and more than half of America? He is a malignant narcissist. That is exactly what they do.

He was pro-choice until he needed to be anti-abortion to get elected. He's the "anti-war" president that has dropped more munitions than any other recent president. He enjoys seeing Pence hunted & threatens "weak" Republiocans. He doesn't give a shit about you as a gun owner any more than he cares about Pence or Fox News or democracy or free speech. "Gun owner" doesn't make you special to Trump, you know, special as a "real" American. To him it makes you just any easy vote.

It's like the free speech issue, "Free speech" to Trump is where he can throw out baseless accusations, aka lies about people, but sue over unflattering stories. He sued a guy for writing Trump wasn't actually a billionaire, that his net worth was closer to $350 M. Trump lost that suit BTW.
I feel like I'm gonna regret jumping into the politics room but real talk, I have a honest question. we seem to get along when discussing weed tho and I can see you are trying to have a legit conversation so let me ask a few questions and maybe you can help me understand maybe something I'm missing or vice versa. Definitely not trying to argue. Just trying to understand bc a lot of this just makes no sense to me.

can you explain why you think people can't express themselves? do you agree that expressing discontent is one thing, plotting and carrying out violence that results in people dying is another? so as long as things as civil why can't ppl still use facebook/Twitter or any other website? no one is banned there bc of political party or religious affiliation. that would be actual discrimination. so I dont see how rights are being denied?

I honestly think its a false equivalency to a place like China or NK where just saying you disagree with the political system will get you locked up. thats not what's happening here, and I think its trivializing real oppressed people to pretend that it is. no offense.

also gonna be honest. the argument you are making sounds a lot like what abusive alcoholics say when they beat their wives and kids. "look what you made me do to you". Sometimes life doesn't go how we planned, doesn't give us the right to start killing people because of it.

last thing. you do realize that repealing Section 230 would most likely mean the end of RIU and any online forums right? it is one of the key things that let the internet flourish for the last 25 yrs. If that is taken away then whoever owns RIU could get sued for anything illegal that gets posted on here including text and photos. this is the one that I have the hardest time with. Repealing Section 230 is going to lessen your freedoms, and make it so only the super rich or corporations can afford to publish any website or app with user generated content. Can't figure out how Republicans want more government oversight and regulations for private businesses?
It's just babies crying. They can't express themselves because language is based on linear thoughts that lead to a point. They have circular logic, and are able to hold 2 or 3 opposing views simultaneously (patriots stormed capitol unless you don't like it, then it was ANTIFA. BLM are thugs, but maga fucks carry guns into capitols, try to kidnap officials, attempt to overthrow democracy in the most stupid possible coup.) So, you can't listen to the words they say, they don't understand the meanings. Just listen to their cries and change their diapers, because they have shit all over themselves again. And if we keep feeding them, they are just going to ruin this fresh diaper.

Column: I took part in a pro-Trump attack on the US Capitol and now I have to face consequences? That’s tyranny!

Hello, I am a patriotic supporter of President Donald Trump who broke into the U.S. Capitol and attacked police officers because I believed the election was stolen and it was my duty to overthrow the government using only a flagpole I picked up along the way and the horns on the cool viking helmet I wore.

I am now being told I have lost my job and might go to prison. This is an absurd, Orwellian trampling of my First Amendment rights, according to a person I follow on Twitter.

What kind of country are we if an outstanding citizen like myself can be fired, arrested and charged with domestic terrorism just because I livestreamed myself joining hundreds of other freedom fighters in attempting to crush a screaming law enforcement officer before defecating in the offices of Democratic lawmakers?

As the CEO of a small company, my rights have been constantly trampled by leftists and I have had to endure unspeakable horrors like using LED lightbulbs and having my Facebook account shut down because I kept using it to threaten a violent uprising against my own country. And now, just because I destroyed federal property, put the lives of members of Congress at risk and engaged in an attack that led to the death of a police officer, I’m the one who has to face consequences?!?

That seems both unfair and tyrannical. I have never once had to face consequences before, so clearly there’s a problem.

Fortunately, I have a highly paid lawyer on retainer who joined me in Washington, D.C., and he will be representing me in this matter as soon as he posts bail on charges of domestic terrorism and fights back at the employer who fired him.

And now, I turn the microphone over to a Republican lawmaker from my district.

Hello, I am a Congressional Republican who loudly repeated President Donald Trump’s claims that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen.” I also egged on the pro-Trump mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol.

It is tragic that large corporate donors like Hallmark, American Express and Marriott are saying they will no longer give me money and that my colleagues in the Democratic Party are attempting to have me removed from office because I committed an innocent act of sedition and may have incited people to attempt a violent disruption of government activity.

Clearly this is an attempt to silence me, and no, I do not believe it’s ironic that I’m saying that in front of a large bank of television cameras.

What we need right now in this country is unity. Clearly, the only way to achieve unity is for Democrats and all others disturbed by the domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol to immediately stop trying to blame those responsible for the attack and to not hold them accountable in any way.

Did the FBI issue an internal bulletin Monday warning of plans for armed protests in all 50 state capitals and in Washington in the days before President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated? Yes, but I’m sure that has nothing to do with the prior deadly insurrection I may or may not have incited.

What I do know is this: To bring Americans together, we should all be laser focused on the fact that I have lost 20,000 Twitter followers in the past day, a clear act of censorship that certainly has no connection to the social media company’s decision to purge white supremacists, violent conspiracy theorists and other users propagating dangerous disinformation.

And now I’ll hand things over to a right-wing radio talk show host.

Hi there, I’m a conservative radio host and I’m deeply troubled that I might get fired if I continue to say the presidential election was rigged or do anything to inspire heavily armed citizens to lash out violently at our government.

Though I’ve been doing all of that nonstop for the past several months, I learned Monday that my company “will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths.’” Anyone who suggests otherwise “can expect to separate from the company immediately.”

This is clearly unconstitutional, as the Founding Fathers firmly believed private broadcasting companies must let their employees say whatever they want, no matter how baseless, inflammatory or anti-democratic it might be.

Frankly, I don’t want to live in a country where the company paying me an enormous amount of money can fire me simply because I say something like: “I’m telling you, folks, they ARE STEALING YOUR COUNTRY OUT FROM UNDER YOU AND IF YOU DON’T STAND UP, RIGHT NOW AND TAKE UP ARMS AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT, THE GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO COME AND STEAL YOUR CHILDREN AND ENSLAVE THEM AND THEN BOIL YOU AND SERVE YOU TO YOUR ENSLAVED CHILDREN!!!!”

As the others here today have already made clear, actions that lead to violence, death and an attempted coup must NOT be met with consequences. Rather, they should be met with appeasement and an admission that everything was actually the fault of liberals.

Anything less is an outrage, a trampling of our First Amendment rights, censorship, tyranny and an attempt to destroy America, which, quite frankly, is our job.

We will now refuse to take questions.
Don't forget 'minorities city dwellers are coming to your suburb to burn your house down and rape your kids' if you need people less that full on racist to be scared enough to vote for the guy that clears out peaceful protesters.

Right? Or how about Mexican judges not being able to fairly hear my case.
Racism has and always will be the only reason they have stayed with Trump. They know he's a racists, just like they know he's a liar. It was never about election fraud, they were talking civil war when trump was being impeached. These people/fascists hate America and our values, they want to destroy the system, and aren't willing to stop at anything to do it.
Hey everyone, the party that said Mexicans were all rapists and murderers doesn't like assumptions being made about them, weird huh?
That is a complete lie. The lack of accountability from both parties have left ppl like me without anyone to vote for. Up until BHO I was a true liberal. But the flat out lies and hatefulness from the left is not something I'm on board with.

Parler finds refuge with right-leaning webhosting service

A handful of Big Tech companies moved to take down social media platform Parler over the weekend, but it appears to have found a new company to help try to keep its website running.

On Monday, Parler registered its domain and server to be hosted by Epik, an internet webhosting company known for working with right-leaning websites. Gab, another social media platform popular with conservatives, also uses Epik. A web domain search shows that Parler is now registered with Epik.

Epik put out a statement on Monday claiming it had no discussion of providing future services to Parler. Epik did acknowledge, however, that Parler was "working on satisfying the requested terms placed upon them."

Epik also defended Parler and said that it was being unfairly treated in comparison to its larger competitors Twitter and Facebook, which create an "undeniable double standard" when it comes to their policing and enforcement of content.

Earlier Monday, Amazon stopped providing cloud services to Parler, causing the website to go offline. Apple and Google have also removed the Parler app from their platforms. These actions have brought the platform to a standstill, just days after it was the most downloaded application in the country on Friday.

Parler sued Amazon on Monday, alleging that the tech giant's actions are unfair, anti-competitive, and politically motivated because Amazon has not taken any action against Twitter for similar violent content on its platform. Twitter is also a client of Amazon Web Services business for hosting websites.

In its lawsuit, Parler claimed that, without Amazon's support, "Parler is finished as it has no way to get online." Parler also said that switching to a different service provider, like Epik, in order to host its platform would require significant changes to its website, which would cause the website to go offline for a "financially devastating period."
Really? Which policies did you like? Wasting money on a useless wall? Separating families at the border? Banning Muslims from entering the country? Trade wars that hurt the economy?

Nobody is going to take away your guns. The government isn’t worried about you and your little gun. If they want you dead your gun won’t help. You’ll be picked off from 20 miles from a drone you didn’t know was there. Dumbass.

You don’t have to be from the “far left” to realize that anyone who supports a racist with an obvious racist agenda is more than likely a racist.
When you stand next Nazis, no one else is going to be able to see a difference. You have to object to the rhetoric or you support it.

Column: I took part in a pro-Trump attack on the US Capitol and now I have to face consequences? That’s tyranny!

Hello, I am a patriotic supporter of President Donald Trump who broke into the U.S. Capitol and attacked police officers because I believed the election was stolen and it was my duty to overthrow the government using only a flagpole I picked up along the way and the horns on the cool viking helmet I wore.

I am now being told I have lost my job and might go to prison. This is an absurd, Orwellian trampling of my First Amendment rights, according to a person I follow on Twitter.

What kind of country are we if an outstanding citizen like myself can be fired, arrested and charged with domestic terrorism just because I livestreamed myself joining hundreds of other freedom fighters in attempting to crush a screaming law enforcement officer before defecating in the offices of Democratic lawmakers?

As the CEO of a small company, my rights have been constantly trampled by leftists and I have had to endure unspeakable horrors like using LED lightbulbs and having my Facebook account shut down because I kept using it to threaten a violent uprising against my own country. And now, just because I destroyed federal property, put the lives of members of Congress at risk and engaged in an attack that led to the death of a police officer, I’m the one who has to face consequences?!?

That seems both unfair and tyrannical. I have never once had to face consequences before, so clearly there’s a problem.

Fortunately, I have a highly paid lawyer on retainer who joined me in Washington, D.C., and he will be representing me in this matter as soon as he posts bail on charges of domestic terrorism and fights back at the employer who fired him.

And now, I turn the microphone over to a Republican lawmaker from my district.

Hello, I am a Congressional Republican who loudly repeated President Donald Trump’s claims that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen.” I also egged on the pro-Trump mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol.

It is tragic that large corporate donors like Hallmark, American Express and Marriott are saying they will no longer give me money and that my colleagues in the Democratic Party are attempting to have me removed from office because I committed an innocent act of sedition and may have incited people to attempt a violent disruption of government activity.

Clearly this is an attempt to silence me, and no, I do not believe it’s ironic that I’m saying that in front of a large bank of television cameras.

What we need right now in this country is unity. Clearly, the only way to achieve unity is for Democrats and all others disturbed by the domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol to immediately stop trying to blame those responsible for the attack and to not hold them accountable in any way.

Did the FBI issue an internal bulletin Monday warning of plans for armed protests in all 50 state capitals and in Washington in the days before President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated? Yes, but I’m sure that has nothing to do with the prior deadly insurrection I may or may not have incited.

What I do know is this: To bring Americans together, we should all be laser focused on the fact that I have lost 20,000 Twitter followers in the past day, a clear act of censorship that certainly has no connection to the social media company’s decision to purge white supremacists, violent conspiracy theorists and other users propagating dangerous disinformation.

And now I’ll hand things over to a right-wing radio talk show host.

Hi there, I’m a conservative radio host and I’m deeply troubled that I might get fired if I continue to say the presidential election was rigged or do anything to inspire heavily armed citizens to lash out violently at our government.

Though I’ve been doing all of that nonstop for the past several months, I learned Monday that my company “will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths.’” Anyone who suggests otherwise “can expect to separate from the company immediately.”

This is clearly unconstitutional, as the Founding Fathers firmly believed private broadcasting companies must let their employees say whatever they want, no matter how baseless, inflammatory or anti-democratic it might be.

Frankly, I don’t want to live in a country where the company paying me an enormous amount of money can fire me simply because I say something like: “I’m telling you, folks, they ARE STEALING YOUR COUNTRY OUT FROM UNDER YOU AND IF YOU DON’T STAND UP, RIGHT NOW AND TAKE UP ARMS AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT, THE GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO COME AND STEAL YOUR CHILDREN AND ENSLAVE THEM AND THEN BOIL YOU AND SERVE YOU TO YOUR ENSLAVED CHILDREN!!!!”

As the others here today have already made clear, actions that lead to violence, death and an attempted coup must NOT be met with consequences. Rather, they should be met with appeasement and an admission that everything was actually the fault of liberals.

Anything less is an outrage, a trampling of our First Amendment rights, censorship, tyranny and an attempt to destroy America, which, quite frankly, is our job.

We will now refuse to take questions.
That is a complete lie. The lack of accountability from both parties have left ppl like me without anyone to vote for. Up until BHO I was a true liberal. But the flat out lies and hatefulness from the left is not something I'm on board with.
