Aussie Growers Thread

yeah man. the bloke you an lucky mates with that has the stihl sprayer I just copied everything he said man plus I added a heap of wettable sulphur.
only doing it once a week must be helping.

I use mega kelp. cal mag an boron. silica.
an alternate mega crop and house an garden coco.
flower nutes are Monster bloom an bud burst.
Good old Coco knows his shit.
yeah man. the bloke you an lucky mates with that has the stihl sprayer I just copied everything he said man plus I added a heap of wettable sulphur.
only doing it once a week must be helping.

I use mega kelp. cal mag an boron. silica.
an alternate mega crop and house an garden coco.
flower nutes are Monster bloom an bud burst.

That extra calcium will be helping a bunch with fighting off Rot. Plants are looking pretty good man.
That extra calcium will be helping a bunch with fighting off Rot. Plants are looking pretty good man.

cheers man.
heap of branches broke off i taped em all up some still died they have completely healed now. an some just broke off fell on to cage I left them ones an they have completely healed to. where there was a hole there is no hole now its pretty crazy.

I'm just using mega crop next year to I really like it.
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yeah bloke not far from my spot got done but he was growing on his own farm. I'm on forestry land.
its like 10x10 area you would have to be unlucky thats why I do it this way small numbers big plants.
Yea i grow in state forest most years,they get tricky round here setting up cameras etc on main entry points looking for regular visitors and theres always the crop hunters trying to take my stash oh and the possums and bandicoots.
Some tomatoes grown in coco in the greenhouse, black cherry my new favourite variety. Some special tomatoe plants behind :P

They are a couple of nordle phenoes i mentioned earlier, in 200mm pots straight coco feeding twice a day def could use more but it's all hand watered at the moment. May just make some seeds with these ladies.
