Seedbanks and Genetics??


Active Member
Wondering what everyone’s favorite seedbanks/genetics are?? Trying to avoid the big companies and find where the real fire is at!
Yeah, good luck.

My last seed purchase was the most money I ever spent.

Out of 8 FEMINIZED seeds. 6 have been planted. So far there's been a male and a crazy phenotype. The pheno really messed up the scrog. Stretching for two weeks longer then other plant.

All those hybrid seed slingers are selling. Trying to one up the next guy. Ending up in a mess of crappy quality. Embarrassing. And the lost of a customer. (Me)
Wondering what everyone’s favorite seedbanks/genetics are?? Trying to avoid the big companies and find where the real fire is at!
Honestly I've popped many seeds..many breeders.many freebies...Here is what I've personally learned..Don't chase hype..from seed you will find bullshit and fire from anyone..that being said my favorite places have been Sin city seeds..Mandala ..HSO..alot of ppl rag on Nirvana but have found insane fire..Most overlooked breeder is KC brains..super good luck with his Bahia blackhead..I've grown the mango and have Dankey doodle..seeds are seeds. It's a lottery..Bullshit and fire in all packs
As far as consistent plants. Sin city has stood out way above others.. Mandala I found my personal holy grail..8 mile high.. Nirvana I found the most potent plant I've ever grown it was a nasty as Jack herrer..Lots of interesting non watered down shit in KC brains gear..Few other mentions where I don't think you will go wrong...Ace seeds..Bodhi.. Gooeybreeder...expect to find one Stand out insane fire female out of any pack but don't mean ya will..Tried many but these are the ones I can speak on the most with good results
Ace Seeds, hands down. I like Serious too, they put a lot of time and work into their strains and they've held up over time, unlike a lot of these fly by night trendy breeders.
Suppose serious seeds would be good as the clone I've had the longest is half Ak-47. It's blueberry xAk47. My very first order years ago was serious seeds Ak-47...but it's been so long ago..kinda forgot about them
Suppose serious seeds would be good as the clone I've had the longest is half Ak-47. It's blueberry xAk47. My very first order years ago was serious seeds Ak-47...but it's been so long ago..kinda forgot about them
My first indoor grow was in a closet in 1999 with AK-47, it was the only clone I could get that day in San Francisco and they were amazingly vigorous plants. I grew out Kali Mist and AK for several years in the early 2000s, and they were legendary strains at the time, but people are always looking for the shiny new thing, so some of these awesome strains have fallen to the wayside even though they're superior to most of the new stuff coming out. Serious stands out as having maintained their genetic stock well compared to a lot of other older breeders. I'm going to try some of the newer Serious strains for my next grow, like Strawberry AK and Serious Happiness just to see how they are. Serious 6 is an awesome strain for outdoors too. Ace is my favorite breeder though, I love both their landrace offerings and their hybrids-actually they do a lot of "Kali China" crosses that are amazing, and Kali China is part Kali Mist, so...there you go LOL