How often should I be watering? These girls are thirsty...


Active Member
Plants in flower day 10 in 5 gal fabric pots. FFOF soil with 25% extra perlite added in. I have been watering every other day, but a couple plants are looking like they are wanting water everyday. Is it normal to have to water them everyday in flower? How often do YOU water?


Well-Known Member
I water anywhere between 1-4 days depending on weight of pot.
1 gal of ph'd water/ feed and I am using 3 gal cloth pots with FFHF soil and roots organics terp tea grow/bloom.


Well-Known Member
Plants in flower day 10 in 5 gal fabric pots. FFOF soil with 25% extra perlite added in. I have been watering every other day, but a couple plants are looking like they are wanting water everyday. Is it normal to have to water them everyday in flower? How often do YOU water?
They are going through explosive growth known as the stretch period..lasts typically 10 days to 3 weeks...they will drink more.


Well-Known Member

How much are you watering them each time? Do you water until runoff?

I water 7 gallon fabric pots every 3 days, 2 gallons per plant. I get a bit of runoff.



Active Member

How much are you watering them each time? Do you water until runoff?

I water 7 gallon fabric pots every 3 days, 2 gallons per plant. I get a bit of runoff.

Was watering 1 gal, upped it to 1.25 the last couple times. Always some runoff.