They might yield more if you try to sync up a photo period plant and grow them for the exact same amount of time...but I doubt it. Here's the thing, this thread is only looking at production, not quality. I'm 100% certain you could find a photo period plant that will outproduce any auto if production is your only concern, because with a photoperiod plant you aren't hampering yourself by having to breed it with Siberian ditch weed. My only issue with autos is you are taking a strain with pristine genetics that people worked very hard on over the years and are dumping a steaming pile of genetic poopy on it. CBD plants are the same....Oh hey guys, lets breed this wonderful drug cannabis with hemp, what a great idea!! NO SIR, that is NOT a great idea. If you want CBD, grow hemp, don't pollute the gene pool. We already have a big enough problem with landraces either disappearing in their native ranges or with the local people interbreeding them with hybrid garbage, we don't need to take it a step further and ruin the gene pool even more.