What has Trump done to this country?

I’m into used car sales nearly everyone I come across thinks I’m out to get em so I tend to move to the defensive after a while of seeing the same thing come across but your right.
So I’m really not understanding you bro? Are you mad? Miserable or both. Either you wanted to see what I thought or didn’t but all you do is nag on like a bitch. Yes a bitch so now I’m attacking you as a person. Yes I’m that asshole attacking someone on internet. Either ask and receive or shut the fuck up bro
lmao ok.

So you are just here to troll?

As for all the bullshit in your wall of text. It is all propaganda man, your youtube doom scrolling has left you woefully uninformed.

I’m into used car sales nearly everyone I come across thinks I’m out to get em so I tend to move to the defensive after a while of seeing the same thing come across but your right.
So you troll a lot?
One more or 2 or 3 or 4 more Bob Geldorfs songs are cool, right?
That's ok, right?
Good/great :)

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? Dude, my face is like so scrunched trying to understand your stance with me. smh. Trolling no.
I don't know what to tell you man, you are the one that decided to come in here with a chip on your shoulders pulling the 'both sides' troll. And then putting out a wall of text propaganda spam post.

I picked one at random, it was the Hunter Ghazi troll. Here is my rebuttal to that one.


If you are a real person and not another in the endless line of militarized trolls (foreign or domestic) I hope you stick around and take a breath because right now you are indistinguishable from one.
This song came up automatically on my feed on YouTube where they follow my musical tastes.
They were/are right
Turn it up & dance
It won't hurt :)

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I don't know what to tell you man, you are the one that decided to come in here with a chip on your shoulders pulling the 'both sides' troll. And then putting out a wall of text propaganda spam post.

I picked one at random, it was the Hunter Ghazi troll. Here is my rebuttal to that one.


If you are a real person and not another in the endless line of militarized trolls (foreign or domestic) I hope you stick around and take a breath because right now you are indistinguishable from one.
I appreciate it. Peace to all
Windows just did a major upgrade and by the time I got caught up I had to scroll to the top of the page to figure out what the topic of the thread was about.

Realized it was nothing important. Good.
Locally, there are still houses festooned with Trump shit

One house in particular has a huge Trump 2020 sign and several others including "don't blame me, I voted for TRUMP!"

the fucking paint is peeling off his republishack

He has a big Trump flag for his beater Dodge pickup though, plus it features anti-Obama stickers, although they're peeling off too
Truly I think just based off reading reports local news numbers and YouTube vids which I know aren’t the most reliable. The corona started in wuhan where they knew they had an outbreak and kept it to themselves. They also allowed travel outside of China but no inside China which makes me think that something doesn’t make sense their other than they knew what it was what it could do and didn’t let anyone else know until weeks after the outbreak. Local news has said during the past three weeks cancer is down 38% and the flu is down 72% which leads me to believe this virus isn’t anywhere near as bad as it’s been made out to be. Fauci is on record saying masks don’t do anything. And now he’s saying double up on masks? I since bs it doesn’t make sense to me? Does it to you. Hunter Biden laptop? Bobilonski has texts (proof) that some shit was planned and Biden knew about it. Claims he didn’t. If it isn’t true then hear it out out bobilonski on the stand make him out to be the liar but instead it has slowly been going away. I think that if trump had done something with Russia then he would be on trial for it or at least would’ve been convicted for impeachment. Do I think trumps a racist? Well just depends on if I’m talking to one of my boys (mainly brothers) or one of my employees (mainly white salesmen) brothers will convince me he is. My employees will convince me that they’re wrong and he not. Idk bunch of different info on that. Have I been attacked personally for being a black man while trump was in office? No more than any other time in my life. But to me race shouldn’t be the motive. Race seems to be a huge point made while researching trump. I’d like to say that nothing going to majority change as far as our economy but sadly I believe it is and will further. Ppl are afraid to buy in my area and the main reason that I’ve been told by customers and other dealers is the unknown with the new admin. With any new admin we have a down time but now months after an election.

so 2019.

I actually appreciate this post of lies. They remind me of a time when I had not seen a president betray this country. But he did. So those lies listed above don't work on most of the people any more.
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