Link to ph meter battery replacements


Well-Known Member
I still don't know what the batteries are so no idea which to buy. There's a big one and two little ones I believe


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'll try to be more helpful...
Step 1, open your meter's battery cover so you can see the battery(s). You may have to use a small screwdriver for this step. If you are unfamiliar with a screwdriver search online for instructions.
Step 2, Remove cover (see step one) take a photo of your batteries so you can remember orientation.
Step 3, Remove the battery(s). If they are soldered in place, throw the whole unit in a trash can and buy another meter. (you can skip the following steps if they were soldered in and you threw it away, otherwise go to next step).
Step 4, If the battery(s) are removable (remove them) take them to the nearest store that sells watch batteries (i.e Walmart) Target, Local Drug Store etc.). Hand a person at the jewelry or electronics department the batteries and ask for replacements or tell you where to buy.
Step 5, If you live 500 miles from any stores and don't have an airplane or a pilots license, use a magnifying glass and read the letters and/or numbers on your battery(s). (LR44, AAA etc.) and go online (ebay, amazon etc.) and order some of the same batteries. (hint get extras for next time).
Step 6, Put the new batteries in your meter the same orientation as your old ones (view photos you took as reference). Replace the cover.
Step 7, Learn to be a little more self sufficient (self help books, meditation, counseling etc).
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