Indoor or outdoor?


Active Member
Can you get the same potency and taste When growing the same strain indoor and outdoor subtropical climate ?


Well-Known Member
Can you get the same potency and taste When growing the same strain indoor and outdoor subtropical climate ?
In my experience You can get better taste outdoor in organic soil. But indoor in soiless or hydro the potency is much higher.
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Well-Known Member
Unless you have the absolute perfect outdoor climate with zero bugs then no I don't think so.

I grow outdoors every year. Between heat waves, rain, wind, bugs, fires and so on. Outdoor weed is compromised in comparison imo.


Well-Known Member
Unless you have the absolute perfect outdoor climate with zero bugs then no I don't think so.

I grow outdoors every year. Between heat waves, rain, wind, bugs, fires and so on. Outdoor weed is compromised in comparison imo.
Outdoor I turn into oils or extracts. Maybe keep the top cola nice stuff form rolling some white rockets.


Well-Known Member
Outdoor you could just wash your all that nasty crap come off. Trichomes are not water soluble so if you do it as you harvest you'll be fine


Well-Known Member
Outdoor you could just wash your all that nasty crap come off. Trichomes are not water soluble so if you do it as you harvest you'll be fine

Proof in that pudding