Flowering Update


Active Member
Hey guys!

I'm so happy how this first grow is turning out. Most of the fan leaf tips are slightly burnt but im not too worried being closer to harvest. I know I'm still close to a month out from harvest, but they look great imo. I was having some dark spot issues on some leaves so I gave them a small dose of cal mag with their feed today and ill see how they take it. All in all, going pretty damn well :clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man. That looks great. If you have burnt tips, it can mean the lady is in hyper-drive from the intense light and or nutes and just up-took too much... like drinking perhaps too big a glass of water and some goes up your nose ^^. Or on the other hand it can mean you're lacking nutrients. Sometimes lacking certain nutes can cause tip burn also. Are you organic or synthetic?


Active Member
Hell yeah man. That looks great. If you have burnt tips, it can mean the lady is in hyper-drive from the intense light and or nutes and just up-took too much... like drinking perhaps too big a glass of water and some goes up your nose ^^. I did the same with one of my ladies last year, but instead of being stressed from the tip burn she grew into a beauty! Are you organic or synthetic?
Tbh I'm not sure.
I'm using ff happy frog soil and ff trio for nutes. This is only the second time during the whole grow I've given them 2ml or so of cal mag. But yeahh they seem to be fine even with a little burnt tips.