Conservatives programed to trigger at words "Black Lives Matter" by Russian trolls.

And do you love your daughter?

Im getting at the only reason to see this kid as not as worthwhile a human being as you were/are is because of his race then. Ditto to him being a good parent/them being a family.

And when people feel that way about another race it is really because they haven't had the exposure to enough regular people to make a actual opinion on them and are falling back on the racist things they heard/saw growing up and not realizing what they were seeing.
My dad taught me long ago respect is earned not given
But that type of stuff goes on all over rural white America
I have been the benefactor on multiple occasions
Driving thru Lansing at 75 in a 65 smoking a joint
State cop came to window as I butted it out and said I apologize I was headed fishing
He said "so you didn't realize the speed dropped to 65 right?"
And in my stoned state I said" Oh yeah"
And he said good luck fishing
I guarantee few people of color have had those experiences
You say that but it’s not even something you can prove. How many times did you NOT get pulled over because you were white? You can’t prove that
I just got pulled over on the way home from work in a rental car in Peoria Illinois 2months ago...driving the speed limit with the flow of an unmarked SUV...he said he smelled weed in the car...of which I had none nor had I smoked any that day at all...put me in the bk of his SUV n tore the car apart and all my bags for 45mins...then called the dog in...found absolutely nothing....there will be no ticket sir have a good day...smh
I just got pulled over on the way home from work in a rental car in Peoria Illinois 2months ago...driving the speed limit with the flow of an unmarked SUV...he said he smelled weed in the car...of which I had none nor had I smoked any that day at all...put me in the bk of his SUV n tore the car apart and all my bags for 45mins...then called the dog in...found absolutely nothing....there will be no ticket sir have a good day...smh
Poor you. Are you ok? Do you know the number for 911? :lol: :lol:
I'm not complaining one bit...just telling some experiences I've had...from speaking to you briefly I doubt you have much experience in real life especially with stuff like life is great but I've either worked or hustled for everything I have nobody's ever handed me shit...

Ever been locked up? stick with your own race in better anyway

If you think the average black person gives a shit about you your wrong man...they dont...and your defending people who would laugh at you...smh.. .pretty sad really but oh well
I'm not complaining one bit...just telling some experiences I've had...from speaking to you briefly I doubt you have much experience in real life especially with stuff like life is great but I've either worked or hustled for everything I have nobody's ever handed me shit...

Ever been locked up? stick with your own race in better anyway

If you think the average black person gives a shit about you your wrong man...they dont...and your defending people who would laugh at you...smh.. .pretty sad really but oh well

Do you think any average person regardless of color notices you enough to give a shit about you?

That is a big reason I think that this attack on our nation (the one that has been showing you the words Black Lives Matter for years) works. Isolating people from the few real connections they have in the real world.
I'm not complaining one bit...just telling some experiences I've had...from speaking to you briefly I doubt you have much experience in real life especially with stuff like life is great but I've either worked or hustled for everything I have nobody's ever handed me shit...

Ever been locked up? stick with your own race in better anyway

If you think the average black person gives a shit about you your wrong man...they dont...and your defending people who would laugh at you...smh.. .pretty sad really but oh well
I’m defending people by saying all humans are equal? Wow I think that says a lot about you as a person. Maybe there’s a reason your daughter did that knowing it would upset you?
I’m defending people by saying all humans are equal? Wow I think that says a lot about you as a person. Maybe there’s a reason your daughter did that knowing it would upset you?
Nah...I havent spoken to my daughter in ex is evil n when I went to prison one of last things she ever said to me was "I'll make sure those kids hate you"...and even tho shes evil shes pretty smart so she did a good job of what she set out to do...I was outta the picture for some years and when I tried to come bk in the door was closed...I just know things abt her thru my mother bc she still has a relationship with her.

I too think all humans are equal...that's why I think the BLM shit is bullshit...there's bad people and racists of all colors against all colors in every way shape n form....BLM wants SPECIAL attention and privileges not equal...a man's a man no matter his color...if he works n handles his shit I respect him...if hes lazy and wants hand outs I dont... no matter the colorof his skin....its pretty simple

Do you think any average person regardless of color notices you enough to give a shit about you?

That is a big reason I think that this attack on our nation (the one that has been showing you the words Black Lives Matter for years) works. Isolating people from the few real connections they have in the real world.
I already know nobody gives a shit about me..ha..but I don't need them too I can take care of myself....that's why the 1st thing I said in this thread was Who's looking out for the average hard working American white man these days?....

I already know nobody gives a shit about me..ha..but I don't need them too I can take care of myself....that's why the 1st thing I said in this thread was Who's looking out for the average hard working American white man these days?....

I thought you at least read what I wrote. Guess not.

The Democrats are trying to legislate for 100% of the American population. You are a part of that.

You might like to snowflake about how nobody is looking out for you, but from the roads you use to get to work, to not being kicked off your insurance when you actually go to use it, we all benefit from a strong federal government when it is not being actively trolled by the president and executive branch.