Obama wins , terrorist win, usa loses


New Member
It dont matter who you supported then...its over now. Obama is now our new elect and it is our JOB and DUTY as Americans to support him.
Whether you like it or not were all still americans..
now let him do what he says he will, wait to see if we see the change.

You can decide after he has a chance to botch it if the people made a good choice or not...

But no matter what that ends up being we will have to see just remember if the results are good or bad...

You can hate your government and you can hate the people running it, even despise it altogether,
but always love your country and wish for the best for it no matter how you voted in the past.
Praying for or predicting doom helps no american right or left.

I would give your comment more weight if you could state for the record you gave the same deference to our last President.....:neutral:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I wish there was a hunting season for gays and gang bangers.

And when i said my neighborhood, i was talking farm neighbors where we target shoot in our fields. So we dont go to jail when we fire 1 in the air, and we pretty much know where it comes down. We take care with our firearms. IF I would have fired a second shot, the punk holding the gun would have never heard it. And dont think my hand wasnt ON my pistol the whole time. A great thing about revolvers is they dont jam up on ya. The Black Talon ammunition would do its job. Center Mass always.

NOW, Im going to take this one step further and ill try not to be vulgar.
How sick is it to "toss a salad"(wiggle a tongue in someones anus) ?????
How sick is it to suck the feces from someones penis ??????

Do you consider this Normal ? I don't. I really don't want these people serving me my dinner in a restaurant or preparing my food. i don't want them working on me in dentists or doctors offices. I dont want them touching my groceries at the market. I dont want them working the plant that bottles my water, if i ever buy water, lol. I dont want them TEACHING MY CHILDREN !!! And i dont care to see they're "love" in public. And thats my right! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Rights are an illusion. You don't really have any. You think your free? You operate within the system & what the system says is what goes. Not you & not me - the system.


Well-Known Member
AND to not have to my children exposed to those kind of low morals.:finger: If gays would keep it where it belongs, in private, then there wouldnt be a problem.
If this planet was full of gays, the human race would DIE, i guess thats normal, huh ? Oh, how would it ever get full of gays? they they might reproduce in cups. Guess that was part of Gods plan too according to all you liberal idiots:finger:
Hey buddy, check this out. Don't worry, you don't have to read it all, the first paragraph should suffice.

Is Homophobia Associated With Homosexual Arousal?

Now go stand in the corner and compose a letter to Dan Savage.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
the bit in the bible about gays is in the old testament. the old testament was made irrelevant by the new testament. if you met jesus he would rebuke you (not to mention the little turd trying to steal your toolbox). you are a sponge for right wing propaganda. you are the minority.


Well-Known Member
NOW, Im going to take this one step further and ill try not to be vulgar.
How sick is it to "toss a salad"(wiggle a tongue in someones anus) ?????
How sick is it to suck the feces from someones penis ??????

Do you consider this Normal ? I don't. I really don't want these people serving me my dinner in a restaurant or preparing my food. i don't want them working on me in dentists or doctors offices. I dont want them touching my groceries at the market. I dont want them working the plant that bottles my water, if i ever buy water, lol. I dont want them TEACHING MY CHILDREN !!! And i dont care to see they're "love" in public. And thats my right! :bigjoint:

Do you find yourself thinking these kind of thoughts a lot?

Maybe you should read this: http://www.theonion.com/content/opinion/why_do_all_these_homosexuals


Well-Known Member
maybe you should check it out. im really not turned on by that sort of thing. Now, your mama in cowboy boots,mmmmmmmm(lol, i know, im a sick puppie). It literally makes me ill to my stomach to think about playing with dung. When you work around horses all your life, you learn that dung is a bad thing to eat and play with. Its only good for crops, not for tasting. If you dont believe me, go to your local farm and check it out for yourself.


Well-Known Member
You've got to feel sorry for someone who just can't such thoughts out of their minds.
It's a bit of a Jacob's ladder situation. He sees homosexuals as devils, but when he realizes the truth, he'll know them as angels, liberating him from hate and sexual insufficiency.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
maybe you should check it out. im really not turned on by that sort of thing. Now, your mama in cowboy boots,mmmmmmmm(lol, i know, im a sick puppie). It literally makes me ill to my stomach to think about playing with dung. When you work around horses all your life, you learn that dung is a bad thing to eat and play with. Its only good for crops, not for tasting. If you dont believe me, go to your local farm and check it out for yourself.
Hey buddy. Thanks for the Mama thing, i welcome any opportunity to build her self esteem, i'll be sure to pass it on, although i won't mention you're gay. It's not that she minds homosexuals, it's just well.. she's intelligent, and she knows repressed people have a propensity to be cruel. Another wee ditty for you.....

I'm a man who loves women, i guess that makes me straight,
But i'd rather munch man-ass than be defined by the hate
that would arise from my proclivities being denied
and look back from my deathbed and know my life had been lies.
There are people on these forums who are intelligent......and gay, there are people in every city and town who are beautiful......and gay. You know what, i feel a duty to let these people take a day off from responding to closeted racist arseholes. Get a boyfriend for fuck's sake.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
When you work around horses all your life, you learn that dung is a bad thing to eat and play with. Its only good for crops, not for tasting. If you dont believe me, go to your local farm and check it out for yourself.
ok, I'll ask......why did you eat horse shit?
and was that before or after you played with it?:lol:

You live in the state with the biggest gay pop, you're a self proclaimed shit eater who rolls around in it, while yelling anti gay slogans with a bible in hand.
another closet republican? I'm shocked;-)
The neoconservative man-hole party is one member stronger :lol:


Well-Known Member
To CrackerJax...Alternative? I guessing that you mean - what's the alternative to the system? If so then the answer would be simple...don't participate in the system. This can be pretty difficult when you step back & realize the stronghold the system has on the way most people live their life. If not then could you elaborate on what you meant. I look forward to your response.


New Member
To CrackerJax...Alternative? I guessing that you mean - what's the alternative to the system? If so then the answer would be simple...don't participate in the system. This can be pretty difficult when you step back & realize the stronghold the system has on the way most people live their life. If not then could you elaborate on what you meant. I look forward to your response.

So the system is taken down ala Mad Max, apathy, or whatevah, (wee), so what happens next? I await your response :mrgreen:.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
halzey68.....smoke some more reefer before u get urself killed wit ur .38.....some lil homie really is gonna cap u eventually.....but it doesnt have to be like that....i got guns too nigga but i'm chillin....noone gets out of line where i'm at cuz we lock up our tools! ppl lik u are fair game haha


Well-Known Member
People learn how to take care of theirselves. We shouldn't need to have government involved in all these aspects of our life & frankly the only reason we do is because we asked for it - we let it happen. I desire to live in a civilized world which is pretty far off from our current society in my opinion. There's no need to take the system down...it will collapse on itself if we didn't support it. I'm a dreamer - what can I say.


New Member
A civilized world with no society..... people taking care of themselves .. ok .. ur signal is growing faint .. I'm losing you.

By the way that place does exist, it's called Alaska. Check it out.....

out. :blsmoke: