Blew my breaker, plug grounded?

Dont use poison. They'll eat it, die in your walls and reek so bad, if you think your wife was pissed about the lights, wait til your whole house smells like a dumpster. Worse than a dumpster. Get yourself some ultrasonic pest repellers and plug them in all through your house. If you see evidence inside the home of them, go with the neck snappers. Put them in corners, that's how mice travel, along edges,/walls/baseboard. Gl
Dont use poison. They'll eat it, die in your walls and reek so bad, if you think your wife was pissed about the lights, wait til your whole house smells like a dumpster. Worse than a dumpster. Get yourself some ultrasonic pest repellers and plug them in all through your house. If you see evidence inside the home of them, go with the neck snappers. Put them in corners, that's how mice travel, along edges,/walls/baseboard. Gl
Thanks man. I have huge rat traps out. Based on the turds..... they’re uh. Abit big I think. I live in pasture fields area and the mice here can be bad. House is as clean as it can be for two 25ish year olds with a 6yr old. I have the ultrasonic things. They don’t care. They’re used to it by now. Hopefully the regular ole mouse traps work

edit that’swhat the last electrician said. Said they travel the walls in astraight line around the borders. So I’ve put a bunch along the walls in my grow room. No snap yet....
Thanks man. I have huge rat traps out. Based on the turds..... they’re uh. Abit big I think. I live in pasture fields area and the mice here can be bad. House is as clean as it can be for two 25ish year olds with a 6yr old. I have the ultrasonic things. They don’t care. They’re used to it by now. Hopefully the regular ole mouse traps work

edit that’swhat the last electrician said. Said they travel the walls in astraight line around the borders. So I’ve put a bunch along the walls in my grow room. No snap yet....
overhanging branches onto your home, as well as base of home security is the first place to start for prevention
Thanks man. I have huge rat traps out. Based on the turds..... they’re uh. Abit big I think. I live in pasture fields area and the mice here can be bad. House is as clean as it can be for two 25ish year olds with a 6yr old. I have the ultrasonic things. They don’t care. They’re used to it by now. Hopefully the regular ole mouse traps work

edit that’swhat the last electrician said. Said they travel the walls in astraight line around the borders. So I’ve put a bunch along the walls in my grow room. No snap yet....
Have any cats? If not, a 6 year old would love a couple kittens. Win/win:)
HOLY SHIT! What a ride that was. Can't believe I just read all 34 pages.

OP, good on you for doing your best to try and figure it out. Even though you didn't figure it out, you now know a lot more about electricity than you did before this all went down. Its a handy skill that will come in handy one day.

Quick safety tip for next time. I know your wife hit the breaker outside, but next time you open the panel I would recommend turning off the main too...just in case. Its a good habit to turn of the main anytime you do panel work. The main is those 4 breakers tied together by that bar that has "200" stamped on it.

HOLY SHIT! What a ride that was. Can't believe I just read all 34 pages.

OP, good on you for doing your best to try and figure it out. Even though you didn't figure it out, you now know a lot more about electricity than you did before this all went down. Its a handy skill that will come in handy one day.

Quick safety tip for next time. I know your wife hit the breaker outside, but next time you open the panel I would recommend turning off the main too...just in case. Its a good habit to turn of the main anytime you do panel work. The main is those 4 breakers tied together by that bar that has "200" stamped on it.
I tried to hold the panel box for the electrician and he’s like dude if you touch that metal to any of (those points you guys showed me on a diagram before) I will be killed most likely lol. So he did it (safely)
No I meant that you left the breaker on when you were testing the breaker back on like page 15. I attached the picture you uploaded in my post. You can see its still on!
Paid some serious tuition in the school of hard electrical knocks; not only the cost of the sparkys but also the lost crops while you were getting it sorted.

The good news is your house didn't burn down; fucking mice have been known to cause shit like that.

Now you know a lot more about electrical- which is why I called it tuition!
There's a product called "shake away" that works well. It's a deterrent that needs to be reapplied from time to time.

I used to keep my nice car in a storage unit before I bought my house. One year the mice got in and ate one of the main electrical harnesses. Happened to be an $1100 part discontinued from Ford. After discovering this product and using it, I never had any issues or mice shit in the unit. Prior to that I was just putting down decon which they would eat and squirrel away in weird places. Yes the decon works but I was still finding shit all over the unit and like others said, you don't want them dying in your walls.

I've heard of people having great results with the electronic devices, but have also heard of the rodents becoming use to them. I live in the country and these devices were throughout the basement when I moved in. Kept getting strange smells and after deciding to tear out all the drop ceiling and insulation in the ceiling of the basement I was finding dead mice and decon (from the previous owners) all over. After that I said fuck it and pulled the electronic devices and started using snap traps until there was no evidence of rodent action. I'm sure they're still around, but I don't see any evidence anywhere on the house.

Sorry for your misfortunes, but glad no one was hurt and your house didn't burn down.
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Glad you got your electrical issues sorted man, you had a long road there so it's great you got it resolved. It might be worth looking around to see where the mice are coming in from. They must have a path into your home someplace. You can really minimize mouse issues by finding their entry points and sealing them up. Killing them off in your house is great but won't do much if more can just keep entering. Might even be worth having a pro pest person come out as they are accustomed to looking for those entry points. It's amazing how little a space mice need to get into your home. Good luck. Hope you get back up and running soon.

Its expensive if you buy the big one....i cant find smaller buckets. They will eat it and die. 100% poison. will hurt/kill pets.

That being said , this shit is magical.... they eat it and die either right outside the home or right out in the open in the home. Out of hundreds of kills , probably 1000, ive only had one die under the sink , under the cabinit base. no big deal in my case but some people dont like working on their own stuff.
Once the ones you have are gone then peppermint oil works great to cover their scent. Therfore the new ones skip your house and go on to the next one. (the ones outside smell the feramones or whatever its called of the mice breeding and shitting all over the place and that lets them know its safe to come inside your place..... with peppermint oil covering that scent , then they would rather just skip your spot and set up next door.....
If you have pets you should avoid using the poison pellets. If your cat eats a poisoned mouse or whatnot then you would be pretty sad. They stopped selling the poison pellets out here because they were killing owls that ate the mice.
Ya, they discontinued Dcon years ago. It kills mountain lions, foxes, and other shit too. It should have been banned way sooner.

Its expensive if you buy the big one....i cant find smaller buckets. They will eat it and die. 100% poison. will hurt/kill pets.

That being said , this shit is magical.... they eat it and die either right outside the home or right out in the open in the home. Out of hundreds of kills , probably 1000, ive only had one die under the sink , under the cabinit base. no big deal in my case but some people dont like working on their own stuff.
Once the ones you have are gone then peppermint oil works great to cover their scent. Therfore the new ones skip your house and go on to the next one. (the ones outside smell the feramones or whatever its called of the mice breeding and shitting all over the place and that lets them know its safe to come inside your place..... with peppermint oil covering that scent , then they would rather just skip your spot and set up next door.....

same same??

We had a mouse problem at a house I lived in years ago and the little fuckers ignored all of the poison and traditional traps we set for them. We even tried the bucket method. Nothing worked. My boss gave me this electronic rat trap that took 4 C-cell batteries. Its a little tunnel thing and you put peanut butter at a little table on the end. Mouse walks in and thinks its all good then they get the electric chair. We'd find 3-4 mice in there every morning! That thing took care of our mouse problem in a couple of days after weeks with zero success using traditional means. Think it was called the Rat Trapper but my buddy called ours Mouschwitz.
yes thats it...
place down 2 at a time for a while. preferably in the little "bait holders" so nothing else can get to them but if you have no pets them putting them behind the stove and places like that will work great. they LOVE that bait and it will be gone within the first day. load two more in there until they slow down on eating it....then keep one in there till you dont need um.
Youll likely go through about 2 packs a day for a few days , then one a week , then none or one to prevent. (6-10 packs usually fixes a medium infestation)