Whats going on here.... repotting question


Active Member
Hi all can any 1 help

I got 4 clones that where kept out side last summer but started to flower he then brought them back inside and swiched to 18/4.i have had them about 5 weeks and repotted twice bit now in 20l pots with recycled all mix the roots are thick and coming out of the bottem of the pot

Should i repot them in to bigger pots, what size pots???

I ran 4 clones from the same mother last run and all where fine in thr 20l pots through to harvist wich was 10oz (my first harvest)
Dont know why its happening have i dun somthing better, worse
Am i growing monsters lol
Thanks all


Well-Known Member
Hi all can any 1 help

I got 4 clones that where kept out side last summer but started to flower he then brought them back inside and swiched to 18/4.i have had them about 5 weeks and repotted twice bit now in 20l pots with recycled all mix the roots are thick and coming out of the bottem of the pot

Should i repot them in to bigger pots, what size pots???

I ran 4 clones from the same mother last run and all where fine in thr 20l pots through to harvist wich was 10oz (my first harvest)
Dont know why its happening have i dun somthing better, worse
Am i growing monsters lol
Thanks all
Hard to understand without pics, but based on what you said I'd Up pot in some good medium and flip them. This is for indoor grow right? Id Go 7 or 8 gallon pots. I'd also put in a fabric pot.


Active Member
Hard to understand without pics, but based on what you said I'd Up pot in some good medium and flip them. This is for indoor grow right? Id Go 7 or 8 gallon pots. I'd also put in a fabric pot.
I was giveen some massive pots like 45cm wide by 35 high so iv chucked em in see what happens gunna give it a couple of days and flip
May have to tie em down when they strech as im in a 180cm tent lol



Well-Known Member
I was giveen some massive pots like 45cm wide by 35 high so iv chucked em in see what happens gunna give it a couple of days and flip
May have to tie em down when they strech as im in a 180cm tent lol
You should super crop after they recover from up potting then a week after that flip. It doesn't matter how big. Bigger pots if you have the soil and room. The plants won't mind a bit.
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