My first grow


Active Member
What strain are you guys currently growing or grown in the past that you would recommended and any seed banks you guys have had exceptional experience with? I am running White Widow and Zkitttlez both Feminized, from Nirvana seeds. They arrived fairly quick and so far a 9/10 germination.
Im running purple crash from Greenpoint seeds. Growing beautifully.
Came across a really good channel on YouTube! The individual actually contacted me on here asking a question about my login name. But I don't know about you guys, but before I even purchased a single item to grow I watched hours of YouTube videos and even picked up a few books on the topic. For me he just seemed to cover some topics that seems to be over looked by others, Which I found very helpful as a new grower! So if you guys want to check him out he is on YouTube GrowWeedEZ 420. Hope I am not violating any forum rules by giving him a shout out! I just found his videos pretty helpful!
Just topped 2 of them going to wait a few more days then top the other 2 that were a little behind on growth. Then I have the other 3 that were germinated a few days after the first ones!


got lucky with one of them! I was being very careful and had to make two cuts to top her! Well the results were that of Femming with 4 new stems coming up! two from side growth and the original stem has developed new growth splitting in to two more new tops!
I was looking for local seed banks here in MI and found a couple but holy sh*t are they expensive. Like $100 for 6.
I got a really good deal from Nirvana! they doubled my first order using crypto. So got 20 seeds, 10 Zkittlez and 10 White Widow Feminized for about $80! but look up Nirvana seed shop! pretty good prices and decently fast shipping!