New grower.. Need advice.

Started this grow two weeks ago... the pictures here are my best and worst plant so far. I believe I had a ph problem/overwatering. I put my weakest plants into a bigger pot to help dry out the coco it was in, in the original solo cup. Since I have been adjusting my ph accordingly. Do you think my weaker plants will bounce back? And is my best plant up to par after 14 days? Should I be worried about the yellow city’s?



Well-Known Member
Started this grow two weeks ago... the pictures here are my best and worst plant so far. I believe I had a ph problem/overwatering. I put my weakest plants into a bigger pot to help dry out the coco it was in, in the original solo cup. Since I have been adjusting my ph accordingly. Do you think my weaker plants will bounce back? And is my best plant up to par after 14 days? Should I be worried about the yellow city’s?
She looks hungry for nitrogen. What kind of soil is it in?


Well-Known Member
Mother Earth coco/perlite. I fed last Monday and Friday. I gave the recommended amounts of cal mag and fox farm big bloom.
I see, ok so if your running coco, then you should get some different nutes. I run a peat/coco/perlite mix. And dry amending via top dress. Fox farm big bloom is a no no for a young seedling. It's a flowering nute. Try the FF Grow Big (the green bottle) at half strength for that little one. There are coco specific nutes available which would be better for your setup than fox Farm. I think it's called canna coco A and B. There is a lot more coco only experienced growers here with more info.


Well-Known Member
Mother Earth coco/perlite. I fed last Monday and Friday. I gave the recommended amounts of cal mag and fox farm big bloom.
Here's a read if your interested in growing coco/perlite.


Well-Known Member
U burnt it with big bloom.
Thats a bloom additive not a seedling mix.
Young plants require little to no fert until true leaves begin to appear and root systems are established
I dont know why new growers are so inclined to run coco. You need a bit of grow knowledge and proper equipment to use coco properly. Newbies should stick with promix or sunshine mix #4 until they get a bit of exp. Imo
Do you have a proper ph meter? Tds meter?
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Well-Known Member
So at this point, would it be smart to transplant all into my three gallon containers and add the FF grow big?
Honestly if there still at that size. Than put another couple inches of your media mix into those solo cups or up to an inch and a half below the the very first leaf. Then proceed with half FFGB. Get them healthy First! Then transplant.


Well-Known Member
U burnt it with big bloom.
Thats a bloom additive not a seedling mix.
Young plants require little to no fert until true leaves begin to appear and root systems are established
I dont know why new growers are so inclined to run coco. You need a bit of grow knowledge and proper equipment to use coco properly. Newbies should stick with promix or sunshine mix #4 until they get a bit of exp. Imo
Ya I hear ya, I'm a organics soil grower. With just some coco mixed in, not straight coco I mean. So it's hard for me to give good advice because the OP is in a totally different media than I am experienced with. Compost, peat, coco, and a laundry list of amendments. I buy it pre bagged and top dress with dry nutrients n molasses for a few years. With my best results to date. Here is a picture of the pre mixed soil that I buy locally.

U burnt it with big bloom.
Thats a bloom additive not a seedling mix.
Young plants require little to no fert until true leaves begin to appear and root systems are established
I dont know why new growers are so inclined to run coco. You need a bit of grow knowledge and proper equipment to use coco properly. Newbies should stick with promix or sunshine mix #4 until they get a bit of exp. Imo
Do you have a proper ph meter? Tds meter?
Yes I have a ph meter. It’s not the greatest, it reads around 7. I would consider what I have true leaves, wouldn’t you?


Well-Known Member
Yes I have a ph meter. It’s not the greatest, it reads around 7. I would consider what I have true leaves, wouldn’t you?
No I wouldn't consider any leaf being a true leaf yet. Reason is that if those young seedlings don't get the correct nutes they need. Then they will soon fall over and die. I hate to be brutally honest, but it's the facts of life.


Well-Known Member
U burnt it with big bloom.
Thats a bloom additive not a seedling mix.
Young plants require little to no fert until true leaves begin to appear and root systems are established
I dont know why new growers are so inclined to run coco. You need a bit of grow knowledge and proper equipment to use coco properly. Newbies should stick with promix or sunshine mix #4 until they get a bit of exp. Imo
Do you have a proper ph meter? Tds meter?
Big Bloom is not just a flowering nutrient. It's meant to be used the whole grow. It's actually the only Fox Farm bottled nute I'd use.

Big Bloom is really mild, so I seriously doubt that burnt anything. It's more to get the microbes happy than anything if you're using all the other chemicals.


Well-Known Member
Stay tuned for my dumb questions... thanks for all your help. I’ll probably end up at the clone shop in no time.
When your inexperienced, There is no such thing as a dumb question... That's how everyone learns, right? It's all about how you ask a question and if you can handle the constructive criticism that follows. Which on RIU is plentiful. LOL. Ask away!