Obama wins , terrorist win, usa loses


Well-Known Member
i dont want to see that disgusting crap and i dont want my kids to have to see it. Let alone be taught about it in school and thats its ok or normal. It is not NORMAL OR OK just because a bunch of liberal pussies say it is and the rump rangers and carpet munchers say they love each other. Ahhhhhh, sick to my stomach just thinking about how liberal bullshit is f'ing up this world. Cant wait for the Revolution, im a great shot, like most of us rednecks. Hope to see you soon.
And how come a White man cant be about white pride when its ok for black pride, asian pride, mexican pride, ect....???:finger:
Who were the first people to own slaves ? african tribes people, they only started whining when they weren't the ones doing the slaving. And now todays white people ares till paying for it. Well get over it already.
And no my white hoods just fine. Yea, and voted in my a bunch of un-worthy's.
I have white pride as I do self pride. I don't need to belittle others ambitions in the search for happiness
or hold those to my standard of love. You have alot to learn about pride.

Don't ever use 'god' to prove your point.
You can dictate what love is? or what normal is?
Even if you feel righteous, you are not to pass judgment.
You are not to burn witches or stone them, that is not your place.
you are a child of god, not his henchmen.
You speak like a prophet, a false prophet.
...and judgment will be passed onto you for doing so.

the false prophet will at first look good, even to religious people. Just like satan can disguise himself as an angel of light, the false prophet has two horns like a lamb which is a symbol of jesus but this man will speak as a dragon which is a symbol of satan. The False Prophet will speak with the authority and power of the anti-christ, so we can deduce that they will be working together but the one with two horns will serve the other. The false prophet may be a religious leader, possibly even a confessing christian and will presume to act in the name of the lord.


Well-Known Member
i have white pride as i do self pride. I don't need to belittle others ambitions in the search for happiness
or hold those to my standard of love. You have alot to learn about pride.

Don't ever use 'god' to prove your point.
You can dictate what love is? Or what normal is?
Even if you feel righteous, you are not to pass judgment.
You are not to burn witches or stone them, that is not your place.
You are a child of god, not his henchmen.
You speak like a prophet, a false prophet.
...and judgment will be passed onto you for doing so.

The false prophet will at first look good, even to religious people. Just like satan can disguise himself as an angel of light, the false prophet has two horns like a lamb which is a symbol of jesus but this man will speak as a dragon which is a symbol of satan. The false prophet will speak with the authority and power of the anti-christ, so we can deduce that they will be working together but the one with two horns will serve the other. The false prophet may be a religious leader, possibly even a confessing christian and will presume to act in the name of the lord.
your name says it all. Joepro, what a joke.


Well-Known Member
This country faces so many challenges that sexual orientation pales in comparison and is not a thread to my freedoms. Pick your battles wisely. This one is not worth fighting, and ultimately is not winnable.

I am all about the rights of the individual and it is not the job of the government withhold freedoms based on prejudice. The Constitution does not condone depriving individuals the right to equal protection under the law for any reason.

If two women loving each other is a threat to any marriage, that marriage was never on solid footing in the first place.

And gay men? Bless them all. Each one increases the JohnnyOrganic:Single Straight Female ratio in my favor.
Johnny, i can't believe given your apparent intelligence that you would deny love in any adult form. It's a tiny jump from not giving a shit about gay marriage to celebrating love however it manifests. I don't enjoy thoughts of men fucking, but i can contain it with no difficulty at all, viva love in every form.


Well-Known Member
First of all I agree with some of what you had to say. Yes all it takes it one parent multitasking to raise a child.

I was raised by a single mother for most of my life.

And some of what you had to say I don't agree with

he's going to try and take our guns, expose our children to immorral perverts, & RAISE TAXES.
You are a member of this forum in the eyes of the US government you are an unfit parent just because you indulge in something that should have never been made illegal in the first place. Still though it makes you different, however reading that above sentence I'd think you were part of those evangelical wack jobs who think marijuana is a crime.

Again too many pussy's in this county today, women and fags who should have never had the right to vote in the first place.
On second thought though you might feel more at home on the "storm front" message board site.

one of the little dumbass's leans out the car window and yells "better watch it man, you'll get a cap popped in your ass". Well, i never knew a honda civic could burn rubber like that. when the little peckerhead said that i pulled my .38 from behind my back and fired 1 in the air. They left they're little buddy behind & got the hell out of dodge. My nieghborhood has been pretty quiet since. So fair warning to wanna-be gangbangers in northern california and elsewhere, Rednecks have guns and we hit what we aim AT.
I liked that part of the story.

I didn't vote for Obama, I was a McCain supporter. However I doubt Obama is some kind of terrorist. He's just your run of the mill Democrat liberal, tax happy, big government friendly.


Well-Known Member
Johnny, i can't believe given your apparent intelligence that you would deny love in any adult form. It's a tiny jump from not giving a shit about gay marriage to celebrating love however it manifests. I don't enjoy thoughts of men fucking, but i can contain it with no difficulty at all, viva love in every form.
I guess I did not express my point clearly.

I am completely tolerant of all sexual orientation. The sexual activity of two consenting adults does not affect me in the least.

My point was that suppressing the rights of homosexuals is not a worthy struggle.


Well-Known Member
I guess I did not express my point clearly.

I am completely tolerant of all sexual orientation. The sexual activity of two consenting adults does not affect me in the least.

My point was that suppressing the rights of homosexuals is not a worthy struggle.
I apologize. Guess i was being overly pedantic and a little hasty. Sorry. Bit of a blood lust going on with the racists.

I think that the rights of homosexuals to love each other in law, and every other way is to be celebrated. Evolution of tolerance. There is plenty going on in this place that is intolerable that persists, and is thus tolerated. I'm no arse bandit... just for the record.


Well-Known Member
I have white pride as I do self pride. I don't need to belittle others ambitions in the search for happiness
or hold those to my standard of love. You have alot to learn about pride.

Don't ever use 'god' to prove your point.
You can dictate what love is? or what normal is?
Even if you feel righteous, you are not to pass judgment.
You are not to burn witches or stone them, that is not your place.
you are a child of god, not his henchmen.
You speak like a prophet, a false prophet.
...and judgment will be passed onto you for doing so.

the false prophet will at first look good, even to religious people. Just like satan can disguise himself as an angel of light, the false prophet has two horns like a lamb which is a symbol of jesus but this man will speak as a dragon which is a symbol of satan. The False Prophet will speak with the authority and power of the anti-christ, so we can deduce that they will be working together but the one with two horns will serve the other. The false prophet may be a religious leader, possibly even a confessing christian and will presume to act in the name of the lord.

agreed. btw no one is going to take u srsly (halzey68) if u call people pussies and hate everyonje that oppose your views and call Abe Lincoln a traitor and blame the problems in our society on women and blacks. Abe Lincoln valued the Constitution. He was a true constitutionalist. Even if he had a personal opinion on an issue he would not take action unless the constitution defined he had the power to do so.... who does this sound like.... (Ron Paul!)


Well-Known Member
So now Obama is the anti-Christ.... Come on man!!! That just idiotic..... You say you have "White Pride" so is that why you are so against a Black Man being "the most powerful man" in the US??? He isnt muslim, he isnt with the tallban and he isnt 9% black and 46% Arab and 50% white of what ever other crap that doesnt make sense you are spewing...... And before you run off using the bible in the wrong context think...... Cause its funny how you know the end of the world is approching and the anti-Christ is here yet God didnt even tell his son... comes like a theif in the night and i doubt you would be the one to call it Nostradomis...... you make me laugh .... but i feel sorry for you at the same time.

As for halz, your so stupid your comments dont deserve a response:roll::peace:

I have white pride as I do self pride. I don't need to belittle others ambitions in the search for happiness
or hold those to my standard of love. You have alot to learn about pride.

Don't ever use 'god' to prove your point.
You can dictate what love is? or what normal is?
Even if you feel righteous, you are not to pass judgment.
You are not to burn witches or stone them, that is not your place.
you are a child of god, not his henchmen.
You speak like a prophet, a false prophet.
...and judgment will be passed onto you for doing so.

the false prophet will at first look good, even to religious people. Just like satan can disguise himself as an angel of light, the false prophet has two horns like a lamb which is a symbol of jesus but this man will speak as a dragon which is a symbol of satan. The False Prophet will speak with the authority and power of the anti-christ, so we can deduce that they will be working together but the one with two horns will serve the other. The false prophet may be a religious leader, possibly even a confessing christian and will presume to act in the name of the lord.


Well-Known Member
So now Obama is the anti-Christ.... Come on man!!! That just idiotic..... You say you have "White Pride" so is that why you are so against a Black Man being "the most powerful man" in the US??? He isnt muslim, he isnt with the tallban and he isnt 9% black and 46% Arab and 50% white of what ever other crap that doesnt make sense you are spewing...... And before you run off using the bible in the wrong context think...... Cause its funny how you know the end of the world is approching and the anti-Christ is here yet God didnt even tell his son... comes like a theif in the night and i doubt you would be the one to call it Nostradomis...... you make me laugh .... but i feel sorry for you at the same time.

As for halz, your so stupid your comments dont deserve a response:roll::peace:
Helps to read what you quote. maybe you need to ask someone to read my post to you out loud :mrgreen:.
Where you tied in nostradamus, end of days, 9% black, obama the anti christ,
muslims, taliban, I'm prideful therefore I hate others from my post I havn't got a clue.
I'm not a professional, but by the unintelligent almost crazy rant
It's easy to say; Those psychiatrists sure fucked you up!! :lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
It dont matter who you supported then...its over now. Obama is now our new elect and it is our JOB and DUTY as Americans to support him.
Whether you like it or not were all still americans..
now let him do what he says he will, wait to see if we see the change.

You can decide after he has a chance to botch it if the people made a good choice or not...

But no matter what that ends up being we will have to see just remember if the results are good or bad...

You can hate your government and you can hate the people running it, even despise it altogether,
but always love your country and wish for the best for it no matter how you voted in the past.
Praying for or predicting doom helps no american right or left.


New Member
ill bet, giving odds that obama boy would have been politically correct and voted NO on Prop.8 here in california.
Voting YES protected Traditional marraige and keeps gay bullshit marraiges from being taught in our schools, to our children thats it Ok or normal when its is NOT, thats how!
And at least we have that small victory until some pussified judge tries to overturn it again. Now we have voted and WON in two different election to ban gay marraige here in california. But you watch, democracy will FALL, i can see it coming.
Hey pal, yeah you quoting bullshit. Do as Jesus would do, love everybody, Gays are human also. You have the right to not associate with them, but not the right to bash them, kill them or otherwise disrupt their chosen lifestyle. Hey, I dislike ignorant people like you every bit as much as you dislike gays, I don't advocate killing you though. I figure if you live long enough, you'll smarten up, though in your particular case it's doubtful.


Well-Known Member
AND to not have to my children exposed to those kind of low morals.:finger: If gays would keep it where it belongs, in private, then there wouldnt be a problem.
If this planet was full of gays, the human race would DIE, i guess thats normal, huh ? Oh, how would it ever get full of gays? they they might reproduce in cups. Guess that was part of Gods plan too according to all you liberal idiots:finger:


New Member
when the little peckerhead said that i pulled my .38 from behind my back and fired 1 in the air.

I'll see your .38 and raise you a .45. In my neighborhood, people firing into the air go to jail. I am against Gangbangers also, but I'll tell you something, those were no gangbangers or you'd be dead. Gangbangers roll with an abundance of weapons and shooting the air would have been your demise. Damn, I wish they would have been Bangers.


New Member
AND to not have to my children exposed to those kind of low morals.:finger: If gays would keep it where it belongs, in private, then there wouldnt be a problem.
If this planet was full of gays, the human race would DIE, i guess thats normal, huh ? Oh, how would it ever get full of gays? they they might reproduce in cups. Guess that was part of Gods plan too according to all you liberal idiots:finger:
You are one sick puppie.


Well-Known Member
Halzey68 you got some kind of 'Deliverence' thing going on up in the North Cali mountains? What are you trying to cover up?