I've kicked all sorts of mites asses all sorts of ways. Rosemary, Neem, Isopropyl, pyrethrum, predatory mites....
Most likely they're coming in from outside. In my case, I have flowers that mites love in the back yard. Wife won't let me kill the flowers, so I just treat for mites once per month.
I have used these 2, I only used the spray and then isopropyl afterwards. I got the bomb for just in case but didn't need it. It worked for me. I'm not sure what type spider mites I had.
I spent over year trying to get rid of spider mites. I tried everything and just when I thought they were gone they came right back. I even brought all new equipment, fans, pots, lights everything and then smoke bombed and cleaned the room with every product you can think of. All before setting back up, What happened they came back again. In the end I found those exact strips that @Moflow has suggested. I waited until end of a grow put them in the tent and room for 2 weeks kept the doors shut and that was it, All good never saw them again
well my last grow i was infested it was also my first grow basically i swept out the room i still am not super clean but i used neem and this grow no sign of them week 5 of flower best bet is to check daily for any signs use a lioupe on your leaves if you see even 1 you have a problem use pure neem oil and soak them but not in flower once you hit flower it is too late
never had them. i use all the precautions i can take to avoid any sort of aphid attack. neem oil, beneficial plants, ladybugs, sticky fly traps, nematodes, and i shower before entering my grow tent if i happen to be coming from outside.