During flower I use Lost Coast Plant Therapy.
Amazon.com : Lost Coast Plant Therapy Plant Wash 12 OZ : Garden & Outdoor
Its basically peppermint oil, isopropyl alcohol, citric acid, soap (emulsifier) and soybean oil. Mix your sprayer 1oz/gal of water and spray plants until all leaves are dripping once every 2 days until plants are cured. Honestly with Plant Therapy I had really bad white powdery mildew one time before I started growing in a completely sealed room and I would spray the plants and once I turned the lights back on the mildew would be gone and there'd be dead yellowish circles on the leaves from where the powdery mildew was living and growing shroom spores.
We have too many growers in Michigan now that its recreational so you basically gotta do a sealed grow because once everyones plants start getting mold/mildew those spores are going to fly through the air and into your shit. I wanna burn this place near me down they legit exhaust out their hoods and I know someone who works in there. THey told him to spray the flowers with Eagle 20 EW which is a neuro-toxin that smells like car paint..
So basically that grow facility is just dumping their contaminated air out for everyone to deal with and poisoning their consumers with a product meant for golf course grass to walk on.
Pretty awesome. In the future formulate yourself a weekly foliar spray
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
You can get very awesome results from different foliar blends. I forgot to mention I always add these 2 products into my foliar sprays @ 15ml/gal.
Nitrozime and Fossil Fuel are better together! Combining a humic acid and seaweed extract can result in impressive plant growth and increased yields
When they say "Better Yields" that is an understatement you'll get faster veg, healthier veg, bigger & faster yields and more.. It's legit like feeding your plant crack once a week. Not that I've done that. lol