Little jumpy pests in the runoff water


Active Member
I'm guessing fungus knat. They enjoy hanging out on the bottom of the pot. Looks like the runoff got him.

Mosquito dunk spray or dusting.

It's not a big deal at all. If you're going to grow weed the rest of your life. Get use to seeing them.
Thanks,i’m used to fungus gnats flying this are probably still to small to fly,they jump into the water.i’m only 2 and a half weeks from harvesting,i hope they wont grow in a big number in a 2 weeks timeframe?


Well-Known Member
Thanks,i’m used to fungus gnats flying this are probably still to small to fly,they jump into the water.i’m only 2 and a half weeks from harvesting,i hope they wont grow in a big number in a 2 weeks timeframe?
I've had an infestation for pretty much my entire grow. I'm in the last three weeks. I've used Azamax and mosquito dunk.

They keep coming back because it's impossible to get rid of them while maintaining pure and clean cannabis. There's always one egg you miss. Then its one adult and then a family.

Keep knocking them down to keep the population at the minimum. That's all you can really do.


Well-Known Member
They are black but they do jump...
These are springtails. Unfortunately @Beehive is mistaken.

fungus gnat life cycle.

adult flyer lays eggs - eggs hatch into clear small worm like larvae with BLACK heads. Then Pupate and change to winged gnats.

Springtails vary based on geographical location so it’s not uncommon to find different coloured springtails in different countries.

Springtails are detrivorous feeders (feeding on Decaying matter in your medium) when you have young plants I have seen them cause a problem but only when numbers are vast!


Well-Known Member
A simple solution is to have more wet/dry cycles.

ive Managed to eradicate springtails by using a combination of neem oil and dish soap (couple of drops) and root drench.


Well-Known Member
Springtails they won’t hurt the plant.

mosquito dunks will get rid of them if you want.
I bought a starter culture of springtails for my terrarium for $8, so consider you’d self $8 richer


Active Member
watered them again last night,didnt see anything this time,i know it doesn’t mean they are gone,i’m just hoping that they wont give any probs,2 more weeks to harvest


Well-Known Member
I had these little shits in hydro, made me cringe as they had really settled in and got comfy, I didnt like them at all. I saw 2 distinct colours of them also, white and black ones. I felt like they were hurting my girls ( 3 weeks into flower ).

Everytime my system filled ( Modular Flood n Drain system ) i would pull the inner pots out and see hoardes of them spill out from the pots into the water.

I had enough of them and did a Pyrethrum 5ec flush of the whole system ( not my brightest momment but it didnt actually do the plants any harm ). Then 3 days later, same again, 3 days later same again. Erradictaed the little bastards and managed to finish. Not had them since !


Well-Known Member
They look just like what i got,except i only find a few and you have a bunch.
Yea, I had this many in all 10 pots. This was over a year ago, I had to hop over to another forum to pull the pics.

Makes me cringe still mate. I wouldn't know what to tell you in your situation as I can't remember if your in coco or soil, but regardless, I've never graced either so wouldn't know how to proceed.


Active Member
Yea, I had this many in all 10 pots. This was over a year ago, I had to hop over to another forum to pull the pics.

Makes me cringe still mate. I wouldn't know what to tell you in your situation as I can't remember if your in coco or soil, but regardless, I've never graced either so wouldn't know how to proceed.
I’m in fox farm ocean forest soil...i’m only 2 weeks from harvest...we will see.thanks for you input


Well-Known Member
I’m in fox farm ocean forest soil...i’m only 2 weeks from harvest...we will see.thanks for you input

From what I read in other threads and sources, if you are in soil, I wouldn't worry too much. They only eat dead root matter, but I just dont like shit in my room that I didnt intend to be there. You could try some sort of soap ( i like Yucca Extract ) and need, or dry them out, they like moist conditions but it could be detrimental to the girls. Try to flush them out the pots if anything.

I would do some research on the benefits and negatives on them.

Wish you the best of luck mate.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Is it just me or is that two different critters?
The top photo has a distinct mite/tick shape the head and body are individual so to speak, the bottom photo are springtails, they've a more elongated body, their head is in line with the body?

They're best left alone they only eat dead and decaying matter and shit out fertilizer lol.

If you want to stop seeing them in tanks/reservoir/dwc use some wetting agent and they sink and drown, the wetting agent takes away the surface tension they depend on.
Lots of insects can trap a bubble with the hairs around them, wetting agents also fucks that up, it's not important with springtails but imo certainly for any real pest, a touch of soap/detergent works but wouldn't be my 1st choice.


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or is that two different critters?
The top photo has a distinct mite/tick shape the head and body are individual so to speak, the bottom photo are springtails, they've a more elongated body, their head is in line with the body?

They're best left alone they only eat dead and decaying matter and shit out fertilizer lol.

If you want to stop seeing them in tanks/reservoir/dwc use some wetting agent and they sink and drown, the wetting agent takes away the surface tension they depend on.
Lots of insects can trap a bubble with the hairs around them, wetting agents also fucks that up, it's not important with springtails but imo certainly for any real pest, a touch of soap/detergent works but wouldn't be my 1st choice.

I thought the same thing bro. So after some research i found out it was these little bastards. Black Springtails
black springtail.jpg

They didnt last long. The Pyrethrum 5ec has a wetting agent in also, so with the Yucca Extract from RAW Nutrients and the Pyrethrum 5ec, they got destroyed in a week and a few days, after that i was left with floaters wich i just flushed out in the bath and a shop vac. I thought i had aphids when i saw the little black fellas.

Black globular springtail - Sminthurinus atrapallidus.

They have never graced my Flood & Drain well over a year on, and nothing in my Wilma either.