Is this lady ready yet??


Well-Known Member
Hello, I am a first time grower.

Planted a few sativa landrace seeds in a soil pot, growing outdoors. These have been flowering for about 8 weeks now.

Do they look ready? I am having a hard time differentiating between clear and milky trichs. No amber trics yet. I had a small spider mite infestation recently, which is being take care of with organic matter. Have controlled it a lot.



Well-Known Member
Weeks yet op...your infestation looks to have set her back a bit...good job on control, now keep her healthy for a bit yet.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Weeks yet op...your infestation looks to have set her back a bit...good job on control, now keep her healthy for a bit yet.
Good luck.
Yeah trying my best! Using neem oil with for watering and used diluted H2O2 for foilar spray. Tested on a leaf first and then applied.
I had some issues earlier on with leaves yellowing, wilting and dying. Identifying the problem can be an issue for first timers


Well-Known Member
Hello, I am a first time grower.

Planted a few sativa landrace seeds in a soil pot, growing outdoors. These have been flowering for about 8 weeks now.

Do they look ready? I am having a hard time differentiating between clear and milky trichs. No amber trics yet. I had a small spider mite infestation recently, which is being take care of with organic matter. Have controlled it a lot.
That won’t even be worth smoking


Well-Known Member
They need more time. You're probably a little more than half way there. Sativa landrace out the gate? You got guts kid.
Gee thanks. Yeah I read that some strains can take up to 16 weeks in flowering specially since I grew it completely outdoors. Yes, landrace out of the gate. Though my buds are still growing and the stench is getting stronger every day. Trichs are developing now with more of them visible. I will try to click a few pics in sun and upload tomorrow. I did not feed it any nutes at all. Just wanted to try my hand first.
I have germinated 8 more landrace sativas which I am trying in different mediums organic soil, coco-peat and dwc hydro. I am giving the latter 2 nutes this time. On organic soil, will just use molasses, sea weed and some organic vermi compost with some mycorrhizal fungi


Well-Known Member
With all the other obvious stuff put aside to answer your question. No she's not ready nor close to ready yet.

Don't freak out because people are telling you it isn't worth a damn.

1: finish it up and it will give you some weed to smoke

2: finish it up and learn from your experiences. Nothing is more valuable than experience.

Enjoy your grow. Learn from it. Do better next grow.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
With all the other obvious stuff put aside to answer your question. No she's not ready nor close to ready yet.

Don't freak out because people are telling you it isn't worth a damn.

1: finish it up and it will give you some weed to smoke

2: finish it up and learn from your experiences. Nothing is more valuable than experience.

Enjoy your grow. Learn from it. Do better next grow.

Good luck
Thank you. Hopefully next will be better. Lol.