Everyone needs to stop complaining about social media taking away free speech.


Well-Known Member
Social media is a luxury, not a necessity unlike the post office, mass transit, utility companies.
Free market where private businesses can make their own terms of service without government regulation. a country based on law and order. i have no problem with big tech making their own policies and neither should the people. love it when redhats cry about private companies creating their own policies then asking libs for government regulations. lets just encourage tech competition instead of getting libs and government involved.

so everyone quit your free speech bitching and find another forum or go make your own website, unless you want the government to tell business owners how to run their business. Free Market and Capitalism is a beautiful thing. Laissez-faire.

The massive traffic and drama around Parler was based on the censorship on other forums. The people that made that happen are waiting and will grow in numbers. Then the collaboration to shut Parler down shows what the nature of the entire internet is. Zero freedom anywhere on the internet without making your communication slow or clumsy.

No platform willing to offer free speech will be allowed to have that freedom. So the entire mainstream internet is not free and controlled by a very few actors. This action proves that your news and all your info is controlled by a very few ideals and filters. I dont agree with hate speech but free speech cannot be maintained unless its allowed entirely.

Every once in awhile humanity needs to re learn the reason we have the "rights" and rules of law we have/had.

This will be a ignorant and painful process while the current aol's of the world hang on for thier dear little lives. Twitter is on the way out, Facebook will also crash, then comes the "myspace" of Apple services.

HAHAHAHA I am going to enjoy this as safe spaces crush the very tools that want to have their cake and eat it too.

How do you write liberals so well?
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Until the republicans can learn that the free market is bullshit and not free what is the point of having sympathy towards nazis and fascists on twitter?
also it's funny how redhats realize the internet should be a public good and managed as such, but always stop there instead of extending that to everything else that should be. trump had 4 years to regulate the internet as a public utility and commons, and didn't want to do it so lolz.
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I thought republicans have been fighting for corporations to operate with little to no oversight in seek of greater profits. I guess thats no longer true when it doesn't suit their agenda.
Crypto has opened the door for decentralized platforms to take the reigns back from these piece of shit companies who monopolized the internet. People just have to learn how to use its untapped potential.
Basically people crying about wanting to be able to say anything and everything they can think of but have zero accountability for the hateful and dangerous shit they spew.

Are all butt hurt about companies (that built a product) are pushing back on the militarization of trolls on their platforms, brainwashing people into thinking storming our nation's capital (and voting for Trump/Brexit/YellowVest riots/ cover hoaxes/etc) is a swell idea, kicking them off because it is dangerous.

This is the free market at work. If people want to go to the trouble of making these platforms for terrorists to recruit, so be it. But the people who would be willing to continue to profit off the hate, also know that this shit is no longer going to fly under the radar as 'just trolling' and know there will be risk and likely their investment will be lost.

But the troll is smart. Making this about free speech is key in making this more than what it is. Nobody is stopping crazy people from saying anything they want, when they want on a free open forum, they could always just make a account in a local library or something, log into their new sock puppet and say whatever they want.

But that doesn't mean the platform they did it on doesn't get to erase the textual graffiti off their businesses platform. And ban the account from doing it again. That is not infringing anyone's free speech.