What has Trump done to this country?

thoughts and prayers for those fools who don't believe in the hoax.

that's our closest "big" town. the city council wants to disregard all of Polis' rules and open everything back up.
i deleted my statement becuse it was toxic and aimed to offend you i appolgise i just get caught up in it the next thing you are about to read are my real views :wall::bigjoint:

had to come and edit something else just to clear up any misunderstandings i just like poking at people but i just want to say i was in poverty till trump came along

No worries. Was it a Trump program that hooked you up?

now by helping big buissnes it helps the ecomny alot of rich people started from the bottem poor people have no right in asking for money and taxing them more
I think about how all those people who are earning money off of the hard work of others doing the work they were hired to do. And that the better prepared (school/access to training) someone is the easier it is for those high income earners to maintain their standard of living and beyond. All those roads that are being used by big business to move their products, the more reliable that our infrastructure is, the better it all is, the more the wealthiest in our nation benefit too.

We need 100% of our population to have access to what they need as kids to achieve as much success in life as they can, and as a nation there is no reason to not think of this as a investment in all of our futures.

alot of the 1 percent earend it any one can become rich just saying
No question you are right.

What do you define rich as though. 1 percent is still 3.3 million people. That is a lot of people and I don't imagine there are that many 'rich' people. I don't know, it is hard to really know what 'rich' actually means to rich people.

and this is comeing from someone who works 9 dollars a hour and still makes nothing every thing i make gose to my buissnes food and bills
So you would benefit from a $15 minimum wage right or are you starting your own business (if so best of luck).

I am not sure about what Trump did to get you out of poverty though, it seems like you are pulling yourself out of it.

and i must admit you got to me a little thats why i added this section in im not left or right the whole thing is corrupt so i just smoke weed with people who hate me and by the end of the smoke sesh they like me for who i am i genuily mean it when i say i value and love you there just to much hate we all just need to smoke together and get to know one another because thats what this country stands for freedom justice and love one another mother fucker all of you are my brothers and sisters i dont care what or who you are as a person is lets just smoke weed and people who dont want to do that well fuckem because we have each other peace and love brother peace and love :peace:

and i must admit you got to me a little thats why i added this section in im not left or right
I try to not care too much about the left/right thing. That is too manipulatable. And has been shown to be exactly how the trolling attack works.

I look at it as only one party in our country is legislating for 100% of our nation and it is not the Republicans.

They have stuck to their Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda of stopping all progress and using manipulation of the masses since the 80's to do that.

There is too much competition on the Democratic side for people to screw up and expect to keep their political power.

the whole thing is corrupt
I have known too many good people in my life to believe this is the case everywhere. I do agree that there is always corruption, but that is because people suck when they think they can get away with something. But now-a-days people are getting exposed far more frequently.

so i just smoke weed with people who hate me and by the end of the smoke sesh they like me for who i am i genuily mean it when i say i value and love you there just to much hate we all just need to smoke together and get to know one another because thats what this country stands for freedom justice and love one another mother fucker all of you are my brothers and sisters i dont care what or who you are as a person is lets just smoke weed and people who dont want to do that well fuckem because we have each other peace and love brother peace and love :peace:
avoiding taxes is not bad hell if i was rich i be learning how not to pay tax most rich people know how to avoid taxes its called staying rich they a really good example is that most rich people like donald, jeff bazo,the apple guy whos name i cant remember they donate to charities they own the moneys goes to them and they get a tax rebate its called working the system you have to step on the little guy to get rich do you think the rich companies who make lgbt blm and antifa merchandise actually care about those groups no they just manipulate them into to buying that stuff its called capatlisum i dont support any group left or right we should just all unite a country i love this country red white and blue all the way arguing on the internet just makes the rich richer
Did you just say not paying taxes is a good thing? Maybe if the 1% payed their taxes you would had access to a better education.
dude im trying to learn markitn
Did you just say not paying taxes is a good thing? Maybe if the 1% payed their taxes you would had access to a better education.

No worries. Was it a Trump program that hooked you up?

I think about how all those people who are earning money off of the hard work of others doing the work they were hired to do. And that the better prepared (school/access to training) someone is the easier it is for those high income earners to maintain their standard of living and beyond. All those roads that are being used by big business to move their products, the more reliable that our infrastructure is, the better it all is, the more the wealthiest in our nation benefit too.

We need 100% of our population to have access to what they need as kids to achieve as much success in life as they can, and as a nation there is no reason to not think of this as a investment in all of our futures.

No question you are right.

What do you define rich as though. 1 percent is still 3.3 million people. That is a lot of people and I don't imagine there are that many 'rich' people. I don't know, it is hard to really know what 'rich' actually means to rich people.

So you would benefit from a $15 minimum wage right or are you starting your own business (if so best of luck).

I am not sure about what Trump did to get you out of poverty though, it seems like you are pulling yourself out of it.

I try to not care too much about the left/right thing. That is too manipulatable. And has been shown to be exactly how the trolling attack works.

I look at it as only one party in our country is legislating for 100% of our nation and it is not the Republicans.

They have stuck to their Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda of stopping all progress and using manipulation of the masses since the 80's to do that.

There is too much competition on the Democratic side for people to screw up and expect to keep their political power.

I have known too many good people in my life to believe this is the case everywhere. I do agree that there is always corruption, but that is because people suck when they think they can get away with something. But now-a-days people are getting exposed far more frequently.

hey if you work hard enough and play risky you have the chance becoming your bosses boss you may one day become "the man" every ones hates the one who makes the money. smoke weed and make money or make money by smoking weed im a big beilver in capatlisam any one can make it solicam is where a fry cook make as much money as a 5 star chef or call it "eqauilty" the point is we need poor we need middlle common folk as well as the rich you start poor and work your way up to the top you must tho form your own thoughts and think twords your goal but most people give up after just 5 years they one a quick reward responce a quick rush of dopeamean its not easy to make it to the top you cant hold on to all your friends you will have to wallk on the big guy like he did when where the little guy fuck im stoned mate:eyesmoke: hey

No worries. Was it a Trump program that hooked you up?

I think about how all those people who are earning money off of the hard work of others doing the work they were hired to do. And that the better prepared (school/access to training) someone is the easier it is for those high income earners to maintain their standard of living and beyond. All those roads that are being used by big business to move their products, the more reliable that our infrastructure is, the better it all is, the more the wealthiest in our nation benefit too.

We need 100% of our population to have access to what they need as kids to achieve as much success in life as they can, and as a nation there is no reason to not think of this as a investment in all of our futures.

No question you are right.

What do you define rich as though. 1 percent is still 3.3 million people. That is a lot of people and I don't imagine there are that many 'rich' people. I don't know, it is hard to really know what 'rich' actually means to rich people.

So you would benefit from a $15 minimum wage right or are you starting your own business (if so best of luck).

I am not sure about what Trump did to get you out of poverty though, it seems like you are pulling yourself out of it.

I try to not care too much about the left/right thing. That is too manipulatable. And has been shown to be exactly how the trolling attack works.

I look at it as only one party in our country is legislating for 100% of our nation and it is not the Republicans.

They have stuck to their Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda of stopping all progress and using manipulation of the masses since the 80's to do that.

There is too much competition on the Democratic side for people to screw up and expect to keep their political power.

I have known too many good people in my life to believe this is the case everywhere. I do agree that there is always corruption, but that is because people suck when they think they can get away with something. But now-a-days people are getting exposed far more frequently.

no 15 dollar minnum wage would not help because of inflation like whats going on with gas right now but i digress say i work a 9 dollar minimum wage i get off work i buy a coke for a 1.72 then next month the minimum wage to 15 well now im getting off work buy a coke but now its 3.76 and alot of products will go up and the worth of our dollar decreases
dude im trying to learn markitn

hey if you work hard enough and play risky you have the chance becoming your bosses boss you may one day become "the man" every ones hates the one who makes the money. smoke weed and make money or make money by smoking weed im a big beilver in capatlisam any one can make it solicam is where a fry cook make as much money as a 5 star chef or call it "eqauilty" the point is we need poor we need middlle common folk as well as the rich you start poor and work your way up to the top you must tho form your own thoughts and think twords your goal but most people give up after just 5 years they one a quick reward responce a quick rush of dopeamean its not easy to make it to the top you cant hold on to all your friends you will have to wallk on the big guy like he did when where the little guy fuck im stoned mate:eyesmoke: hey
There is no reason that the children of all those different economically classed people you are talking about, should not have the same access to everything they need to be as successful as possible in life.

Right now we are still dealing with the systemically racist infrastructure that has kept much of our minority communities out of the same level of success for generations. This needs to be fixed so our nation can operate at 100% efficiency. Instead of the about what 36% or so that we have been until far too recently.

no 15 dollar minnum wage would not help because of inflation like whats going on with gas right now but i digress say i work a 9 dollar minimum wage i get off work i buy a coke for a 1.72 then next month the minimum wage to 15 well now im getting off work buy a coke but now its 3.76 and alot of products will go up and the worth of our dollar decreases
I think you are just guessing. Unless you do the math to see how much more you would earn vs how much increasing prices would impact you ability to buy what you need, you don't know. But those increasing prices in gas (which is still below the $4 I remember paying a while back).

If i would have known about all the doosh baggs with the Blues (Democrats) were on here crying I would have never joined this org. Shame on you ROLLITUP for allowing this bullsh*t.
By 'crying' do you mean winning the house 2x, the senate, and the presidency during the last 2 years? Or do you mean not being ok with a bunch of cultists who have been getting brainwashed for the last handful of decades by Right wing hate radio/TV and more recently online 'storming the capital' in a equally lame (at least to who they were doing it for) attempt at a coup? Or just not being cool with all the lies and propaganda that the Republicans have been relying on to keep their cultists faithful getting hijacked by foreign militaries?

This site isnt for politics you Moorons!
Because you said so?
Joe is so clean they have to pick on his dog! :lol: They should rename Newsmax to MoronTV.
Right-Wing Newsmax Host Greg Kelly Went After Biden's Dog
Why did Newsmax's Greg Kelly decide to go after the Bidens' dog? MSNBC's Brian Williams takes a look.
Joe is so clean they have to pick on his dog! :lol: They should rename Newsmax to MoronTV.
Right-Wing Newsmax Host Greg Kelly Went After Biden's Dog
Why did Newsmax's Greg Kelly decide to go after the Bidens' dog? MSNBC's Brian Williams takes a look.
Wasn’t the dog rescued?
