Obama wins , terrorist win, usa loses


Well-Known Member
Im sorry for this country. Too many laws have caused an decrease in deaths by natural selection. This means too many idiots that should be dead are still alive. This can be the only explanation for Obama's win. Yes , Obama yea he will change things, he's going to try and take our guns, expose our children to immorral perverts, & RAISE TAXES.
Here we go again, Another idiot who thinks it takes a village to raise a child. It does not take a village, what it does take is parents that are not always multi-tasking, that Are paying attention and disciplining the way they should(if a child does something it knows it shouldnt, spank the hell out of the little terd). Time OUts are good practice for PRISON. I can gaurentee my child will be schooled with firearms from the time he is big enough to hold a gun and he will RESPECT what they do. Not like all these wanna be gangbangers that these villages today are raising.
Another thing that really gets me steamed up is all of these pussyfied panzy's in this country today. They shout about Rights when all they want is for everyone to be Quiet and have it they're way. Well this isnt BurgerKing. If your an Asshole and mouth off , you should get your teeth knocked out, but too many pussies call 911. What happened to finishing what you started.
Again too many pussy's in this county today, women and fags who should have never had the right to vote in the first place.
Some say Lincoln was our greatest president for giving the right to vote to everyone, I say he was our greatest traitor and the first political pussy to sell out his race. Look back, thats when this country started going to hell.
Looking forward to the replies. Lets see if there are any other Finish What You Start people out there. Oh, and if Obama wants my guns, he can have them lead first. I think im going to start hanging my american flag upside down. And yes, we are in distress, This country is full of bureacrats and pussy's.
OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE, CHANGE MY ASS, we're in for more democrap big government and socialism. I just really want to kick the shit out of the next disrespectful, little gangbanger I see. These little wannabes shouold be used for target practice. There should be a GANGBANGER season just like any other animal. Whats Obama going to do about this problem, NADA. He might offend some blacks or mexicans if he tells them to pay attention and discipline they're kids(use a belt and put them over your knee if yo have too) instead of letting them run like wild dogs. And dont think im letting all these little white kids who are wannbe's off. They are the worst, I make fun of them every chance i get and they are all panzy's. It really is funny to watch them thinking they are cool and then "check" them, ohh boy ,watch'em run!
A little story about gangbangers and redneck( me being the redneck). One night in a place far,far away(lol). I was sleeping when something in my carport woke me. I run out to find a young punk(black) tring to get away with my tool box. he sees me, drops it and runs. I corner him in a field and why i am standing on a corner so i can see if he leaves the field either direction. A little honda drives into my nieghborhood(only 1 way in & out) full of teenagers. A little suspicious at 3 in the morning. when they drive back out they get mouthy about me shining my flashlight at them and when i say i have a burglar suspect cornered in this field and they better leave before the police get there, one of the little dumbass's leans out the car window and yells "better watch it man, you'll get a cap popped in your ass". Well, i never knew a honda civic could burn rubber like that. when the little peckerhead said that i pulled my .38 from behind my back and fired 1 in the air. They left they're little buddy behind & got the hell out of dodge. My nieghborhood has been pretty quiet since. So fair warning to wanna-be gangbangers in northern california and elsewhere, Rednecks have guns and we hit what we aim AT.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Hopefully we can soon have your utopia where massive amounts of people die by preventable diseases and we can be governed by someone that the people didn't elect.

There will always be dead-enders around I guess. Good luck in turning the clock back to pre-Lincoln times.


Well-Known Member
How are our children going to be exposed to immoral perverts because of Obama? (Heh, spell check doesn't recognize his name)

Big P

Well-Known Member
your problem is that you want your views counted but your dont want womens views counted or anyone who has different ideas than you,

simply put every citizen of america of legal age has these rights'

dont worry you have these rights too,

your just being selfish saying you want only your views to be the law of the land, when the fact remains this is a democratic country where the MAJORITY of people decide the fate of all, this is what you signed up for by living here, you cant just now say awe no fair cuz the majority decided this time and its not to your liking.

I understand why you whish them death, then the majority would favor your views

but thats not what america is about

you should leave and go somwhere where you wont have to worry about the majority of people controlling the outcome of thier country

try to pal up to a dictator in another country that will help you get your agenda enacted, that way you wont have to worry about the pesky voter majority to decide the outcome for thier lives.



Well-Known Member
How are our children going to be exposed to immoral perverts because of Obama? (Heh, spell check doesn't recognize his name)
ill bet, giving odds that obama boy would have been politically correct and voted NO on Prop.8 here in california.
Voting YES protected Traditional marraige and keeps gay bullshit marraiges from being taught in our schools, to our children thats it Ok or normal when its is NOT, thats how!
And at least we have that small victory until some pussified judge tries to overturn it again. Now we have voted and WON in two different election to ban gay marraige here in california. But you watch, democracy will FALL, i can see it coming.


Well-Known Member
If you don't like it move to another country. This is a democracy and the tribe has spoke. If you love this country so much, why haven't you done anything to improve it? What have you done to fight your cause? Get an education and get into politics if your so passionate about your political views.

FYI I voted for Obama, hehehehe!


Well-Known Member
If you don't like it move to another country. This is a democracy and the tribe has spoke. If you love this country so much, why haven't you done anything to improve it? What have you done to fight your cause? Get an education and get into politics if your so passionate about your political views.

FYI I voted for Obama, hehehehe!

You took the words right from my mouth....:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
If you don't like it move to another country. This is a democracy and the tribe has spoke.
I agree with you 100%.

If I'm understanding halzey68's gurgling rant properly, Obama isn't really the problem, but only a symptom of how this country is allowing the blacks and the pussies and the genetically inferior to breed and think they are "real" people. So his REAL problem is with the Constitution and all that liberal commie fag talk about "All men are created equal" and the only way to solve that problem is to move and try your luck in another country.

So it looks like it is adios Halzey68. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out and be sure and write when you find work.



Well-Known Member
Same for here in FL. Voted yes to keep marriage between ONE Man ANd One WOMAN.
I bet our forefathers are turning in the graves. Seeing the way the country has gone. Taking God out of every thing cause the minority cant deal with it. Gay marriages, Narcissistic President. wtf have we came to. The constitution coincides with the bible and God.

ill bet, giving odds that obama boy would have been politically correct and voted NO on Prop.8 here in california.
Voting YES protected Traditional marraige and keeps gay bullshit marraiges from being taught in our schools, to our children thats it Ok or normal when its is NOT, thats how!
And at least we have that small victory until some pussified judge tries to overturn it again. Now we have voted and WON in two different election to ban gay marraige here in california. But you watch, democracy will FALL, i can see it coming.


Well-Known Member
Same for here in FL. Voted yes to keep marriage between ONE Man ANd One WOMAN.
I bet our forefathers are turning in the graves. Seeing the way the country has gone. Taking God out of every thing cause the minority cant deal with it. Gay marriages, Narcissistic President. wtf have we came to. The constitution coincides with the bible and God.


And now it seems that you are the minority who can't deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Same for here in FL. Voted yes to keep marriage between ONE Man ANd One WOMAN.
I bet our forefathers are turning in the graves. Seeing the way the country has gone. Taking God out of every thing cause the minority cant deal with it. Gay marriages, Narcissistic President. wtf have we came to. The constitution coincides with the bible and God.

Hey, this isn't the 1800's. USA is a melting pot, filled with different races and religions. How we run this country should not be based upon the bible, as you can see us younger people have control of elections now, so you better get used to the next eight years.


ill bet, giving odds that obama boy would have been politically correct and voted NO on Prop.8 here in california.
Voting YES protected Traditional marraige and keeps gay bullshit marraiges from being taught in our schools, to our children thats it Ok or normal when its is NOT, thats how!
And at least we have that small victory until some pussified judge tries to overturn it again. Now we have voted and WON in two different election to ban gay marraige here in california. But you watch, democracy will FALL, i can see it coming.



voting to take away things from people that dont affect you

whatever makes you sleep at night

oh and by the way, the bible DOES NOT WORK in any political argument

seperation of church and state, what was that? was that IN the constitution? NO WAy!?!?!?!?!?!

so no, the constitution was not based on the bible....you cant just make up your own facts


Well-Known Member
maybe i should have worded it different. Go take a gander at the constitution. it has a lot to do with religion. Dont care if it was made in for the 1800's We still live by it. and will live by it for years to come.

Its so sad Bush and his yuppies f'ed up so bad. And McCain was the rep. nominee. People voted this fuck in only knowing he is something dif. they want dif. its really sad how naive people are.


Well-Known Member
I think it's sad that you think that our forefathers would be ashamed of where we are TODAY.

We truly are the melting pot of the world. I think it was John Locke who said it best.-
"no one ought to harm another in his life, liberty, or possessions."


Well-Known Member
ill bet, giving odds that obama boy would have been politically correct and voted NO on Prop.8 here in california.
Voting YES protected Traditional marraige and keeps gay bullshit marraiges from being taught in our schools, to our children thats it Ok or normal when its is NOT, thats how!
And at least we have that small victory until some pussified judge tries to overturn it again. Now we have voted and WON in two different election to ban gay marraige here in california.
Same for here in FL. Voted yes to keep marriage between ONE Man ANd One WOMAN.
The constitution coincides with the bible and God.
... and what about the little matter of separation of church and state?:clap:

... to take away freedoms due to bigotry is unamerican ... :spew:

... and how long have you two been closeted homosexuals? Will you ever come out? ... also there are plenty of football players that are gay ... :o


Well-Known Member
ill bet, giving odds that obama boy would have been politically correct and voted NO on Prop.8 here in california.
Voting YES protected Traditional marraige and keeps gay bullshit marraiges from being taught in our schools, to our children thats it Ok or normal when its is NOT, thats how!
And at least we have that small victory until some pussified judge tries to overturn it again. Now we have voted and WON in two different election to ban gay marraige here in california. But you watch, democracy will FALL, i can see it coming.
"Attention Folks! The next bus for Bubbafest '08 will be leaving shortly, please line up now. I repeat: This is a redneck roundup for Bubbafest '08. HALZEY68 your reserved 3-wheeler parking space at the front of the line is waiting for you."


stays relevant.
anyone who thinks that discriminating against people when it comes to marriage is okay is an inbred hillbilly piece of shit who's bloodline should have been extinct 50 years ago.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
ill bet, giving odds that obama boy would have been politically correct and voted NO on Prop.8 here in california.
Voting YES protected Traditional marraige and keeps gay bullshit marraiges from being taught in our schools, to our children thats it Ok or normal when its is NOT, thats how!
And at least we have that small victory until some pussified judge tries to overturn it again. Now we have voted and WON in two different election to ban gay marraige here in california. But you watch, democracy will FALL, i can see it coming.

Hate to burst your bubble.... but marriage has nothing to do with your children being exposed to homosexuals in public. They don't need to be married to walk down the street hand in hand.... or kiss in public.

With any luck one of your children will turn out gay. Karma's way of teaching you a little lesson you closed minded bigot!