Anyone using LED grow lights?


Well-Known Member
General question : would it better to have lights at a lower setting closer to the plant or a higher setting further away?
Using growers choice 720

2 different angles
Higher if you don't like the node spacing to be tight. It's all preference I guess. I've seen ppl start with their lights all the way raised. and at full power from the get go. They get a shit ton of stretch tho.


Well-Known Member
Having a light hung higher at a higher wattage achieves the same thing as a light dimmed and hanging closer to the plants. The plants can still receive the same amount of photons but you can save electricity having them dimmed.

The deciding factor is how much square footage you need to cover. If you can’t cover your entire canopy having the lights dimmed and hung lower, that is when you raise them up and crank up the wattage.
General question : would it better to have lights at a lower setting closer to the plant or a higher setting further away?
Using growers choice 720

2 different angles
Bought those same lights last year and they crush - good price point too. I set mine all the way to the ceiling and run at 50-75%. Personal preference more than anything, plenty of ways to skin a cat. Like some other dude said the higher they are the more the plants will stretch. So unless you plan to trellis (doesn't look like you do), maybe keep em a bit lower.

