New grower.. Need advice.


Well-Known Member
Yes I have a ph meter. It’s not the greatest, it reads around 7. I would consider what I have true leaves, wouldn’t you?
Cheap ph pens make mistakes that cost more then a good one would in the long runIMG_4179-2.jpg
Heres an example of a seedling with true leaves forming at the crown.
This is a pic from just siting my source of the photo not my pic not my plant fyi
7.0 ph in coco is waaaaay to high btw
Seedling 6.1-6.3
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Cheap ph pens make mistakes that cost more then a good one would in the long runView attachment 4815264
Heres an example of a seedling with true leaves forming at the crown.
This is a pic from just siting my source of the photo not my pic not my plant fyi
7.0 ph in coco is waaaaay to high btw
Seedling 6.1-6.3
Yeah for some reason I didn’t pay attention to ph. I believe the soil ph is coming down every time I water (which I’ve cut down to every two days). I think moving forward I’ll be ok. Any way to drop soil ph fast?


Well-Known Member
Yeah for some reason I didn’t pay attention to ph. I believe the soil ph is coming down every time I water (which I’ve cut down to every two days). I think moving forward I’ll be ok. Any way to drop soil ph fast?
Well you dont wana drop too fast just ph your water properly and water till runoff with coco
Is it dimmed or is it running full tilt boogie?
I have it at about 30%. Wrapping the cups make sense. I did not think of that. It’s weird though because the clear cups are doing the best. What can you tell me about my carbon filters and passing so much humidity through them. It is cold here right now 15 degrees F (-9C). I’m still maintaining 77f-80f and 60-65% RH.


Well-Known Member
I have it at about 30%. Wrapping the cups make sense. I did not think of that. It’s weird though because the clear cups are doing the best. What can you tell me about my carbon filters and passing so much humidity through them. It is cold here right now 15 degrees F (-9C). I’m still maintaining 77f-80f and 60-65% RH.
Wouldn't use the filter till the plants actually begin to really smell.. During lights out I allow the temps to drop 5 to 10 degrees. I bump my fan up to draw more air threw the tent because the humidity will climb. This is when a dehumidifier in the room comes in handy.
Wouldn't use the filter till the plants actually begin to really smell.. During lights out I allow the temps to drop 5 to 10 degrees. I bump my fan up to draw more air threw the tent because the humidity will climb. This is when a dehumidifier in the room comes in handy.
So that’s where I run into another problem. I bump my fan up and I pull more very cold air in. I have been thinking about building another room to serve as a preheat room to draw my grow room air from. I’m running a 6” ac infinity on level 4 right now. I know as the plants get bigger I will need to bring more fresh air in.
I see, ok so if your running coco, then you should get some different nutes. I run a peat/coco/perlite mix. And dry amending via top dress. Fox farm big bloom is a no no for a young seedling. It's a flowering nute. Try the FF Grow Big (the green bottle) at half strength for that little one. There are coco specific nutes available which would be better for your setup than fox Farm. I think it's called canna coco A and B. There is a lot more coco only experienced growers here with more info.
Looking a little better... maybe a little too much nute but I think I’m almost ready to transplant. Thanks for the help.



Well-Known Member
U burnt it with big bloom.
Thats a bloom additive not a seedling mix.
Young plants require little to no fert until true leaves begin to appear and root systems are established
I dont know why new growers are so inclined to run coco. You need a bit of grow knowledge and proper equipment to use coco properly. Newbies should stick with promix or sunshine mix #4 until they get a bit of exp. Imo
Do you have a proper ph meter? Tds meter?
There's some terrible advice being thrown around on forums, even after all these years. And this above is some of it.

If you don't know your trade, learn it before giving people advice. The plant is hungry, not burned.

This plant needs a basic feed of 1.0ec and it'll start growing nice and green. That's it. It's as simple as it gets. Growing coco is no more complicated than growing with compost.

Don't transplant into pots that are too big for it. 3 Gallons is too big. Put it into a 1 liter pot - or one quart in your measurements. And feed it with 1.0- 1.2ec of base feed. Stick with that basic formula and you'll be alright


Well-Known Member
There's some terrible advice being thrown around on forums, even after all these years. And this above is some of it.

If you don't know your trade, learn it before giving people advice. The plant is hungry, not burned.

This plant needs a basic feed of 1.0ec and it'll start growing nice and green. That's it. It's as simple as it gets. Growing coco is no more complicated than growing with compost.

Don't transplant into pots that are too big for it. 3 Gallons is too big. Put it into a 1 liter pot - or one quart in your measurements. And feed it with 1.0- 1.2ec of base feed. Stick with that basic formula and you'll be alright
Lol. Bad advice? The guy burnt it with big bloom and prob put the ph out of whack. More feeding isnt gona help. Maybe you should learn your trade. Been growing for 20 yrs bud. Never gave a seedling ec 1.0 never gave a seedling big bloom. But hey go ahead feed your seedling big bloom. This guys right. Lmfao


Well-Known Member
For the record, a high phosphate feed, or a bloom feed, isn't stronger by definition than a veg feed. You can't burn plants because you chose the wrong bottle. What you might do is underfeed them nitrogen, which is what happened here.

A balanced veg feed given at 1.0ec in coco coir, is the baseline you should be feeding at. No extras needed.

I think there should be a vetting system where only proven growers with documented results, take up a position on a message board of trusted grower. It'd make the process of finding help a lot less of a minefield than it is now.