312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.


Well-Known Member
awww but atleast u are still going more time to stack money poor guy i heard u can smoke to take the pain away lol
I had mine out not too long ago...like 3 months ago actually...
The pain was a bitch, looped out on vicoden...
I suggest making some brownies or something delicious...
They say no smoking or drinking through a straw, because inhaling will dislodge to bloodclot...
Just make undercooked brownies or cookies and eat it with ice cream :) underbaked chocolate chip with vanilla and choclate syrup...dayum ive got the munchies LOL


Well-Known Member
I vegged for 3 weeks with CFL's, then the 150w HPS came in, vegged for a week with that, then put on 12/12. You can switch to 12/12 anytime you want, my smallest plant was a test to see if it would grow from 12/12 and it has and has flowered as well. The only other reason I switched to 12/12 after 4 weeks is because 1 of my plants showed female pistils under 24/0 light.

Well...I'm at 3 weeks, and 3 days in vegg. under CFL's, and only about 3 of those days are under the 150 watt HPS.

I plan on changing to a 400 watt MH this weekend, so i think i'll vegg for two more weeks under that, then flower?

I heard about doing a 48 hour dark period, is that before going 12/12 or before the harvest?
You can veg for as long as you want, the question is do you want to pay the electricity on the 400w MH for the next two weeks? CFL's worked fine for my vegging, and I only vegged 4 weeks. But feel free to veg as long as you want, when I switched flowering I just started turning the lights to 12/12, no dark period.


Well-Known Member
You can veg for as long as you want, the question is do you want to pay the electricity on the 400w MH for the next two weeks? CFL's worked fine for my vegging, and I only vegged 4 weeks. But feel free to veg as long as you want, when I switched flowering I just started turning the lights to 12/12, no dark period.
Cool man, thanks! How tall were they before you flowered them? mine are only about five inches tall.


Well-Known Member
Well I decided to name the girls today, front left is Jesus, back left is Bertha, Back Right is Dark Horse, and front right is Newbie. And btw, these girls really have started to stank.



Well-Known Member
Well I decided to name the girls today, front left is Jesus, back left is Bertha, Back Right is Dark Horse, and front right is Newbie. And btw, these girls really have started to stank.
Haha... that's jokes... I need to name my plant too lol.. fuck.

They're all looking great though man... include the flowering date with the pics... otherwise annoyin people like me will ask every time :P

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
shit man i know its not meant to be sog, im just saying its what it ended up being. a beautiful sea of green great work man


Well-Known Member
I had mine out not too long ago...like 3 months ago actually...
The pain was a bitch, looped out on vicoden...
I suggest making some brownies or something delicious...
They say no smoking or drinking through a straw, because inhaling will dislodge to bloodclot...
Just make undercooked brownies or cookies and eat it with ice cream :) underbaked chocolate chip with vanilla and choclate syrup...dayum ive got the munchies LOL
yes u really do dude lol! but i think i need mines out soon yay bring on the ice crem and canna-syrup


Well-Known Member
In responce to your illegal grow up we are recording you I.p addres and will locate you

hahah sorry man i just saw your first post in this thread and you where to paranoid to join let alone start a grow journal

sick grow man ! cfl king


Well-Known Member
In responce to your illegal grow up we are recording you I.p addres and will locate you

hahah sorry man i just saw your first post in this thread and you where to paranoid to join let alone start a grow journal

sick grow man ! cfl king
They didn't really hurt to get taken out, I'm doing fine surprisingly. And once again thanks for the support.