Don’t let em die on me ...

I’m not sure wars happening right now , going to great lengths fr seed starting kits and all that bullshit is bogus , or u tryin to clown me ?
Nah. I'm not clowning you. The guy suggesting the kit crap has a habit of giving information on things he really doesn't know about.

I'm actually attempting to do you a favor.
I usually see some slivers cut out of the bottom edge of the cup. In his pictures I only see a pin hole in one of the cups on the right. Is there such a thing as not enough drainage? or will a couple pin holes at the very bottom be enough?

My concern was there wouldn't be enough drainage and the seeds would suffocate.
I've never slit the sides. Roots don't like light.

Just a couple holes in the bottom of the cup will do.
if they were my seeds i would soak the solo cup untill run off and i would put plastic rap over the solo cup to keep it humid untill gemination
Seeds have been growing for ever by just falling onto damp soil.
I'd soak them until sprouted out of habit, if I couldn't/didn't I'd be happy to pot them into damp soil/coco.

If you can be bothered with the work use lots of lower wattage CFL over one large CFL bulb, as cfl go up in wattage they go down in efficiency, I can't remember the figures but it's a significant amount of (free) light if you compare 5x40w versus a single 200w

Fwiw imo Wizzlebiz advice is good he's genuinely trying to help you.
Happy growing!
People disagree with you and that's your answer.

Ignore = ignorance = lack of knowledge = poor grower who is ignorant to the fact they give shit advise thinking he knows what he's talking about.

I'm not the 1st to tell you your advise is bad. I won't be the last.
Well I beat you man. I think I was his first. Doug was his second, lol. What a puss.