Problems? Looking droopy.


Well-Known Member
My GG4 Auto. 28 days from sprout today. Still short (8") and compact. She looks a bit off. Soil is damp. I wait until it is dry to water. PH6.0 to 6.5
24" from top of plant to 1000W full spectrum LED. (non dimmable) I can not raise my light any higher. 82 degree temp. 33% humidity. No extra nutrients. Miracle grow potting soil that feeds for 6 mos.

Any insight as to what may be wrong is appreciated.
It just drains into the plate under the pot. It's about 1/2" above plate, so it's not sitting in water.
I am running 24 hr lighting since it's an auto. Temp runs between 79 and 82.
Does it look salvageable?
Thank you all for the replies.
I'll change it to 20/4 immediately.
Yes, letting it totally dry out. Watering maybe Twice a week. Haven't really paid attention to how often. I put the meter in and when it says dry, I water.
I'll see about raising PH. Don't have any PH up ATM.

Thank you.
Try 20/4 or something until you get it looking better. Maybe give it a little rest.

Are you letting dry out between waterings? How often are you watering?

Soil watering/feedings should be 6.8-7.0 not sure why you’re ph’ing so low
It needs a rest 100%
I had plants that were looking like this. I flipped them and they looked WAY better over night.
Ah, OK. The pic is about an hour after watering. I turned the lights out. Hopefully it straightens out. It's been 10 years since I grew, and this is my first auto.
I got scared when the first reply to my post was "ouch".
Thank you Wattzzup!
Another thing you could try is putting it in a window for a few hours a day of that's an option in addition to a few dark hours every night.
Ah, OK. The pic is about an hour after watering. I turned the lights out. Hopefully it straightens out. It's been 10 years since I grew, and this is my first auto.
I got scared when the first reply to my post was "ouch".
Thank you Wattzzup!
If you had posted you just watered people could have taken that into account. Anyway future reference don’t water before lights out. No big deal this time it’s only 4 hours but gnats love that shit. Give it a few hours after lights on and it should look better. It could also be getting close to depleting your soils nutrients so feeding time may be near.