Least residue medium for dwc


Active Member
Hey I bought a bag of hydroton and tried to wash it as much as I could and everytime if i fill the water just a little before cup and the bubbles barely hit it and the next day I check and my roots are all brown and the water is from the clay does anyone know any medium that doesnt leave a residue or how long do I leave that hydroton in a bucket of water it has tons of residue


Well-Known Member
Lava rocks or growstones maybe?

I use hydroton and like natureboy mentioned, I made myself a sieve with a 10L bucket, drilled a lot of small holes in the bottom, i put it inside a bigger bucket in the shower and spray the balls, lift them out, dump the brown water away and repeat until the water is clean


Active Member
Hey I bought a bag of hydroton and tried to wash it as much as I could and everytime if i fill the water just a little before cup and the bubbles barely hit it and the next day I check and my roots are all brown and the water is from the clay does anyone know any medium that doesnt leave a residue or how long do I leave that hydroton in a bucket of water it has tons of residue
Switched hydroton brands all the time now only using "hydro crunch" less mess + pH stable.


Well-Known Member
Soak in pHed water of 5 at least 3-4 days.Check with your meter, flush repeat


Active Member
I rinsed them for 2 hours then let them sit and then rinsed again and here's the water still mother earth hydroton and there's only enough for 2 4 inch pots this is crazy is the water suppose to be cloudy cause the clay or? Because my roots were brown thought it was root rot but it was the clay



Well-Known Member
Water shouldn't stay cloudy, the dust should be washed off and you're left with clean hydroton. Maybe you got some that is breaking down or something


Well-Known Member
I've used a mesh bag, the kind you use for dry cleaning.. works really well in a 5 gal bucket.. Lets the hydroton rub against itself which pretty much washes off any loose material..


Active Member
I got a different brand and had no problems fyi stay away from mothers earth if you don't want constant cloudiness it even browned my roots


Active Member
I just use a colander to rinse the hydroton before using(reusing) with water.
I think that I'm still using the same hydroton from 5 years ago.
Same on the recycle it's been 3+yrs now same batch. but.. does anyone know Uncle Roger???! Auntie Hersha use colander for rice now RIU use colander for hydroton! :D
