Water storage


So I’ve filled a drum up with tap water and left it for 24hr to get rid of the chlorine.
I was wondering if i could put a lid on and just keep using it till empty and refill.
Or would I be better off just filling a small bucket with fresh water everyday to use the next day.
Cheers all


Well-Known Member
As long as it stays clear I would think you'd be ok. I use rainwater and have it stored for a few weeks. As long as it doesn't turn funky and startto smell off you should be ok.


Active Member
How big of a drum are you filling? Can light penetrate it? Do you have an airstone in it. What is the ambient temperature where it's stored?

Frank Warthog

Active Member
I'd do the bucket if I was you.

I've got 4 2 litre milk bottles filled. I use 2 per day so that way I've already got the next days water sitting in the other bottles with the lids off. Fill up the ones I've just used then let them sit for 24 hours. That way you'll always have fresh dechlorinated water on stand by and it won't be going stagnant in a tank.
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How big of a drum are you filling? Can light penetrate it? Do you have an airstone in it. What is the ambient temperature where it's stored?
I’m not sure on exact volume but not it’s thick blue plastic with a black lid.
I haven’t got an air stone and it’s just in the garage so temp flucs between night 0-4 and day 6-10 at a guess


I'd do the bucket if I was you.

I've got 4 2 litre milk bottles filled. I use 2 per day so that way I've already got the next days water sitting in the other bottles with the lids off. Fill up the ones I've just used then let them sit for 24 hours. That way you'll always have fresh dechlorinated water on stand by and it won't be going stagnant in a tank.
That’s not a bad idea actually
We drink shit loads of milk and use the 6pinters so a few of them should do me fine once they’re in the the final 10l pot based on 2L of water per pot per day (I’m basing this on something I read about 20-30% of pot volume)
Not everyday of course, every 2/3 days depending on how much the plant is drinking.


Active Member
I’m not sure on exact volume but not it’s thick blue plastic with a black lid.
I haven’t got an air stone and it’s just in the garage so temp flucs between night 0-4 and day 6-10 at a guess
You should be good to store in that with those temps, I have a 55 gallon blue drums and I fill it about once a week. It sets in my basement on the concrete floor so stays about 64-65f degrees. I use it fast enough that I do t keep an airstone in it. It is RO water, but I don't think you would have issues with tap water at those temps. My drum has an 800gph pump in the bottom and is plug into a remote switch, I also have a small water meter on the end to tell me how much is coming out.



You should be good to store in that with those temps, I have a 55 gallon blue drums and I fill it about once a week. It sets in my basement on the concrete floor so stays about 64-65f degrees. I use it fast enough that I do t keep an airstone in it. It is RO water, but I don't think you would have issues with tap water at those temps. My drum has an 800gph pump in the bottom and is plug into a remote switch, I also have a small water meter on the end to tell me how much is coming out.
Obviously I will be using hardly any at min as only a couple days since setting seed (4 of them) so I’m just spraying the tops once a day but obvs as they get bigger I thought it would be easier dipping my measuring jug in that and not needing to fill up often.