acid stories


Active Member
when i first did acid i was 15 me and my buddies went to a creek in our home town and got in the creek and build shit like dams and a water falls 5 hours went by pretty fast a fun drug never have done again but would be nice /// my 5$ went a long way


Well-Known Member
ate about 10 hits and lifted a van out of a ditch with my bare hands,, after we heard the ghost! fuckin craze bro


Well-Known Member
no i mean a mini- van with 3 people in it.. i was soo scared i had retard strength for a few seconds.. the fucked up part was me and my boy were with 3 girls that were NOT tripping and they seen and heard the shit too.. we were out in the woods where some kid got beat to death. i'm tell you, shit was craze brohammers.. i have tons of trip stories.


Well-Known Member
ha ha, das sum funny shite, i'm down to hear a couple.

(and yes, i'm white, and i don't care how i spell) :P

cuz i'm hooked on fonix.


Well-Known Member
don't mean to hi-jack but how long can acid on a tab last for? i have just found 3 tabs in a air sealed bag in my wardrobe... must have bin there AT LEAST a month...... will they still be worth doing or are they a waste now? they are on spongebob squarepants tabs look hilarious! should i just east them all at once if i wanna trip??


Well-Known Member
grade, it should last awhile.

over time, with mishandling and mispackaging it will lose some potency.

the best way to keep it is in tin foil, somewhere cool and dark.

ive kept in my freezer in tin foil for well over 6 months. with no loss of potency.

just dont touch it, or handle it much and it will be good.


Well-Known Member

ive come to find once you trip often, the visuals are merely a bonus. the mind trip, and thought process is wut i love.

also the sound of quality music, in a quality surround sound. in fuckin credible.


Well-Known Member
just eat all 3 of them and see what happens. I could wright a book, white boy
what you mean you could 'write' a book white boy, you trying be racist or something?!

slamminsalmon cheers mate thanks for the advice ill do just that


Well-Known Member

dunno wut he is 'on about. not very clear lol

i think he is saying he could write a book about his acid trips. but thats an understatement. i could write books about just one, as could anyone. its just a little difficult to focus on writing during and after. even taking notes becomes very difficult.

ive tried documenting thoughts and ideas on the computer, thats sometimes easier, but man the computer is overwhelming to sit in front of when you are tripping. it can be fun tho.


Well-Known Member
DA gambler said he was a white boy . me's a white foke too. i have triped over twenty times on sid and about 10 or so times on fung. So much shit is crazy when tripping i could wright a book on the experiances.. but i'm to old to trip on sid. mushie is much better and more fun.


I took my first tab with my boyfriend, we were staying in a holiday house near the beach. He'd tried it before but it was my first time. We took it at about 10pm, it took about 30 - 40 minutes to kick in. We had sex for about 2 hours - sex on acid is AAAAMAZING (though he still thinks sex when stoned is better). The giggles came on shortly after, nothing is funny but everything is. We decided to go for a walk to the beach, I've never seem anything more beautiful. The ocean was sparking and the clouds looked like rainbows (weird, eh?). I specifically remember going to the bathroom and wiggling my toes in the fury mat on the floor, it was made of sheeps wool i think. The mat started moving in the pattern of a wave as I wiggled my toes. I had the best trip ever my first time. We stayed up until 10am, watching the sun come up. I've never seen the sky so blue. I love acid. :) :hump:


Well-Known Member
Took 2 sonic the hedgehog blotters from a dead show,not at one,but took em at 8am with a friend and walked down the street to his girls house..she met us at her door with o.j. (a mythical enhancer I was told) and we walked back to his house...sat in his basement for an hour and started tripping a little,but now what I was expecting..a friend nedded to get bicked up from work at an ice cream shop so my buddys girl drove being sober..the shop is 15 mins away and halfway there I was freaking smiling and tripping hard! My friend up front turned around smiling back at me and he had a stretched grin and his skin turned blue..I started screaming snd she slammed on breaks and was like what the fuck!?!..I responded by screaming 'he turened blue!but he's SUPPOSED to do that!!!'...after some hilarity we continued and I looked around.."where the fuck are we?" I ask..I'm told the heights(been there 1000s of times)..'the heights?!! WHERE THE FUCK is that!!!!..after picking up her friend we went and retired to the friends house where I met her brother..he had thes holographic fractal metal discs with a divot in the center,you could spin these in the sunlight and rainbows grew from it! I later found them again on dead tour...any how,long day and very awesome..I've now eaten acid at least 800 times and loved even the scary trips,but wil allways love my first!


Well-Known Member
I took my first tab with my boyfriend, we were staying in a holiday house near the beach. He'd tried it before but it was my first time. We took it at about 10pm, it took about 30 - 40 minutes to kick in. We had sex for about 2 hours - sex on acid is AAAAMAZING (though he still thinks sex when stoned is better). The giggles came on shortly after, nothing is funny but everything is. We decided to go for a walk to the beach, I've never seem anything more beautiful. The ocean was sparking and the clouds looked like rainbows (weird, eh?). I specifically remember going to the bathroom and wiggling my toes in the fury mat on the floor, it was made of sheeps wool i think. The mat started moving in the pattern of a wave as I wiggled my toes. I had the best trip ever my first time. We stayed up until 10am, watching the sun come up. I've never seen the sky so blue. I love acid. :) :hump:
Welcome to a whole new world!
Sex and psychedelics are tons of fun. I love coming up like that. If you want to try some other things I suggest you look into 2C-B, 5-MeO-DiPT and 5-MeO-MiPT.
Rory OJ sure tastes good when you're tripping.


Well-Known Member
I took my first tab with my boyfriend, we were staying in a holiday house near the beach. He'd tried it before but it was my first time. We took it at about 10pm, it took about 30 - 40 minutes to kick in. We had sex for about 2 hours - sex on acid is AAAAMAZING (though he still thinks sex when stoned is better). The giggles came on shortly after, nothing is funny but everything is. We decided to go for a walk to the beach, I've never seem anything more beautiful. The ocean was sparking and the clouds looked like rainbows (weird, eh?). I specifically remember going to the bathroom and wiggling my toes in the fury mat on the floor, it was made of sheeps wool i think. The mat started moving in the pattern of a wave as I wiggled my toes. I had the best trip ever my first time. We stayed up until 10am, watching the sun come up. I've never seen the sky so blue. I love acid. :) :hump:

Yes, sex on ACID is amazing - except when the sex you are having is with someone who is not,um, yours. I and my temporary partner were discovered in the thros of LSD/Sexual passion just as her boyfriend walked into her bedroom.

Now THAT is a truly difficult situation. Swirling colors, naked flesh, nude and confronting a very very angry man. Fear came first and then came the empathy, I iinherited his sadness over what he encountered, she simply refused to believe what had happened was real, it must have been simply the drug making her confront her cheating and the guy didn't Really just show up, scream at us, threaten me and then run, crying, from the room.

Ah she was so beautiful though, made all the more desirable by the situation itself.


Well-Known Member
Oops! I had sex on red gels once and she was on the sof I on my knees..guess I didn't notice the rope carpet my knees were on...bloody chaffed knees for 2 weeks!! Still worth it :-D