Pandemic 2020

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I'm taking quotes on having some work done in my backyard. One fellow that came by yesterday wasn't wearing a mask. He's an anti-vaxxer. He and his family have already had Covid-19.

We talked about it after we had gone out back and I had shown him what I wanted done. I'm keeping about 10 feet away, wearing a mask.

He's not going to get the vaccine because he doesn't trust it. OK. Fine. Doesn't mean I can't do business with him.

But you can bet it does mean I'm not inviting him into my house for dinner.

If you're going to be in people's face, handling their food? Yeah. Get vaccinated or find yourself a job you don't have to be near people.
I would also add, can’t she and her partner wait a few months before trying to have kids?

Unless there’s something I haven’t considered, I’m with the management on this one.
I’m sure thats part of it but it’s happening all over the world. Interesting.
We just dropped our numbers in half. But we shut down everything and you could only buy essential items in the stores. Not a perfect isolation but had the right effect. Might just be coincidence it happened when we shut down for a month.

We just dropped our numbers in half. But we shut down everything and you could only buy essential items in the stores. Not a perfect isolation but had the right effect. Might just be coincidence it happened when we shut down for a month.

Im sure it’s a combination of things. What’s happening in India is particularly interesting.

Im sure it’s a combination of things. What’s happening in India is particularly interesting.

In first for the world, Britain OKs challenge trial exposing volunteers to COVID-19
Britain became the first country in the world on Wednesday to give the go-ahead for human challenge trials in which volunteers will be deliberately exposed to COVID-19 to advance research into the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

The trial, due to start within a month, will see up to 90 healthy volunteers aged between 18 and 30 exposed to the smallest amount of the virus needed to cause infection, scientists behind the plans told reporters at a news briefing.

Volunteers will be screened for possible health risks before being allowed to take part, and kept in quarantine for close monitoring by medical staff for at least 14 days in a specialist unit at London's Royal Free Hospital.

I think I will wait for the shot.
US life expectancy dropped a full year in first half of 2020, according to CDC

US life expectancy dropped a full year in first half of 2020, according to CDC

Some OD's and suicides in the new numbers, but it was mostly covid. And blacks had been making gains for the last 10 years.
US life expectancy dropped a full year in first half of 2020, according to CDC

The Trump effect.
“ We’re going to win so much, you’ll be sick and tired of winning.”
Sick to death of winning, imagine 25% of the worlds covid deaths and 4% of population in the richest most prepared country on earth! He still only got 4% less votes than Biden, Jesus, reality makes no difference to these people at all.
Sick to death of winning, imagine 25% of the worlds covid deaths and 4% of population in the richest most prepared country on earth! He still only got 4% less votes than Biden, Jesus, reality makes no difference to these people at all.
It's scary to think that if Mr Trumpf had just pretended to care about the dead and dying just a little bit, he would have won in a landslide. We are lucky he is as bad as he is.
It's scary to think that if Mr Trumpf had just pretended to care about the dead and dying just a little bit, he would have won in a landslide. We are lucky he is as bad as he is.
If he had a brain he'd be dangerous, he was bad enough without one, I'm just glad he didn't nuke anybody, though I'm sure he tried. If he just let the experts handle covid and went golfing he'd be unbeatable, inspite of it all, if the American infection rate was inline with other peer countries. America was lucky he was so fucking stupid and such an utter asshole, the next one will be smarter though.
Pfizer says vaccine can be stored in normal freezers
The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine does not need to be stored in expensive deep freezers that have posed challenges to the vaccination campaign, the company announced Friday.

Pfizer submitted data to the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) showing the vaccine is stable when stored between -13 degrees and 5 degrees Fahrenheit, temperatures commonly found in pharmaceutical freezers and refrigerators.

The company is asking the FDA to update its authorization of the vaccine to allow for vials to be stored at these temperatures for a total of two weeks as an alternative or complement to colder freezers.

That should help.
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