In Response to all the Naked Chick Avatars...

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Well-Known Member
reported. my avatar prior was just mary kate and ashley with jizz on there face. that got banned. two clothed girls with fake jizz gets banned. and you can have a giant cock on display. talk about hypocrisy.


Well-Known Member
reported. my avatar prior was just mary kate and ashley with jizz on there face. that got banned. two clothed girls with fake jizz gets banned. and you can have a giant cock on display. talk about hypocrisy.
If my av goes, yours should go too :razz: As should ALL the naked chick avs. Otherwise it's just sexist and unfair.

I usually have a stoned kitten as my av, so I would not be missing anything :grin:


Well-Known Member
come on bro.... man to man, you gotta admit that is a double standard... have you not seen the straight up porn avatars??? at least she had the decency to put a mask on her cock, and some artwork around it....
That makes it justified on his end how?
He knew better and did it anyways; banned without question!
Sounds like two or more members knowingly cross the line and the staff is slacking off.
This will turn into a game of who can one up each other.


Well-Known Member
mate u really want me to pm you about the problem i have with you in this mood im in ? but more importantly can i ask you something wiki ? does seeing a naked girl really put u off this much ? why does it upset you so much i mean i love pussy and i hate cock but still seeing a cock while i'm trying to eat isnt going to put me off.... but i spose u girls r weird but in a good way, just different but good


Well-Known Member
get used to the rolli hypocrisy are in for a long road of disappointment if you think all members here are treated equally...catch the boat


Well-Known Member
That makes it justified on his end how?
He knew better and did it anyways; banned without question!
Sounds like two or more members knowingly cross the line and the staff is slacking off.
This will turn into a game of who can one up each other.
I'm a WOMAN, I'm doing this to make a point.

You telling me the guys with the naked chick avs don't know any better?


Even if they don't know it's against the RULES -- which they acknowledged reading and understanding before they were given membership -- they know damn well that it's rude, inconsiderate, and down right DISRESPECTFUL to the women on the board.


Well-Known Member
reported. my avatar prior was just mary kate and ashley with jizz on there face. that got banned. two clothed girls with fake jizz gets banned. and you can have a giant cock on display. talk about hypocrisy.
I dont see fake jizz in the penial weed avatar...
,I see relevant weed related art for a pot forum, and in your Avatar which I have seen b4 in another forum... there is no definitive way to see its fake jizz...there is no sign on their 4heads saying fake jizz below...
There is a vast comparison gap between the 2 avatars IMO...

To call it hypocrisy is like comparing someone getting in trouble for cultivating a personal crop to someone pushing crack to kiddies


That makes it justified on his end how?
He knew better and did it anyways; banned without question!
Sounds like two or more members knowingly cross the line and the staff is slacking off.
This will turn into a game of who can one up each other.

1) wikid is a she


Well-Known Member
mate u really want me to pm you about the problem i have with you in this mood im in ? but more importantly can i ask you something wiki ? does seeing a naked girl really put u off this much ? why does it upset you so much i mean i love pussy and i hate cock but still seeing a cock while i'm trying to eat isnt going to put me off.... but i spose u girls r weird but in a good way, just different but good
Really? You're ok with seeing porn at ANY time?

That's cool for you, I guess, but I must just be different.

Most of the time I don't care. But sometimes it's just especially disgusting, depends on my mood at the time, what I'm doing, if I'm EATING. Sorry, don't like to see tits and ass while I eat, not my cup of tea. You like to see cock and balls while you eat? That's cool for you.

What gets to me most is the fact that it's disrespectful. That's what bothers me most. Sorry if I finally got fed up after 7 months, but I guess we all have a breaking point :grin:


Well-Known Member
mate u really want me to pm you about the problem i have with you in this mood im in ? but more importantly can i ask you something wiki ? does seeing a naked girl really put u off this much ? why does it upset you so much i mean i love pussy and i hate cock but still seeing a cock while i'm trying to eat isnt going to put me off.... but i spose u girls r weird but in a good way, just different but good
go ahead brother...I could give two shits less what you thin of me homie. i am here to support my friend wikid....what you have to say to me has zero bearing on my life...I live in paradise...have a great career...have plenty of friends and great family...and I make a lot of money doin it at a little over seven years older than get over yourself and take a pill my really isnt that important..but if it is to you..then feel free to fill me in on how you feel about me...I may at least get a good laugh out of what you have to say.


Well-Known Member
1) wikid is a she
2) from what i understand, some of the staff was notified of her intentions BEFORE she did this....
The issue isn't if wikid is male or female.
Posting a cock shot isn't a debate about double standards.

what staff member signed off on this?
please do tell?


Well-Known Member
Wiki I think your impromptu attempt to show blatant sexual hypocrisy is working, I see a definite double standard...


Who agrees?


Well-Known Member
I personally give props to wicked for doing that. If everyone who is complaining doesnt like it - then dont look at it. Everyone is adults on this site and personally I just think its something new for everyone to bitch about... just sayin.
ForEVER we have to look at tits and ya I admit myself the womans body is a lot prettier than a mans...but the point is....who cares. Geez where are we at church? Its not like its a throbbin cock with jiz flowing out of it and its actually kinda funny...

I didnt see at first that she was trying to make a point... with that being said, I dont mind the naked women avatars but I was disgusted by the twins with the nut on their faces. That made me wanna puke. Tits dont bother me.


Well-Known Member
Wiki I think your impromptu attempt to show blatant sexual hypocrisy is working, I see a definite double standard...


Who agrees?
I have to say...i am all for my penis staying up...ha ha ha...sorry that was just too easy for me not to take advantage of
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