Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I love my Ninja Foodi for that. I pressure cook it then finish browning and crisping in it's air fryer!

when we bought thr air fryer I was under the impression everything cooked a lot faster than the the oven. never thought of using the pressure cooker.

I was recently given one of these things. No manual and no idea how to use it lol. I think I need a vacuum sealer and a plastic container.

when we bought thr air fryer I was under the impression everything cooked a lot faster than the the oven. never thought of using the pressure cooker.

I was recently given one of these things. No manual and no idea how to use it lol. I think I need a vacuum sealer and a plastic container.

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Yup for sous vide you do! @cannabineer 's instant pot supposedly has a sous vide mode.
Do you have any?

Nope I just follow Claudia don't listen to her about all her weird Chile tho. Just double up on the NM Chile and use that, unless you like weird tasteing stuff. Fewer the ingredients the better stuff usually tastes imho
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OMG, I feel like a teenager. I slept til NOON! I haven't done that in a loooong time. I was up until 3 am last night though, so I kind of have an excuse.

Got up and got baked reading the paper, made bacon & eggs, and put a beef roast in the crockpot for dinner. 2 more girls need trimming this afternoon, and hoping I can put up new mylar on the walls with some help!! An extra set of hands helps for that stuff.

Never tried an air fryer OR a pressure cooker, but I probably need an air fryer...I still fry my pork chops in oil in a frying pan, old school style. Maybe that why I have this extra 20 pounds!
Watched the great escape till 12:30, woke up @3, burnt the bacon, ground up coffee and put it all in my coffee filter (6 cups worth)
fell back asleep around 6 till 12:30
Afternoon wake and bake on.
The g/f has one of those noisy dry fryers.
Bacon Coffee is Real and Strange

To say there has been a bit of a bacon resurgence in the past decade would be a supreme understatement. Everywhere you look there are new bacon products and new way to consume everyone's favorite slabs of pork meat. Have we gone too far though? Before you answer, let me present some new evidence. That's right. Bacon coffee is here.

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