Their getting rowdy down in Australia.

Those people would probably buy toilet paper made with a flag imprint yet take issue with peaceful protest. I haven’t met any nationalist who I didn’t think I was a complete idiot, but that’s just me.
Yeah, maybe you write your name on your underwear so you know who they belong to. Makes about as much sense as putting a flag on your house
Big families and knowing whose drawer they go into when doing laundry man.

No reason to knock people who write their names on their drawers.
Dont worry, your not alone there is a smorgasbord of idiots in this forum.
Feel free to join them.
Good selection on my ignore list

it’s funny that you have so many, I’ll be honest, if I’ve read ya, I don’t remember, you don’t really stick out, but I’m pretty sure nobody gives a flying fck who’s on your ignore list, but thanks for sharing.
And kids. My son loves his little American flag I got him for the 4th. Always wants to wave it out the car window.
Same mentality i spose...

That one will get me in trouble..haha.

American Politics, Line up as many flags as humanly possible and stand in front of them.