What has Trump done to this country?

Nobody says conservatives were brainwashed. Republicans aren't conservative. They are in fact brainwashed but not all, about 75% are. The dupes are not conservatives. They are authoritarian white nationalists and yes, they are easily duped and manipulated by their leader, Donald Trump.
Do you have facts to back up anything that you've said or do you just get by regurgitating nonsense?
Dude, do you not even comprehend what you yourself wrote?
"And yet you quoted NY Post, which should tell people all they need to know about you"

Is that not a personal attack? I could quote more but I think it may be lost on you.

At no point in the post that you quoted did I ask a question concerning politics. Try some reading comprehension.
This type of shit work for you over on whatever platform you are used to trolling?

So the personal attack (in your mind) was me saying that you quoting the NY Post (Propaganda tabloid) 'should tell people all they need to know about you'?
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(ps. I actually even gave you the benefit of a doubt and said you have a good resume)

And when you literally ask the question 'What exactly in your expert opinion, does it say about me?' I respond that you are brainwashed enough to think that the NY Post has any credibility (because it does not).

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Notice, I never said anything about your career, nor outside of saying you are 'brainwashed enough' (which I don't think is a dig on anyone when there is a foreign military actively attacking any and all American citizens they can online for several years now thanks to Trump allowing it because he needed people to be tricked into thinking he is in anyway a good idea as POTUS) to think that the propaganda website (NY Post) is credible, did I ever attack you.

I disagree with all 3 of your points. If you can't see that the same argument can be made in favor of Republicans then you yourself are obviously brainwashed as well.
Lmao really?
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You don't think that I have a point when I say that the Democrats are the only political party in history of our civilization that is representative of 100% of our nation's population?

Just for giggles here is the women in congress breakdown too:
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Found a nice chart for the diversity in congress.:
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All that, but lets start at the beginning.

Are you an American, and if so are you of with the Russian military attacking our citizens?
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Over man's evolutionary history I'm sure that the stronger always pushed out the weaker through evolution. And so we've lost various tribes such as the in neanderthals etc. Now the grand old party would like to eliminate all those that are not Nordic whites. Another 100 generations and all you'll see is pasty white ass.
Oh, the list is pretty long. Let's start with his insurrection.

Republican Party can no longer call itself conservative after that, don't you think so?
You mean the insurrection where he stated, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
Over man's evolutionary history I'm sure that the stronger always pushed out the weaker through evolution. And so we've lost various tribes such as the in neanderthals etc. Now the grand old party would like to eliminate all those that are not Nordic whites. Another 100 generations and all you'll see is pasty white ass.
Cooperative societies are stronger than ones dominated by a single strong leader. White supremacy is a lie. Public policy based upon lies fail over time. They can't win.

We are new to this "society" thing. It's only been a few thousand years and we are evolving as society evolves. Mankind will figure it out eventually. Then again, the US's Democratic Republic might be just another evolutionary dead end. Its survival is up to us and our ability to cooperate with like minded people. Stacy Abrams showed us how.
Over man's evolutionary history I'm sure that the stronger always pushed out the weaker through evolution. And so we've lost various tribes such as the in neanderthals etc. Now the grand old party would like to eliminate all those that are not Nordic whites. Another 100 generations and all you'll see is pasty white ass.
Except that Dems and their useful idiots are doing everything they can to promote all other races, colors, and creeds over those pasty white asses.

And yes, that's how evolution works. The strong survive and live to pass along their genetics. Do you have any factual examples of how Republicans are trying to eliminate non whites?
You mean the insurrection where he stated, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
Is that all it takes for you to let someone con you?

Do you think that 'It would be a shame if something were to happen to your family' is actually someone with your families best interest in mind?

Except that Dems and their useful idiots are doing everything they can to promote all other races, colors, and creeds over those pasty white asses.
lmao, you do understand that those white people are still very well represented in the Democratic party?

Having 100% of our nation's children being able to achieve as much success as possible without roadblocks things like systemic racism (redlining, underfunding minority schools, over-policing, etc) have historically caused, just makes good sense.

Pretending like they are promoting portions of our society that have been kept out of the ability to achieve the same generational wealth is the somehow being done 'over' white people is just more snow flaking.