Meanwhile, on Parler

That place was bad too. Ppl were advocating bombings & asassinations, etc.This sure made the FBI's work much easier.

oh I believe it. i hope they will go after Breitbart and Fox News commenters next. My personal vice when I want to raise my blood pressure is to go read comments in incognito mode. People talk about violence and killing people they don't agree with all the time on there too. Blows my mind how there is no moderation there either. And please don't joke how its free speech even level headed comments that ask questions or disagree are flagged and removed within minutes. completely one sided echo chamber.. I have never wasted my time posting on those sites bc I feel like it's a lost cause. Still mind boggling how ppl can claim they are patriots who love democracy, but are willing to kill ppl whose views they dont agree with?
I wonder why people don’t realize that while everyone is busy fighting amongst themselves over their “party” , we are all getting fucked. Do any of you really believe that these politicians are in that office doing things in the best interest of the people ? One side is no better then the other , they all act like spiteful children that don’t get there way.
I wonder why people don’t realize that while everyone is busy fighting amongst themselves over their “party” , we are all getting fucked. Do any of you really believe that these politicians are in that office doing things in the best interest of the people ? One side is no better then the other , they all act like spiteful children that don’t get there way.
I wonder why people don’t realize that while everyone is busy fighting amongst themselves over their “party” , we are all getting fucked. Do any of you really believe that these politicians are in that office doing things in the best interest of the people ?
How do you figure out 'what is the best for the people'?

One side is no better then the other , they all act like spiteful children that don’t get there way.
Naive. Every Republican presidential administration has dumped a recession on our economy for the Democratic president to have to waste the first 2 years of their first term cleaning it up.

Only one party has made it their mission to lie to the American people.

You may want to try to 'both sides' this, but that just shows how much right wing hate radio/TV you have been watching/listening to since the 90's.
Just because you can type something all edgy and pretend like you believe it doesn't make it true.


In your analogy there would be a coin, or maybe even coins, and a whole lot of counterfeit coins to keep people separated in their little information bubbles.

I do not believe that you know this to be the case. And are just talking out of your ass.

Again naive.

I can see that. But I think it has turned more into providing access to propagandize mass amounts of people or not.

That was before the internet and cell phones with cameras.

Shit is different now.

True. But you wait to the next game. Only little whinny bitches keep crying and throwing their helmets and screaming at refs hours after the game is over.

You don't think watching people that are representing them beating cops over the head with steel pipes that have the American flag zipped to it might make them not like what they see enough to walk away from Trump?

I do. I don't buy that all Trump supporters were evil. But I do think they were mostly brainwashed due to Trump allowing them to be under constant attack from his militarized trolls (foreign and domestic).

You really should look into the attack on our nation being conducted by the Russian military if you think this is truly the case. Because this paragraph really makes it seem like you don't have a clue of how it works.
I see that the Retrumplican trolls are cycling back to the "both sides bad" argument. Republicans just tried to overthrow our government and they say Democrats are same as the Pukes.

One side is no better then the other

One side fought for 2000 dollar checks and support for states.

The other side fought for no checks at all and no help for states.

We ended with no help for states and 600 dollar checks.

One side spreads lies, conspiracy theories and hate.

The other side spreads science, education and facts.

One side launches a coup against our government.

The other fights to save it.

One side calls Covid-19 a hoax, does nothing to fight it and kills more Americans in 8 months than we lost in WW2 and Vietnam over 16 years of war combined.

The other tries to stop it, preaches wearing masks, not going out, not meeting in large groups.

So don't sit there after all the pure shit Trump and his GOP enablers have put us through and say one side is no better than the other.
Not my words but well thought out imo.

Does the right to free speech come with responsibilities? Are the responsibilities greater if you happen to hold the position of most powerful person in the world. Is there are a responsibility not to represent opinions as facts, not to continuously lie and not to incite violence?
Maybe? Probably? Definitely.
The Washington Post's Fact Checker database counted 29,508 false or misleading statements by Trump as at 5th November 2020.
Twitter was going to be attacked if they suspended Trump or if they didn’t. Suspending him was the safer option for them and the rest of the world.
Trump and the cult following he has cultivated has been validly compared to Hitler and Nazi Germany. If Hitler had Twitter available to him would we insist that his freedom of speech was more important than a the 75M lives lost in WW2?
It is interesting to observe the scramble as previous Trump allies jump ship. They express surprise and disappointment that he incited the storming of the Capitol even though this was entirely consistent with his constant disregard of democratic institutions. They were happy to go for the ride even when they knew a train wreck was inevitable.
How do you figure out 'what is the best for the people'?

Naive. Every Republican presidential administration has dumped a recession on our economy for the Democratic president to have to waste the first 2 years of their first term cleaning it up.

Only one party has made it their mission to lie to the American people.

You may want to try to 'both sides' this, but that just shows how much right wing hate radio/TV you have been watching/listening to since the 90's.

. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound ?

One side fought for 2000 dollar checks and support for states.

The other side fought for no checks at all and no help for states.

We ended with no help for states and 600 dollar checks.

One side spreads lies, conspiracy theories and hate.

The other side spreads science, education and facts.

One side launches a coup against our government.

The other fights to save it.

One side calls Covid-19 a hoax, does nothing to fight it and kills more Americans in 8 months than we lost in WW2 and Vietnam over 16 years of war combined.

The other tries to stop it, preaches wearing masks, not going out, not meeting in large groups.

So don't sit there after all the pure shit Trump and his GOP enablers have put us through and say one side is no better than the other.

people like you are so wrapped up in party politics that you automatically assume that a person has to be on one side or the other ? Narrow minded ......
For the record, I DO NOT support trump. He’s an asshole.
To someone brainwashed into believing Dear Leader's/Right wing propagandists lies? Sure.

Doesn't make me wrong.

Although I did mean to say since Carter, but if you are nitpicking that then you know you are full of shit.

wtf are you talking about . How do you assume I’m a right wing extremist or even a Republican for saying I don’t think either sides are for the people ‍♂️♂️
Biden has said he's for much stricter gun laws so we'll see. Clinton did something back in the 90's that restricted ammo supply. Not sure the details but this is not the first time than ammo has been hard to get. It's been on democrats' minds for long time.
Exactly. He said he wanted to do it day 1. He's been saying he wants to take our guns for years. People are delusional if they don't think he doesn't want to take them. He wants everyone with semi autos to register them like you would machine guns. That's the beginning. Then they will have a nice organized list of who has them. Next they will flat out ban them and then come for them. It will be easy to find them since they have a nice list. I know their bullshit plan.

From his own website.
Former officials, anti-Trump activists pledge $50M for Republicans who support impeachment

A group of anti-Trump Republicans are pledging to raise $50 million to help reelect GOP lawmakers who vote to impeach or remove President Trump from office.
wtf are you talking about . How do you assume I’m a right wing extremist or even a Republican for saying I don’t think either sides are for the people ‍♂‍♂
I said you were listening to them. And maybe that you have been radicalized against actual facts based on

The 'both sides' nonsense is why I am saying you are propagandized. Because it is bullshit.

Sure you could've fallen into the left-troll 'anti-establishment' noise that is still birthed from the Russian military to try to get people to not vote or vote third party. And that led you to think what you do.

Anyway you slice it, the 'both sides' troll is false. Only one side has been actively stopping any and all legislation not aimed at helping the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only Agenda. And that is the Republican party.

Since the civil rights era the Democrats have been slowly being rebuild to represent 100% of the people in our nation which is what we need for our nation to be the best it can be. All the while the Republicans brainwashing people into thinking whatever 'ism' it is that bothers them the most is what the Democrats represent.

It has been very effective when they made their media bubbles in the 80's-90's as they deregulated, bought up all the hate radio stations and created Fox news.

It sucks the Russians hijacked all the hard work they did online to snowball the evangelicals and racists that the Republicans were brainwashing for years to get Trump elected, leaving us American (and any other democracy) citizens utterly exposed to this online attack for the last 4 years that led to what happened at the capital building and what is still taking place.

This is not about 'sides', but have no question anyone that voted for Trump, have been under the propaganda attack whether you know it or not. Everyone has been. The trolling was something I don't think many people took seriously until they found out that the Russian military hijacked our vulnerable with it.

Wait. Were you a Bernie or Gabbard supporter?
I said you were listening to them. And maybe that you have been radicalized against actual facts based on

The 'both sides' nonsense is why I am saying you are propagandized. Because it is bullshit.

Sure you could've fallen into the left-troll 'anti-establishment' noise that is still birthed from the Russian military to try to get people to not vote or vote third party. And that led you to think what you do.

Anyway you slice it, the 'both sides' troll is false. Only one side has been actively stopping any and all legislation not aimed at helping the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only Agenda. And that is the Republican party.

Since the civil rights era the Democrats have been slowly being rebuild to represent 100% of the people in our nation which is what we need for our nation to be the best it can be. All the while the Republicans brainwashing people into thinking whatever 'ism' it is that bothers them the most is what the Democrats represent.

It has been very effective when they made their media bubbles in the 80's-90's as they deregulated, bought up all the hate radio stations and created Fox news.

It sucks the Russians hijacked all the hard work they did online to snowball the evangelicals and racists that the Republicans were brainwashing for years to get Trump elected, leaving us American (and any other democracy) citizens utterly exposed to this online attack for the last 4 years that led to what happened at the capital building and what is still taking place.

This is not about 'sides', but have no question anyone that voted for Trump, have been under the propaganda attack whether you know it or not. Everyone has been. The trolling was something I don't think many people took seriously until they found out that the Russian military hijacked our vulnerable with it.

Wait. Were you a Bernie or Gabbard supporter?

Now I’m a Bernie supporter because I don’t like Trump and I’m not saying I support Democrats LOL. What is it with you people , why are you so narrow minded to think we all have to fit inside this box or that box. Wake the fuck up dude, none of these politicians are interested in true public service for regular people.

You think democrats are your friend ? Why do people like you insist on the insults and take all of this so personally ? You act is if you are defending these people because you know them personally LOL.

What has either party done to fix the issues that address the needs of ordinary people ? We have people starving in this country which is pathetic. The homelessness situation is a joke. Our veterans are not treated well at all after sacrificing everything for there country. Taxes are through the roof no matter who is in office. I’m sorry but taking 35% of a persons paycheck is robbery.

our school system is far from good in comparison to other countries , the list just goes on and on. Yet we fork out billions of dollars annually in foreign aid ?

Look at how it’s all structured , money controls it all. Why do corporations spend 100’s of millions of dollars every election ? I’m sure they are all just nice people and want to be supportive of there favorite “candidate” ? Get real man , there all making deals in the back room and meanwhile all Americans suffer from there bullshit policies that look out for the rich.