Well-Known Member
Yes sur! I have two blueberry varieties -Have you propagated blueberrys? I’m trying to figure out how to clone or root them and plum as well. I’ve had minimal success with cuttings and rooting hormones. I built a new aero cloner to try spring but it ain’t time yet. I know graphing and air laying is probably best but I’m trying to succeed in different ways. Anyway I thought I would ask just to see if you had any advice to share.
Peace Bear
Best to take cuttings from the top of the plant. They say not to root in water.. I do anyways but best way would be:
get the Hormone Powder if you have any and stick fresh cuttings in some peat medium right away. Scrape a tad of the base off to expose some of the 'flesh' below. Important for this part but makes it difficult also to deal with fungus. You must remove all of the leaves except one or two at the top of the plant. These are known as 'terminal leaves' and they will provide the health kind of like cotylendons... for new growth!
Also can do 100% perlite. But your aerocloner sounds neat! I hope it works.. What kind of blueberries do u have?
Not sure your location so take the cuttings when it's dormant and wait a while for the roots to form or take cuttings while it's vigorous and get roots faster. Will need a dome similar to cannabis for the RH until you get some roots.