Crazy times


Well-Known Member
Daaaamn crazy how the whole market crashed at least in BC not 100% how its out east. Pretty much 80% of my customers are going back to work lol

Noticing legal dispensaries can now put up billboards with words Cannabis in them? Wasn't there suppose to be a lock down on how you could advertise publicly?

Shroom market collapsed too lol. A few guys lost their shirts when it was $1400/LB for shroom and now it's ike $400
Daaaamn crazy how the whole market crashed at least in BC not 100% how its out east. Pretty much 80% of my customers are going back to work lol

Noticing legal dispensaries can now put up billboards with words Cannabis in them? Wasn't there suppose to be a lock down on how you could advertise publicly?

Shroom market collapsed too lol. A few guys lost their shirts when it was $1400/LB for shroom and now it's ike $400
Sounds like things going according to plan.

"you" means you though, you doesn't mean us, silly.
Daaaamn crazy how the whole market crashed at least in BC not 100% how its out east. Pretty much 80% of my customers are going back to work lol

Noticing legal dispensaries can now put up billboards with words Cannabis in them? Wasn't there suppose to be a lock down on how you could advertise publicly?

Shroom market collapsed too lol. A few guys lost their shirts when it was $1400/LB for shroom and now it's ike $400
The market is super terrible here in SK too. Not sure if it's because people can just go to dispensaries now or if it's a flooding issue and too many grow licenses but yeah weed is worthless out here. Even top notch stuff.

Good for buyers I suppose but pretty tough for growers to make a living now. Especially indoor growers.
Same deal here in southern Ont. Brutal market. Hard to believe it's because of all these new schwagg stores. I'm sure a lot of them are getting a trickle of business. Hey it's easy and people like to "shop"
I think a lot of dedicated cannabis users are trying their hand at growing themselves. Some will give up and some won't. Therefore less customers overall.
Weed has very little value right now is an understatement.
Something that really pisses me off about legalization is it has just about destroyed a culture. A culture that I have lived for quite some time. The cannabis culture was full of cool people who were like minded. We loved weed and we hated the man for controlling it.
This new culture of cannabis has me sickened a lot. Stupid commercials on TV for cooking with driving stoned....don't let the kids eat edibles......blah blah blah.
It used to be only those in the know ....knew. Now we have all these new founders yapping like teenage girls.
Cool is gone !
Daaaamn crazy how the whole market crashed at least in BC not 100% how its out east. Pretty much 80% of my customers are going back to work lol

Noticing legal dispensaries can now put up billboards with words Cannabis in them? Wasn't there suppose to be a lock down on how you could advertise publicly?

Shroom market collapsed too lol. A few guys lost their shirts when it was $1400/LB for shroom and now it's ike $400
A lot of BC growers lived off the backs of Ontarian's for TOO long imo. We've got plenty of weed here. There is still some thinking here that if it's not BC bud it's no good. DUH !
BC was over growing itself and now that gravy train is derailing. I personally don't feel it for BC...sorry. But keep your weed where it BC.
Maybe we should flood their market from
Same deal here in southern Ont. Brutal market. Hard to believe it's because of all these new schwagg stores. I'm sure a lot of them are getting a trickle of business. Hey it's easy and people like to "shop"
I think a lot of dedicated cannabis users are trying their hand at growing themselves. Some will give up and some won't. Therefore less customers overall.
Weed has very little value right now is an understatement.

Hard to say, personally I don't know anyone who goes to legal dispensaries and either get it from friends, local paper boy or online dispensaries. Also most people I know worked in entertainment as DJ's, promoters, in bars etc. so their lively hoods are gone so buying weed of probably the last thing on their minds as most have to find jobs in totally different industries.

Its a bit weird as after the first lock down the market was wild and for first time in 10 years or so weed from BC was going over the BC border crossings and they were paying good and sucking up everything.

About two months ago it completely stopped. I'm told its still going but the US buyers are low balling hard so I'm guessing its created a big stockpilup for mid grade weed which has forced the price down.

Personal growers might have made a difference but its still no where near how many 1-4 lighters growers there were before 2009 before the power consumption inspections killed those growers in BC.

My main gripe is there is no way for the average grower to transition to legal weed with out requiring millions to get in and no guarantee. Fuck I go anywhere in BC buy an acre of land and start farming with minimal cost.

Shatter is down to $5 per gram here. I'm hearing of one group producing huge amounts and flooding the market. Same thing happened to oil and hash. Certain group(s) used their size to jump in on it and 6 months later market is saturated and prices took a dump. They made their money after the initial runs then gave no fucks after it all crashed.
Ive seen more used equipment for sale in the last few months than ever before. Most are from smaller setups like 4-10 lights. Most of it is old school equipment, mag ballasts, bat wings, etc. So I cant think those ones are growing quads and getting 2 plus per light. On the flip side I follow a few guys on instagram that setup shows and they are busy as ever setting up new 20+ lighters non stop. And I highly doubt any are going to be micros. It also wouldn't surprise me if the Legal LP's are trying to dump their unsellable shit out the back door as they are sitting on record amounts of bud that they cant get rid of in the legal market. I don't see most regular smokers going to the legal shwag stores so I would say its just a matter of supply and demand as it always is, massive amount of supply and the demand is the same or decreasing.
Ive seen more used equipment for sale in the last few months than ever before. Most are from smaller setups like 4-10 lights. Most of it is old school equipment, mag ballasts, bat wings, etc. So I cant think those ones are growing quads and getting 2 plus per light. On the flip side I follow a few guys on instagram that setup shows and they are busy as ever setting up new 20+ lighters non stop. And I highly doubt any are going to be micros. It also wouldn't surprise me if the Legal LP's are trying to dump their unsellable shit out the back door as they are sitting on record amounts of bud that they cant get rid of in the legal market. I don't see most regular smokers going to the legal shwag stores so I would say its just a matter of supply and demand as it always is, massive amount of supply and the demand is the same or decreasing.
I heard they were selling out the back door from several sources. Of course they are, who's watching these weasels now? Not the migrant workers they hire. Dirty place......dirty business. Ton upon tons of unsaleable floor sweepings sold in small jars for large dollars. Nuked and stale too.
BOYCOTT all government weed !
I heard they were selling out the back door from several sources. Of course they are, who's watching these weasels now? Not the migrant workers they hire. Dirty place......dirty business. Ton upon tons of unsaleable floor sweepings sold in small jars for large dollars. Nuked and stale too.
BOYCOTT all government weed !
I heard the legal schwag gives you testicular cancer cause of all the poisons. Grow your own or buy from trusted grey-market sources.
I heard the legal schwag gives you testicular cancer cause of all the poisons. Grow your own or buy from trusted grey-market sources.
There must be something bad about. Cuz if I was within 200 meters of one of those disgusting legal stores I throw up my stomach contents...........happily.
At which point I'm sure the staff would run out with a spoons. If not the gulls will eat it.
Before i grew my own black market weed was 250 an oz....200 with someone you knew. I bought 1 to 2 a month for a really long time.

Now I grow my own and i will never buy anything from anyone again. Not the BM and not the OCS...fuck them both.

You know what is funny...that hacking coughing.....sometimes chest pain shit from my dealers weed seemed to vanish.. Sucks for the BM...and its not saving me any money but man i like to keep a bake on.

Everyone should grow their own. I mean where you can and stuff. But it so easy to do a small tent to even supplement your weed stash...and have some fun.

the hydro shops are slaying it, seed merchants...stuff like that. Crazy times indeed.
the hydro shops are slaying it, seed merchants...stuff like that. Crazy times indeed.

90% of hydro shops are not slaying it, most are probably way less sales then before legalization, there will be exceptions depending on the area the store is located. Seed shop, probably doing much better. What's funny is there were WAY more 1-4 light growers before 2009 ish at least in BC than there are right now. The amount of people who had 1-2 lights was insane back in the day. 1 light and every 10 weeks you had two mortgage payments. Now you might see more outdoors. It was crazy how people people use to grow 1 light in condos/apartments and how many of my customers were on Overgrow in early 2000's

In BC before 2009/8 ish (the time hydro usage inspections came in) most hydro stores were pulling in $200-400K per month in sales with about 35-40% profit margin, they are no where near that now.

As for buying weed from growers I only buy from ones that I know how they grow and most of the time they don't have super killer looking weed that's been sprayed with pesticides and fed PGR's Cycocel and Bonzai being the most used PGR's
Getting wild here, if the borders don't open up gonna be some interesting times. LOL the gov thought the legalization would make billions in Canada when In reality COVID and border shut down has showed that the Canadian market for weed is no where near as big and now supply with legal and gray market need exports.
Getting wild here, if the borders don't open up gonna be some interesting times. LOL the gov thought the legalization would make billions in Canada when In reality COVID and border shut down has showed that the Canadian market for weed is no where near as big and now supply with legal and gray market need exports.
I haven't really bothered to see how the LP's are doing since our resident freak left. I do know they keep opening stores left and right here in Ontario. I hope they allow so many that they eat themselves alive.
A buddy told me Stratford here has 5 stores alone. And Stratford isn't that big of a town really. Absolute greed at it best.
I do know they will NEVER see a penny of my money EVER!!!!
5 stores in one small town is ridiculous. Once we see them closing these rat hole stores we'll know things aren't going well.
Of course they'll oversaturate thinking we are gonna come running to the floor sweepings. NOT !!!
Imo it's only a matter of a few years and we will fail their system.
You can buy decent ounces here for $80 bucks and less. Those stores don't stand a chance.
The pigs here seem to be ramped up swatting BM guys like flies if they can. But they just resurface....hahahaha
Fuck Trudy groper and his greed plan.
Haven't see $80 oz but $100 is common now. Some of the stuff being flogged for $600/lb here is pretty nice. Also funny now BC gov owned stores are breaking their own rules and opening by schools lol.

The problem the stores have is you're selling low profit margin products as small amounts. you'll need huge daily traffic to make profit. Most of the pleces here are in high visibility retail locations so can't see their lease not being 7-10K per month. Add in two employees $5K before taxes, your own salary say $5K before taxes and not including any partners so you need $20K min per month. With 100 customers per day buying 2 grams and say $2 profit per gram average would be $4 profit per customer so $400 profit per day or $12K per month. So you'd need 200+ customer buying more than 2 grams per day and you probably just spend $200-400K to set this up lol. I know someone who set one up and I think it cost her around $300K to get it set up, this could be with stock included. Add in 2,3,5+ more stores per city and you're fighting for legal scraps.
Haven't see $80 oz but $100 is common now. Some of the stuff being flogged for $600/lb here is pretty nice. Also funny now BC gov owned stores are breaking their own rules and opening by schools lol.

The problem the stores have is you're selling low profit margin products as small amounts. you'll need huge daily traffic to make profit. Most of the pleces here are in high visibility retail locations so can't see their lease not being 7-10K per month. Add in two employees $5K before taxes, your own salary say $5K before taxes and not including any partners so you need $20K min per month. With 100 customers per day buying 2 grams and say $2 profit per gram average would be $4 profit per customer so $400 profit per day or $12K per month. So you'd need 200+ customer buying more than 2 grams per day and you probably just spend $200-400K to set this up lol. I know someone who set one up and I think it cost her around $300K to get it set up, this could be with stock included. Add in 2,3,5+ more stores per city and you're fighting for legal scraps.
Yes $80 is easy to get in this town. Some of it looks pretty decent from a far???
Your right on in your assessment of the scenario of opening a sweepings store. Actually you were quite conservative in your numbers imo. I bet the luster has worn off in these places that have been open 6 month or more. All the excitement of thinking " oh boy we're gonna sell weed " in our store must have schrunk like a pair of balls in ice water. Then you open the store and it seems great at first. Until everyone (customers) realizes that it's the same shit the other places sell. Just in a new building. Like going to LCBO here. One store is the same as the next. Not too exciting. I wonder how many of these fools come to realize that they are paying more at the store than buddy use to be.
Yes Aqua they will all be fighting each other for the slice of the pie. Perfect....hahaha Consuming themselves as they go.'s SO EASY.