Random Jabber Jibber thread


Well-Known Member
1....2.....3.....4 bring it on more.....more.....more!
It's snowing! :bigjoint:
Snowing here too, since this morning. I saw UPS was coming today with my ebike motor, so I went out and plowed and salted the driveway....then ran to the grocery store for a gallon of milk, and of course UPS was here while I was gone, and it was signature required. It sooo pisses me off when they don't tell you it is going to be sig. required. But I have plenty of other things to do anyways so nothing more than an annoyance.

Supposed to snow til about 2 am so I'll be plowing tomorrow, but it's light and only supposed to be around 4" total. Bitter cold though!!

Trying to clean the kitchen, but motivation is hard to find...I keep puffing away....It's a good day to get baked and bake something....maybe molasses cookies...Never made them before and I have blackstrap molasses :weed: There's also some black bananas begging to be made into bread, lol...


Virtually Unknown Member
"The gold teeth extracted from the corpses were melted down on the spot in a special melting pot installed in crematorium III and in some periods the daily haul came to as much as 12 kilograms. The crematorium roofs, warmed by the ovens below, were used for drying the hair of the murdered victims".
- Filip Muller a member of the Sonderkommando - Auschwitz


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
The CDC has been using wastewater sampling for community penetration studies since we lack the testing ability to do the usual form of PH community testing.

@Singlemalt (check out crAssphage)

I'm still chuckling over that.


Do you think they pronounce it phonetically or with affectation?


Ursus marijanus
The CDC has been using wastewater sampling for community penetration studies since we lack the testing ability to do the usual form of PH community testing.

@Singlemalt (check out crAssphage)

I'm still chuckling over that.

Do you think they pronounce it phonetically or with affectation?
I would wager three things:
In small groups they pronounce it in an affected manner.

In formal meeting sessions, they try hard to keep a more professional demeanor, but they don’t always succeed.

The executives listen to the mistakes impassively; they laugh about it later with their peers over drinks.

The one I learned about in college was a helical protein (with similarities to actin) on the tip of a sperm cell that controlled the head’s ability to enter the ovum. The discoverers wanted to call it “screwin” but were told No. It ended up being called profil-actin.

In drug discovery, my first boss told us of a candidate 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor (target: psoriasis) that needed an official name for clinical studies. Since it contained a chloronaphthalene, and 5-LOIs ended in “olac”, the name clonapolac was suggested, with emphasis on syllables two and four. Then the boss pronounced it with emphasis on syllables one and three, accompanied by the Ph. D. Laugh, straight face but mirthful eyes, “you can see why that didn’t last”. They broke with the pattern and named the molecule lonapalene.
My dad (doctor of electrical engineering) often used the Ph. D. Laugh at home, especially when he tutored our high school class in math.
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Well-Known Mod
Staff member
In drug discovery, my first boss told us of a candidate 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor (target: psoriasis) that needed an official name for clinical studies. Since it contained a chloronaphthalene, and 5-LOIs ended in “olac”, the name clonapolac was suggested, with emphasis on syllables one and three. Then the boss pronounced it with emphasis on syllables one and three, accompanied by the Ph. D. Laugh, straight face but mirthful eyes, “you can see why that didn’t last”. They broke with the pattern and named the molecule lonapalene.
My dad (doctor of electrical engineering) often used the Ph. D. Laugh at home, especially when he tutored our high school class in math.
:lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Me and my BIG mouth. Yesterday I complained to the Amazon seller that shipped my ebike motor for not telling me it was being shipped signature required.

They "fixed it" for me buy having it sent to an access point. I have no idea where that is, but a quick internet search shows the closest one about 9 miles away. UPS would have just re-delivered it today, but the numbfuck decided to help me by sending it somewhere and not telling me where...So brilliant.

I sent them a few choice words, and quite honestly might not even go pick it up....It's like if you are that incompetent do i really want to do business with you?

The good news is, the plowing is done, and I have burritos :P