January 6th, 2021

David Fahrenthold: Trump ‘Lost It All Because Of What He Did On January 6’

Washington Post Political reporter David Fahrenthold says that any hope former President Trump had of his businesses recovering after the pandemic was killed after the events of January 6th.
Steve Schmidt Thinks Rand Paul Has ‘Soiled His Oath’

Steve Schmidt, co-founder of the Lincoln Project, calls out the current Republican party for its role in the insurrection and says the party is a “real life autocratic movement”.
David Fahrenthold: Trump ‘Lost It All Because Of What He Did On January 6’

Washington Post Political reporter David Fahrenthold says that any hope former President Trump had of his businesses recovering after the pandemic was killed after the events of January 6th.
Do you know what is really, really fucking with my head right now?
It's one side saying FUCK YEA, DIE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! & the otherside feeling compassion/pity
Very confusing/distressing
Do you know what is really, really fucking with my head right now?
It's one side saying FUCK YEA, DIE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! & the otherside feeling compassion/pity
Very confusing/distressing
He choked on the silver spoon his was born with in his mouth, fucked over thousands of people, killed 400,000 people and nearly killed the country. He should have been in prison decades ago and was given enough rope to not only pop off his head when they hang him, but bring down the gallows too. He's been saving this shit up for quite some time, to feel compassion is normal, but the necessity is obvious. Don't worry, he will have every right in the world, way more than most people get.
Do you know what is really, really fucking with my head right now?
It's one side saying FUCK YEA, DIE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! & the otherside feeling compassion/pity
Very confusing/distressing
Notice how the novelty of normalcy is quickly wearing off and people are quickly readapting, Joe is making politics boring! It's hard to Monday morning quarterback the experts and that's who you are dealing with here a team of experts lead by an experienced professional with a plan. Joe has a big bench of talent and experience to draw from and he needs people who know where the light switches are and who know the departments and their people. There are many willing hands and if the new vaccines come online in February then things will improve dramatically I figure Joe will exceed the 100 million inoculation target. If he can solve this problem and help the country to recover over the next year then 2022 should look good, provided other things are done about election law (HR-1) and disinformation.
He choked on the silver spoon his was born with in his mouth, fucked over thousands of people, killed 400,000 people and nearly killed the country. He should have been in prison decades ago and was given enough rope to not only pop off his head when they hang him, but bring down the gallows too. He's been saving this shit up for quite some time, to feel compassion is normal, but the necessity is obvious. Don't worry, he will have every right in the world, way more than most people get.
Yea, right?
Fuck him & his family is my end point I guess
I'm just sad that I have to end up feeling this way
No joy in it whatsoever though.
Fucked up situation, all the way around.
This is a good tune/artist though, so that's where my head is right now, so all is good for the moment :)

There is one major problem with Trump's presidency. Too much shit. Twenty, thirty years into the future they decide to do a movie on Trump's rise and fall. Too too much. OK a two parter. Still too much. A miniseries. Still too much. More than that length and it will only be the hard core political types that would sit for it. Mind you, they could have it as a regular TV program and have it run for a couple of years. Sure the information would be out there for anyone to find but the majority would not be bothered to do the work reading it all and it put together in a slick package would be great.

Got to entertain the masses. I wonder how long it will be for us to get over withdrawal?
There is one major problem with Trump's presidency. Too much shit. Twenty, thirty years into the future they decide to do a movie on Trump's rise and fall. Too too much. OK a two parter. Still too much. A miniseries. Still too much. More than that length and it will only be the hard core political types that would sit for it. Mind you, they could have it as a regular TV program and have it run for a couple of years. Sure the information would be out there for anyone to find but the majority would not be bothered to do the work reading it all and it put together in a slick package would be great.

Got to entertain the masses. I wonder how long it will be for us to get over withdrawal?

There was only one re-run worth watching.

Some great papers/research analysis and behind the scenes stuff though are coming I am guessing.
Now Even the QAnon Shaman Disowns Trump: I Was Duped (thedailybeast.com)
Now Even the QAnon Shaman Disowns Trump: I Was Duped
Jamie Ross

Published Jan. 22, 2021 7:46AM ET

Reuters/Stephanie Keith
Earlier this week, before Donald Trump left office in disgrace, he was heard consoling himself by saying that his fans still loved him in spite of everything. But it seems one of his most notorious and crazed supporters has abandoned him now that he no longer wields presidential power. The legal representative of Jacob Chansley—better known as the “QAnon Shaman,” who burst into the U.S. Capitol wearing furs and Viking horns—has said his client feels cheated by Trump. Referring to his client as “the guy with the horns and the fur,” attorney Al Watkins told the St. Louis NBC News affiliate KSDK: “[Chansley] regrets very, very much having not just been duped by the president, but by being in a position where he allowed that duping to put him in a position to make decisions he should not have made.” Chansley was arrested days after the riot, and last week he begged Trump for a pardon—but it never came.
Now Even the QAnon Shaman Disowns Trump: I Was Duped (thedailybeast.com)
Now Even the QAnon Shaman Disowns Trump: I Was Duped
Jamie Ross

Published Jan. 22, 2021 7:46AM ET

Reuters/Stephanie Keith
Earlier this week, before Donald Trump left office in disgrace, he was heard consoling himself by saying that his fans still loved him in spite of everything. But it seems one of his most notorious and crazed supporters has abandoned him now that he no longer wields presidential power. The legal representative of Jacob Chansley—better known as the “QAnon Shaman,” who burst into the U.S. Capitol wearing furs and Viking horns—has said his client feels cheated by Trump. Referring to his client as “the guy with the horns and the fur,” attorney Al Watkins told the St. Louis NBC News affiliate KSDK: “[Chansley] regrets very, very much having not just been duped by the president, but by being in a position where he allowed that duping to put him in a position to make decisions he should not have made.” Chansley was arrested days after the riot, and last week he begged Trump for a pardon—but it never came.
Yeah, but I bet he didn't get a tattoo of Trump on his back.