First time grower, nothing serious. Just sharing my experience as a beginner.



Been a couple of day, needed to make sure I come and get the updates going.
Today I'm changing the res water for Khole since she's had the same water for a week today.

Margaret is about to be flipped for Nutrients today, she's developed a nice set of root.
I have to confirm, but they could be lacking a bit of cal mag causing the coloring a bit.

Gonna check online and confirm.



Posting update from "Last Night"
Last night I completed switching Margaret to her Nutrient based water.
I kept the mixes very low to avoid nutrient burning in a DWC.
2.5Ml for Grow, Micro, Bloom
1ml of Cal-Mag. <- primarily to see if I can help with the coloring.

For Khole I did a full bucket swap as well.
And added the same mix including the 1ml of Cal-mag.

I'm considering really hard removing the dead leaf from Khole, but I don't feel like playing with fire so I'm online trying to confirm if it's ok too and what would be the best process or location to remove them from.

These pictures are from last night, posting today's later tonight.
Pictures were taken roughly 2hrs after everything was done, on my way to bed.



Hey guys,

Posting a quick update on the girls.
Can't wait for tomorrow, I'll be able to get the ppm reading after the water has been there for a week.
Margaret still show's a small bit of yellow. May bring up the cal-mag on the feeding tomorrow to 1.5 from 1.0 for the next week.

Khole still has her colors and coming back with more roots.
Adding some shots for documentation.



Wanted to get a quick updated completed after yesterday's feeding.
Both buckets for Khole and Margaret were set to a ph level of 5.9.

Margaret nutrients was adjusted from a cal-mag's stand point 1ml to 1.5 ml.
Maintained the rest of the nutrients at 2.5ml. On the next feeding I may have to increase their amounts, but not confirmed yet.
Kept a close eye on the girls for hours after feeding, and they seemed pretty good before going to bed.
Took some shots last night.



Getting ready to do weekly nutrient swap.
The plants have been growing nicely, and I'm a bit worried about increasing the nutrient amounts.
Currently the girls have been growing on

2.5 ML for Mircro, Grow, Bloom.
1.0 ML of Cal-mag on Khole
1.5 ML of Cal-mag on Margaret.
With an average of 45-55 humidity.

I'm currently using the dws tool. <- I don't think the guy was accurate on the order of feeding.

I checked General Hydroponic's website, and most of the nutrient charts are based on other forms of hydroponics but DWC. At least that's what I noticed.

Based on this tool, it shows I've been providing roughly 10% strength to a 5 Gal bucket.
Khole is heading into her third week of 2.5ML (M,G,B)
Margaret is heading into a second week of the same amount.

Based on this tool, and the feeding chart that closes matches my setup at General Hydroponics site.
By the second week of vegging I'm suppose to in crease the nutrient amount to:
M- 7.5ML
G- 10ML
B- 2.5ML

Based on the tools from the grow doctor guide, it's advising I should do:
M- 5.0ML
G- 7.0ML
B- 2.5ML

Since the feeding chart from General Hydroponics is based on a "Recirculating" system, and not DWC "non-Recirculating". I'm going to go with the Doctors tool guide.

My only questions is the state they suggest I start this nutrient says "Aggressive Vegetative state.
And I don't know if I'm considered that, or still Mild Vegetative based on the pictures.

I'm gonna go for it, and up the nutrients to the new measurements.

Something else is interesting, I took some ppm readings and the numbers didn't add up for one of them. So I'm gonna have to re-run them.

For Khole it went from 114/23 to 109/23.
I noticed for Margaret I made a type possibly on the ppm, cause I know I had added a little extra to Marg so she was 130/23 today she was 126/23.



Hey Guys,

Hope everyone is well.
I wanted to post a quick update on the girls, and show how they been doing since their nutrients swap on Jan/25th.

Based on the same tool I mentioned on my previous post, the girls are currently running on
M- 5.0ML
G- 7.0ML
B- 2.5ML.
1.5 Cal-Mag

I've also been posting their updates on my channel on IG T3ch_and_Gr0w.
You don't have to follow me, just advising where I post every other day their progress.

I'm still debating if I should increase their nutrient levels, but for the moment they don't seem deficient.



Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

Hope everyone is well.
I wanted to post a quick update on the girls, and show how they been doing since their nutrients swap on Jan/25th.

Based on the same tool I mentioned on my previous post, the girls are currently running on
M- 5.0ML
G- 7.0ML
B- 2.5ML.
1.5 Cal-Mag

I've also been posting their updates on my channel on IG T3ch_and_Gr0w.
You don't have to follow me, just advising where I post every other day their progress.

I'm still debating if I should increase their nutrient levels, but for the moment they don't seem deficient.
Are you adding a root additive to keep them white and healthy?
I use and recommend


Are you adding a root additive to keep them white and healthy?
I use and recommend

I can't say that I am.
The only roots treatment I provided was the Rapid Start Root Enhance for the first week or so.
But please if you can recommend one that you trust, I would like to check it out and start learning more of it.

Are you using it in a DWC or Recirculating ?

On my end they are coming out white, but General Hydroponics advised that due to some of the nutrients it was okay to expect a little coloring of them.


Well-Known Member
I can't say that I am.
The only roots treatment I provided was the Rapid Start Root Enhance for the first week or so.
But please if you can recommend one that you trust, I would like to check it out and start learning more of it.

Are you using it in a DWC or Recirculating ?

On my end they are coming out white, but General Hydroponics advised that due to some of the nutrients it was okay to expect a little coloring of them.
I ran it before in DWC and now also in coco.
I could see some brown it that pic, maybe just the light


I ran it before in DWC and now also in coco.
I could see some brown it that pic, maybe just the light
There's is a little coloring on the roots.
It's your not seeing things, but that's what I was referring too that the company that makes the nutrients (General Hydroponics) were advising it's cool it's normal. I was freaking out when i saw the colors on the roots and thought i didn't mix them enough they were like nah you good.


Resources where I've been trying to learn from in case it helps any future new growers.

Difference between Hydroponics vs Soil grow online resources.

<- Why I choose the RapidStart Root Enhancer. <- Getting started with learning how to grow, or cook, and specs for dwc setups <- Great for introduction into Hydroponics, and how it works on a basic level.
The list goes but I'm not posting all my bookmarks on, please I'm asking just use youtube as part of your journey.

I'm urging those who haven't started their setup yet to make google their best friend before going to the hardware store.