Autos have the potential to be bigger yeilders than photos.

Have you noticed how many just massive budding plants are autos? Just scroll mephheads for a few minutes and every other plant looks like it's got footballs on it.

And it's not just them tons of autos seem to produce just massive buds.

My theory is it's the extra light. They are getting more photosynthesis throughout the flowering process than photos.

Id bet autos will become even more relevant in the future as they are dialed in more and more.
And yes you have won the top prize, welcome to your reward.........
I think what's missing from this thread is that autos are much more difficult to reach the same consistency you get with photos. Once you've got phenos you like and a mother plant, you can do some wild stuff with photoperiods. You just can't get that same level of consistency growing every plant from seed, and that will affect every aspect of your grow from quality to quantity.
These days many people are growing auto's that don't flower on their own. That's going to be the breeders fault and their genetics but it does happen. For some reason many are going straight to auto's. It's as if some think auto means the plant is easier to grow. It's not. Then there are the growers with six inch auto's that have already started flowering asking what they can do to make them bigger. Between crap edited increasing questionable genetics and inexperienced growers I don't think auto's are the best initial path for new growers unless they're outside in short season climates.

You can flower a photo when you want and harvest just as soon as most auto's and in many cases sooner with larger yields of better quality.

I'll be growing some auto's outdoors this summer not because I think they'll yield more or the quality is better but because I should be able to harvest in August rather than risking an early cold fall and dealing with the potential for budrot. Most of it will be given away and I'll keep my better quality photo stash for myself.
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This just in...

Keystone Light has the potential to be the best beer in the world.
And yet another commercial or craft debate.

It is all a matter of personal taste. Will never be the same for any. And my opinion is vastly different than most. I am accustom to the familiarity of distaste.
Just get her to put on the alien mask again. Maybe the restricted vision will make it so she can't see how big they're getting. Lol!
She trapped herself in the back of my grow browsing the buds. I will be neat and orderly in my grow this year. No major covid scares or plastic hot house surprises. Was fun even with the insanity I was dealt.
We’re looking at you too , you anal seltzer drinkers .

What in the holy fuck is a sparkling seltzer ? I mean who in fuck wants “ any “ fucking “ alcoholic “ drink with Sparkling in its name ?

Hey , bro throw me a coors hard mango ...