Had to scrog 14 days into flower(Plants to tall)


Well-Known Member
I’m growing three plants and they keep stretching so I bought a net to support the buds when they get big and I tucked the tall stems under the net. It seemd to work fine and nothing snapped I don’t think.

i have a huge sunsystem lec that takes up a lot of room in the tent, I orderer Some zip ties to give me maybe 4 more inches or so.

heres some pictures of it under the net

Heres before I tucked


Well-Known Member
Once nothings snapped you'll be grand, even folded branches will usually bounce back. Give it a couple days and all your tops will be pointing up towards the light


Well-Known Member
Once nothings snapped you'll be grand, even folded branches will usually bounce back. Give it a couple days and all your tops will be pointing up towards the light
alright that’s good , yea everything Seemed like it could still be bent pretty easily .
But that’s how I’ll know it’s successful? If they start pointing at the lights again ?


Well-Known Member
alright that’s good , yea everything Seemed like it could still be bent pretty easily .
But that’s how I’ll know it’s successful? If they start pointing at the lights again ?
I'd be pretty sure it'll be successful, i scrog a lot of my grows and they can take a fair bit of abuse


Well-Known Member
Hell yea that’s true ; last grow I had some auto flowers that I had to super crop I think because same thing happened.

i just didint want to lose yield because my main stalk was already stacking or something


Well-Known Member
If anything it'll increase your yield by giving ya more top sites. Usually yad start training in veg but I'd say your good. Scrogs are magic IMO


Well-Known Member
Yea that’s what I’m hoping will happen with mine lol what did you yield with that?
Can't remember exactly think I pulled around 9oz in an 80x80cm. My personal record is 11. 5 oz outta there with a scrog. Could prob push it further with hydro but I love organic soil grown weed lol


Well-Known Member
Well I just thought checked in them and it looks like they immediately sprung toward the light and now it looks like an official scrog.

I did some weaving because they were still pliable , it definitely save me a little. I’m going to try and get some zip ties and raise the light up the ammount of space the light ratchets took up