An over simplification, and yes he was complicit.
Neo-cons, CIA and Mossad are among the culprits.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em? And be the change that you want to see in the world.
Next on the establishment agenda is to target us as 'domestic terrorist,' eliminate freedom of speech and censure all opposing viewpoints.
The intelligence agencies are the terrorists.
Back to Bodhi:
Check out these freebies of Dream Axis flowering in the Caribbean. We currently have less than 12 hours of daylight. We are gaining approximately 1 minute of daylight each day. It is interesting for me to see how the plants respond, because according to
Clarke in
Marijuana Botany, cannabis responds to increasing daylength with rapid vegetative growth. Yet, they have been induced to flower. I am curious to know where the tipping point is. Maybe somewhere between 13 and 14 hours of light? I have been cautiously observing them to see if they show indications of slowing down or reversing, and it does appear to me that they continue to fatten up. I am using a passive tea made with banana peels, goat manure, and bat guano, in water, to boost them up.
I plan to share some more recent photos tomorrow.