In Response to all the Naked Chick Avatars...

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Well-Known Member
I've always really wanted to put these on my tahoe, they even have a 6 spoke set.


Well-Known Member
well u dont like it when u see pussy, so u made a point about it right, so by putting a cock up on a MOSTLY male site, its going to fuck ppl off just as ur pissed off over pussy

Fuck you and your MOSTLY male site, that's your opinion. So all the weed I've smoked is male grown? I don't think so. If I wanted to look at naked women I would be on a porn site not a grow site.


Well-Known Member
cmon now go grow..that is a gross penis...mine is much better looking and its can use my cock anytime hun


Well-Known Member
wiki you shouldnt do this

What about me?

Inless you consider a trippy looking frog sexual to boobage.



Well-Known Member
Frankly, I don't understand the whole nekkid women avatar phenomenon. I operate on the assumption that your avatar is an extension of yourself. It's how you wish the forum to view you.

It's as if the nude women avatar members are saying 'Fuck me!' to the forum.


Frankly, I don't understand the whole nekkid women avatar phenomenon. I operate on the assumption that your avatar is an extension of yourself. It's how you wish the forum to view you.

It's as if the nude women avatar members are saying 'Fuck me!' to the forum.

look... johnny o has a dick avatar too:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I play alot of poker online. Every poker site ive ever played on has an option to "block avatar". wouldnt this be a simpler argument if they just added that option to the site? then you don't have to look at tits and puss and i dont have to look at cock. can we get somebody with some authority to look into that one?


Well-Known Member
wiki is old enough to post my penis when and wherever she pleases thank you very much....back of the babe...she has more class than any skool youve ever been to:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
wiki you shouldnt do this

What about me?

Inless you consider a trippy looking frog sexual to boobage.

Why shouldn't I do this? Why don't you support me? Don't you love ME Wh00p? Haven't I always been cool with you? Don't you care that this stuff bugs the females on this board?

I feel so heartbroken :cry:

I play alot of poker online. Every poker site ive ever played on has an option to "block avatar". wouldnt this be a simpler argument if they just added that option to the site? then you don't have to look at tits and puss and i dont have to look at cock. can we get somebody with some authority to look into that one?
But why should I have to do that? I LIKE most avatars. They're fucking FUNNY. I shouldn't have to sacrifice all avatars cuz some guys are inconsiderate pricks.

Sack pics, all the way. Hairy, shorn, it matters not. :twisted:
Got it. Thanks for the advice.

how old ru ? really wanna know
23. What does that have to do with anything? Seriously, I haven't been disrespectful to you, I'd appreciate it if you treated me with the same respect, thanks :grin:

wiki is old enough to post my penis when and wherever she pleases thank you very much....back of the babe...she has more class than any skool youve ever been to:blsmoke:
Thanks Honkey, good to know someone backs up up here :hug:


Well-Known Member
Why shouldn't I do this? Why don't you support me? Don't you love ME Wh00p? Haven't I always been cool with you? Don't you care that this stuff bugs the females on this board?

I feel so heartbroken :cry:

But why should I have to do that? I LIKE most avatars. They're fucking FUNNY. I shouldn't have to sacrifice all avatars cuz some guys are inconsiderate pricks.

Got it. Thanks for the advice.

23. What does that have to do with anything? Seriously, I haven't been disrespectful to you, I'd appreciate it if you treated me with the same respect, thanks :grin:

Thanks Honkey, good to know someone backs up up here :hug:
no you misunderstood. its an option so you can block only the avatars you dont want to look at.
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