5 gallon buckets


Well-Known Member
I tend to go with more soil/ perlite, 60/40 ( soil 45% worm castings 15% worm.castings, but that's just me, I'm going with living no till soil next run seen amazing results with 70/30 Coco and perlite, and then seen amazing results with soil, I would up that perlite depending on the grow media.


Well-Known Member
Rocks in the bottom of the container is usually to add weight. Keeps your plants from being blown over or tipping from a tall plant.

In the day, it was kinda used as drainage place. The rocks below the soil gives a place for the water to drain. Keeping the roots from being bathed in run off water. Later being wicked back up by the soil on a pot with no drain holes. Like a decorative ceramic pot of sorts. Organic type grow where run off isn't needed. Like a cactus or other plants that need moisture but not so much they get a run off.


Thank you all for your response. My garden soil has been messed up. I decided to try buckets with miracle grow this year. Last year I planted late, was my first time growing; and had bad soil in the garden, but I did grow some awesome flowers and small buds thanks to Epson salt. Gonna try buckets this year... learn as you go I guess. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your response. My garden soil has been messed up. I decided to try buckets with miracle grow this year. Last year I planted late, was my first time growing; and had bad soil in the garden, but I did grow some awesome flowers and small buds thanks to Epson salt. Gonna try buckets this year... learn as you go I guess. Thanks again.
Miracle Gro Organic. Right? Because Miracle Gro is loaded with nutrients we don’t want early.